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Chest burster parasites to propagate Kerbal species on other planets?

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Sometimes we find ourselves on a distant planet and we're lacking a desired class of Kerbal. It would be great if we could infest a host species native to the planet with a chest burster parasite that ultimately develops into the required class. Hunting the requisite hosts without killing them would be a great game mechanic that complements the existing science and resource collection game mechanics. Don't answer straight away; sleep on it!

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Double you Tee Eff? If I understand you right, then to infect aliens, we need those aliens first. And AFAIK aliens are on the KSP do-not-suggest list. And it also sounds like some kinda war/murdering those aliens, and AFAIK War is also on the do-not-suggest list.

Edited by TheDestroyer111
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The goo is the precambrian xemomorph life as seen in Prometheus, you'll have to be satisfied with that. Drink some if you like and see what happens.

Edited by vger
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22 hours ago, TheDestroyer111 said:

Double you Tee Eff? If I understand you right, then to infect aliens, we need those aliens first. And AFAIK aliens are on the KSP do-not-suggest list. And it also sounds like some kinda war/murdering those aliens, and AFAIK War is also on the do-not-suggest list.



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38 minutes ago, Alshain said:

There are sub-forums here that are good for joke threads.. this really isn't one of them.  People are making serious suggestions here and filling the forum with a bunch of joke threads just displaces those from the front page.

Well said. Closing this one.

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