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XboxOne Version - Max x4 timewarp from Inflight/map & Seems like theres a Memleak?

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I've played this game alot, and been a supporter of this title since early "kickstarter" times on steam. Luv the PC Version, & was sooo much awaiting the Xbox one Version too be released!




1st time trying it out, i was like ohh  ok, a little low settings on the GFX then im used too on my PC. But ok, lets try it...

Not long after i started to learn the Controls, and shortcuts. Ok, Controls need some finetuning and need to be edited if needed. & who the F%¤ desided too put LB/RB on map mode to "Change target view", when LB/RB is used as a shift button for everything! (no Kerbal would have made a binding like that) :P

Ok, so GFX i doubt will be made better. The Controls i hope will be patched.

But... Why is it that one can only do x4 timewarp in Flight/Map-mode?  I know one can go too trackingstation and speed it up, but even when doing 1/4 an orbit, it can take you 10 mins in x4.  Going into trackingstation lets you speed it up, but then you loose vital info on where in Your orbit you need to do changes.


Travling too the moon, i need 4-5 visits too the trackingstartion, just too be able to speed up too x50/x100/x1000. Now, for the game too be even playeble for newcommers, this i a fix that need to ba taken care of.

I get it, that if in flight, doing more then x10 can love the system/spaceship, but why not atleast make it possible to doo x500 in mapmode!?


Then atlast. Memory Leak? or what it is. After playing this game for over 1 hour, the Whole game slows Down, moving the pointer, espesialy over items in buildmode (when info on items pop up), seems like getting that info up on screen takes too much CPU Power :P, but only after the game has been running for a while.

Also, "panning" the researchscreen, laggs like hell....  

Inflight fps goes Down too somethins that look/feels like 10fps or lower.


Now, quit the game, restart/reload save, and its all fine! atleast for a little while!         


This last problem hurts the most, cuz what, does the consoles really suck that much? They cant even run a unmodded KSP on minimal GFX?


Ohh this'll be f'ed up when they start With mods   :( 


I wont give up tho, Really hope this will be fixed. 

Luv the game!  Best ever game on PC! Nuff said!


Also, this is prolly a M$ related problem, but his is the only title bought, that Family Sharing doesnt work on, On Xbox.






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I don't get memory leak issues, I've played sessions for over 2hrs and not had an issue, the only time the game slows down for me is when trying to select a target in map mode (which it won't do), the game crawls to a halt almost.

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i've never had any problems With ec. Targeting the muun, tho i havent targeted much else... yet. But might be that it was a quite massive rocket i made, With several stages, that created alot of debries.

But deleting/removing them from Trackingstation, didnt solve the problem With low fps dropps.

Only after restarting the game, it seemed better.

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There is a controller combo for it.  I watched a guy on twitch, he was using only 4x.   Told him there was another mode available.  With some fiddling he found the buttons and was able to switch it to regular (5, 10, 50, 100 etc) timewarp.  

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Yeah, tested the other Warp mode now, it Works as long as Your in x1 mode, then you can actually With the pointer Warp 1/10/50/100 ++  inflight & Mapmode =D Thanks for the tip :) this will save alot of loading times.

I couldnt make it work With button combo tho. Also, one needs too be carefull, since you haveto use pointer too stop the Warp also. cant be done With buttoncombo, since it seems like theres 2 "types" of Warp.


Again Thanks lots for this tip :)

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It's been said, but I found out the warp function by accident. Was going to set up a maneuver node and saw the "warp to" button and got there pretty fast.

For the lag issue, I've only encountered expected lag (Massively overbuilt rockets), and then the unexpected lag. The "unexpected lag" I encountered was after building multiple vehicles and only the VAB lagged, even when empty. Moving the cursor was slow and jumpy. Force close and reload fixed it for a while. Also, don't minimize the game and open anything else (game clip editor, game DVR, YouTube) then try to bring KSP back up. Cause game to remain laggy as can be until force close and reload. Other than that, I guess I've been lucky to dodge problems.

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The memory leak problem is so frustrating. After some minutes playing the whole game starts to slow down to around 10 fps. When I quicksave/quickreload it gets better for some time, but then it gets bad again. =|

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