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Online Games like Pokemon Go and Sense of Reality

Green Baron

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So, i read that pokemon gamers padded in a minefield in bosnia, others into military installations. In a german city (don't remember which one) it is planned to build red led-strips into the pavement at pedestrian crossings cause people have been badly injured shuffling on the road without even looking up. And it's true, when i go into town here everyone is looking at the "smartphone", couples walking side by side, 5 year old girls and boys. It's a ghostly sight. Ok, i hear you thinking "Oh, you've noticed" without looking up from the screen.

What is so interesting there on these things that people give away their health ?


Edit: errr, just saw that a thread on pokemon already exists, so if mods feel urged to merge no problem for me ...


Edited by Green Baron
Subject exists ?
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Yes, that IS an actual road sign. It is not photoshopped.

Around the Dutch city Nijmegen the 100th edition of the "Four Days Marches" is currently being held. It hosts almost 50.000 participants and these signs have been placed on many locations in order to keep marchers and hunters apart.

Anybody, both young but most of all old, participating in traffic while staring at a cellphone (usually wearing headphones) has lost all connection with reality. I will not intentionally run them over but I won't feel pity for people getting hurt this way.

Edited by Tex_NL
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Pokemon [players] will continue to screw things up.


Those of us who have played Ingress (look it up, an the pokestops/gyms are from our portals to boot) have done so for FOUR YEARS without being noticed at museums, parks, other landmarks, etc.

We have not walked off cliffs, gotten robbed, gotten stuck in a tree, hit police cars while playing (all listed, documented occurrences of pokemorons).

We too, have no remorse for those pokemorons who get in the way, it's basicaly Darwinism, remove them from the gene pool and everyone benefits! :)

Edited by Vanamonde
Can't we all just get along?
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It's not only with Pokémon Go.

People are being careless in traffic/public places all the time for various "reasons".
When I'm participating in traffic, I not only have to look out for myself, but also for others that don't.
I can't even keep count of how many times I've had to ring my bell to stop someone from hurting themselves and me.

I like Pokémon Go for the good things it instills (social, physical), but some people become so intensely preoccupied that they loose all sense of...well...sense.

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And last night in Tampa someone got tasered for playing in a park that had closed hours earlier, and then resisted the cops when they tried to get him to leave.

I believe this is the first incident of Pokeman-Taser I've heard of....  :0.0:


Edited by Just Jim
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Somebody went to a pay phone during hurricane katrina trying to figure out microsoft's ilovebees ARG. Stupidity and passion has, and always can, make something completely harmless into a meat grinder.

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1 hour ago, LordFerret said:

Forest Gump coined it - stupid is as stupid does.

Yup. I have seen people walk right into light poles, slip off stairs, and other things leading to harm playing this dumb game... P. T. Barnum said it best..."there's a sucker born every minute..."

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On 22. Juli 2016 at 4:19 PM, RW-1 said:

Pokemon [players] will continue to screw things up.


Those of us who have played Ingress (look it up, an the pokestops/gyms are from our portals to boot) have done so for FOUR YEARS without being noticed at museums, parks, other landmarks, etc.

We have not walked off cliffs, gotten robbed, gotten stuck in a tree, hit police cars while playing (all listed, documented occurrences of pokemorons).

We too, have no remorse for those pokemorons who get in the way, it's basicaly Darwinism, remove them from the gene pool and everyone benefits! :)

That is some grade A Elitism, but you play KSP too so you must be smarter than everyone else :rolleyes:.

You haven't been noticed by the media because nobody knows what Ingress is. Pokemon on the other hand is an already known Public phenomenon which i am sure many more people play, and the media therefore has found an interest in reporting the many "tragedies" it has caused.   

Just look at these http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/news/life-is-a-living-nightmare-without-him-online-gamer-died-on-nighttime-mission-at-poolbeg-lighthouse-34709182.html


So basically the same things have happened with Ingress. The Problem here is the Media which blows everything out of proportion as always.

Edited by Canopus
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