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Possible to connect to more then one part at the time?

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Im quite frustrated when i try to build space planes.

Is is possible in some ways for items to attatch to more then one iten when you place them out?



eatch wing line sort of speak dont connect along the plane, hope you understand what i mean!


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Are you asking if parts can have more than one connection point? If so, each part only has one 'sticky' spot that you have to place in contact with an existing part in order for it to be part of the vehicle. (Except for struts, which have a sticky spot at each end.) That part won\'t stick to anything else, though other things can stick to it. If you\'re trying to make those wings stronger by connecting the panels to each other better, one panel\'s short side will not stick to another\'s. Your only option is to put struts between them. (Was that helpful?)

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yeah kinda :) well i guessed that wasnt possible but it shuld be! >:( becouse then we can make objects like big good wings like in this case .. and get rid of the problem that its laggs ALOT when you have items inside of another!

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Dear god!

Struts are your only hope for keeping that monstrosity together long enough to get to the end of the runway. And you will need a LOT! good luck fling it!

My suggestion is to scrap this and start with a smaller and simpler design...

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