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My plane keeps rolling to the left

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Im playing on the xbkx one. My COM,COL,COT are all lined up perfectly. However, my plane keeps rolling to the left on the runway even before i start the engines. If i put wheels on, the plane just veers to the left and eventually crashes.Im using a very very similar design matt lowne uses on his long range ssto guide.Any solutions guys? I tried making the front gear higher than the rear ones, strutting the wings to improve stability. But it only improved the situation by a little.Any other solutions? Thanks in advance!

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Try using the rotate gizmo on "absolute" mode to make sure your landing gear point straight down.  Not sure what the control for this is on a console, though.

Also make sure you have symmetry on absolutely everything. A rogue strut can mess things up.

Finally, a small amount of drift is unavoidable, as the plane does not spawn perfectly assigned with the runway.  A small correction early on in the takeoff can usually counteract this.  But sounds like you're experiencing more than the baseline amount.

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When you create wheels in the SPH, the editor does not stick them on quite perfectly straight, initially. It seems likely that this is the source of your issue.

It is sometimes a good idea to go through and straighten all the pieces of your plane, in fact.

When you are in the SPH: if you select the "Rotate" gizmo, and then hit the "Absolute mode" toggle button -- this will allow you to straighten anything. But it's a little hard to see, sometimes. But what you need to do is go into that mode, grab a wheel, turn it so it's not straight, then turn it back to being straight again. Then click the "place" button. This will make it perfectly straight.


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This is a common question. The trick is to take the wheel friction control off auto. Then, you set the friction of the nosewheel to 0.1 and the friction of the main landing gear to 1.5 or anything higher than what it currently is set to. 

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