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The ULTIMATE Eve lander!

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So I have been trying to design a working Eve lander. Took me eight re-designs and this is what I came up with. At Eve sea level, it has about 4.6k m/s of dV. It has a starting TWR of about 1.29 and this rises rapidly durning flight. It has a lot of dry mass but this doesn't really take much away from the dV count. It has gotten into orbit around Eve with about 1000 m/s left from a 3000m high slope.

ULTIMATE Eve lander checklist:

  1. Can survive Re-entry: CHECK
  2. Can land without engine assistance: CHECK
  3. Can take off from sea level: CHECK
  4. Can get into orbit from sea level: CHECK
  5. Can get into orbit from 2000m+: CHECK
  6. Can get into orbit from 1000-2000m CHECK






Edited by Firemetal
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Ok I'm pretty sure it can make it to orbit from sea level. I almost got it into orbit. Ap of 112km and Pe of 84km. It was my lousy flying that made me just not get into orbit. I tried doing the gravity turn about a kilometer before I should have and it flipped.





Nose cone almost blew up here. :P



Just short!

Anyways enjoy!

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Thats really nice and usefull. But there is probably no way to get Jebediah Kerman back home. I recommend to put just a little docking port somewhere. That could help alot. I give this a 6.5/10 for now, usefull craft. But there is still no way to get the crew back, wich is a pretty big problem. I know fixing this is going to be hard, but it would be alot more usefull, and im also not saying you have to fix it, but im recommending you it. You well be rated better if you add a return mechanism. But for now, i would not use it yet.

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