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Drilling on Gilly

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I'm keen to learn from the experiences of anyone who might have attempted drilling on Gilly (moon of Eve).

My drill rig has 3 drills but they are not on an action group, so they have to be deployed consecutively.  I'm worried my rig will topple over?  My only Plan B right now is to keep the lander on the rig and use SAS and RCS to stay vertical and possibly provide some downforce...

Clues anyone, please?

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This is only an issue if your drills are placed very low so the thicker top part hits the ground, you would see this on launchpad too as drill will lift miner.
Even if so its probably not an problem, the drill moves slowly so SAS should compensate, at worst it jump a few meter up. 

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Moving to Gameplay Questions.

As magnemoe says, you should be fine. Gilly gravity is so low that if your ship has just about any reaction torque at all, SAS will be way stronger than gravity. "Toppling" simply isn't a thing on Gilly; even a ship lying down on its side can easily stand itself up with reaction torque.

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Thanks for two pieces of advice and one quote.  :)

I'll let you know how I get on.  My drill rig is normally deposited and then the lander lifts off.  But in this case, I'll try leaving it on with SAS engaged; get the drills down; and then detach the lander.  Thanks!

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