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XBONE - Max Part Count 300 in VAB?

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Hi guys,

I'll just start by saying I LOVE KSP, been playing since alpha and this morning I bought the xbone version and everything was going great until I realised that the max part count is apparently 300 parts in the VAB??

Is this correct? Is there anywhere I can find a list of other limitations added to the port? (like max number of flights in progress, max number of parts in play at once etc etc.)



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I haven't heard anything about a hard-coded part limit on Xbox.

Are you playing Career or Sandbox? If you are playing Career what level is your VAB upgraded to? The 3rd upgrade unlocks infinite parts on PC.

That said, 300 parts is pretty reasonable, most decent computers start to choke up around there anyways. The real question is whether you can make 2 different 300 part vessels and dock them.

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Sorry, I'm in Sandbox (so it seems to be hard coded).

I'd recommend buying this to anyone that has a potato for a PC and wants to play a more stable version of KSP.

I just tried flying something at 300 parts (298) and the frame rate dropped to 5-10 fps so that's probably why ha.

BUT that was in an atmosphere... And I was hitting mach 1 with my big lifter quite quickly with no load so... there are the aerodynamics calcs going on there too. It might perform better in a rendezvous/docking manoeuvre with 300+ parts, but is there a hard coded limit there too? I could try science it and come back with an answer.

In addition, looking at the rendering there doesn't appear to be any AA. A full list of graphics settings would be interesting to see too (texture resolutions etc.).

Controls: different, definite learning curve, but absolutely doable.

Edited by jaego3373
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There are no limits to craft in flight, it's just a 300 part limit in the VAB or SPH.

Though you'll reach the limits of the hardware...

Seems the Xbox doesn't support Unity's anti-aliasing yet, but the PS4 does.

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No AA support for unity 4 on xbone? Say it isn't so! D:

The reentry/aero-heating effects could do with a touch up too.

A shortcut for the map would be nice too (there may be one... I've been playing for like 3 hours so I'll keep looking).

And if you're going to use lights on your craft it should come with a seizure warning.

EDIT: Only 1 undo history in editor?

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Unity 5 actually, and I guess it'll come in later Unity versions.

Re-entry effects could use an overhaul, it's a Unity hair shader and it's pretty slow.

There is a map shortcut, hold LB and tap RB.

Lights are slow too, so there's a limit on the number that can render at one time.

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