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What is your biggest KSP success?


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Finding out that you use shift and control in order to control thrust.

Took me a while, but if it wasn't for that, I would never be where I am today.


Unless I went and became an SRB god but hey, if that happened I'd never be posting this.

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On 09/08/2016 at 7:18 PM, regex said:

Probably my third attempt at landing on Callisto.  Unfortunately I got a lot of phantom forces from landing gear clipping (I think...) and it had to be scrubbed before landing.  Here it is during the landing attempt with the "Fregat"-alike bus performing the initial braking burn.

There was a lot of orbital ballet involved, quite fun.

And a shot of the upper stage:

Once 1.2 hits and RO is updated I'll give it another go, I think.

Third attempt as in your third quickload or third spacecraft? And what's your navball mod?

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My biggest success was probably my first Duna landing. It was the first time I sent a kerbal interplanetary, and I got him back with less than 10 m/s to spare. I don't remember much else except for that the mission was direct. (one vehicle throughout the whole mission) Since then I've landed on evey other planet except for Tylo and Eve, but surprisingly I only went back to Duna once. I plan on doing a huge mission to Duna in hard mode and with UKS and USI LS.

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5 hours ago, String Witch said:

Third attempt as in your third quickload or third spacecraft?

Third spacecraft.  I finally made it with enough delta-V to land but, as I said, phantom forces.  I still count that as a win.

5 hours ago, String Witch said:

And what's your navball mod?

Texture Replacer + a custom image.

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Biggest success? That's a difficult question actually. I have quite a few things that I'm particularly pleased with, but the one that comes to mind right now is Hyperion (which I am currently having to redesign from scratch because I lost the save containing it). It's a single stage reusable crew transport module that is capable of landing on any celestial body with a solid surface (in the stock system as well as XPC, OPM, New Horizons, and in theory anywhere else) and getting back into orbit from almost anywhere (exceptions include Kerbin (which I am hoping to conquer with the new rebuild), Eve, Tylo (unless refuelled on surface or equipped with an additional stage for beginning descent), and several objects from New Horizons).

Why is this such an achievement? Well, because Hyperion, if transported with any suitable propulsion module, can serve as the core module for a surface base or orbital station, fulfilling almost any base or station contract that does not require a lab or ISRU (ISRU may be added in the new rebuild). And it only transports 24 kerbals to just about anywhere.

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first orbit, first docking, first mun landing, being the first on the forum to plant a flag on every planet and moon (had the ships on the way when the update came out), first orbit in RSS, first Moon landing, first return from Eve

in that order.

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On 14/08/2016 at 8:16 PM, regex said:

Third spacecraft.  I finally made it with enough delta-V to land but, as I said, phantom forces.  I still count that as a win.

Texture Replacer + a custom image.

Care to put that up somewhere I can get hold of it, or is it available elsewhere?

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On 8/9/2016 at 7:55 AM, String Witch said:

I'd like to do a grand tour with a ship like this, but it's a long way off for me; I'd prefer to explore the system more 'naturally' at first.



Clearly NASA/ESA doesn't have to deal with high part-counts slowing down their framerates...  :D

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55 minutes ago, String Witch said:

Care to put that up somewhere I can get hold of it, or is it available elsewhere?

I'd have to have it redrawn, it was a one-off from a friend and has been lost, sorry.  However, I do suggest perusing this old thread for others that might fit the bill.

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Landing a giant (4 large mk3 fuselages long) mothership on Moho. Then getting it back to orbit. Then sending a rescue mission. Then sending them to Eve (although that hasn't happened yet).

Or rescuing two kerbals stranded in solar orbit during my Eve fleet mission. (Don't ask, I accidentally jettisoned them)

Or maybe it was setting foot on laythe. Or landing a giant mothership not designed for landing from space.

Or, most likely, it will be something in the future. Something involving dramatic music, The Final Countdown, several large ships, Eve ascent (Or dare I say, Jool ascent?) lots of explosions, and an epic survival story. I can't wait for that day, and I hope that everyone has some sort of moment like that. :)


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My proudest accomplishment in KSP is creating the first stock fully reusable Eve mission:

Prior to that, I was pretty proud of my stock grand tour;

Although, since it was done in 0.24 before the areo-changes, its not all the impressive anymore. 

Edited by Stratzenblitz75
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Certainly my first (and so far only) Duna mission. While it wasn't perfect, it was the culmination of all of my skill. Two rescue missions, built on a space station, science spam, it had it all.


The orbiter and (what is left of the) lander module are still in Kerbin orbit, although the Kerbin Return Module has long since been recovered.


Amusingly, I accidentally preformed a rescue mission with the lander module, I meant to rendezvous with my space station, but accidentally intercepted a stranded Kerbal (for a contract). I flew the Kerbal into the cargo bay of the craft and sent it to my space station.

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In no particular order;

Flying a spacesplane SSTO that I built to orbit and landing it back down on the runway with nothing blown off, my WIP .90 remote tech network that has all of the kerbin system and most of the planets covered atleast 99% of the time, discovering that the J key removes a kerbals helmet when Eva on kerbin( and probably Laythe as well

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Hmmmm... I've put up quite a few stations and mining bases on or around multiple planets and moons... made some fun SSTO's... did silly things with asteroids... but as interesting as it was to build increasingly complex spacecraft, I still can't reach the same "high" I got when I first started playing.

Honestly the most fun I ever had with Kerbal and what I would consider the biggest success story was actually the result of a failure... rescuing Jeb and Bill after their Munar lander tipped over on landing and disassembled itself in the LZ. I launched a spacecraft I designed with no other purpose than to rescue my two stranded Kerbonauts, and it barely had enough fuel to pick them up and get them home safely. Sometimes I wish I could unlearn what I know so that I could relive a time when my biggest success was simply putting a couple of Kerbals on the Mun and getting them back safely.

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On 8/21/2016 at 3:21 PM, mrclucks said:

In no particular order;

Flying a spacesplane SSTO that I built to orbit and landing it back down on the runway with nothing blown off, my WIP .90 remote tech network that has all of the kerbin system and most of the planets covered atleast 99% of the time, discovering that the J key removes a kerbals helmet when Eva on kerbin( and probably Laythe as well

J key does what! You just made my day! 

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Finding the game and actually buying it (around v .18).  For me this is one of the few non 4x games that has consistently held my attention.  Yeah I'd like some improvements, but even as is, trying to improve on how I do things and finding new ways to do things keeps me going.  So really it's just playing the game and improving that leads to ever new "biggest" successes.

Edited by kBob
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On 8/23/2016 at 9:07 AM, W. Kerman said:

J key does what! You just made my day! 

Yea I was rescuing a kerbal and after I switched over to him I thought 'maybe translation RCS works on them' so I start mashing the buttons and I get a message saying (and I'm paraphrasing) you cannot take your helmet off in an atmosphere below .50 atm.  I get in the rescue craft, reenter, hop out once I'm on the ground, and proceed to mash the J key for about twenty minutes.  

Happy I brought some knowledge on the forums :D

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