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minimun tech tree nodes needed to get into orbit, with example craft specs?

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38 minutes ago, nascarlaser1 said:

Hi guys! I've started my first career, and I would like to know of the specifications needed for the most basic orbiter, along with what tech tree nodes are needed.




If you try hard enough, you can get into orbit at any tech level, but to address your question, once you have liquid fuel engines/tanks, orbital missions will become much easier. 

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techincally you can do it off the starting tech lol   when you the stack srb's, they will simply blow up the one below it.  its expensive and no need to do it, but it can be done lol

but as already stated by others, once you have liquid fueled rockets it becomes practical to get to orbit, and everyone has their own way they like to do it.

but i say dont try to worry about that to much and just go at your own pace.  lots of science to grab before you even have to. also think about upgrading your astronaut complex nice and early so you can do eva.  This will help you a ton,  you can build a sub orbital rocket with 4 science juniors, and remove the data from them so you can ditch it before re entry.  can do that with goo cans aswell lol

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37 minutes ago, Foxster said:

This is can easily make a 100km orbit and return the capsule to Kerbin in one piece with just the first tier (Basic Rocketry and Engineering 101) unlocked...


Holy Jeb (excuse my Latin) how heavy is that thing?? Also, I like that,so I am going to build it, but before I do, do I have to upgrade the VAD or launch pad for it to work? I have level 2 launch pad but level 1 VAD. Also, would adding radial decouplers (I have that node) make it easier, since it would ditch the solid rocket boosters, making lighter?

Edited by nascarlaser1
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Foxster's design is very similar to mine, but I forgo the solid boosters.


You can't actually make orbit on your very first launch using only fleas. You run into the 18t pad limit before you can generate enough DV. We tried :(

It's actually much easier to collect science from the pad/ runway, then unlock the science jr,, then repeat, and *then* go to orbit. That way you have better equipment to work with.

 Me *personally*... I prefer to do my low and high altitude science flights first. That unlocks the LV-909, which makes orbital flights easy.



Edited by GoSlash27
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6 minutes ago, GoSlash27 said:


 I believe it's still possible with RT-10s... but since you get the Reliant and tanks in the same node there's no point in it.




Yeah, but they used to be in the first node. I was hoping Fleas could still do it.


Also, those screenshots drive home how screwy the tank/engine progression is in early career. :(

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6 hours ago, GoSlash27 said:

 I believe it's still possible with RT-10s... but since you get the Reliant and tanks in the same node there's no point in it.

You actually get the Swivel first nowadays. They switched the tech tree positions, now the less useful engine comes a tier later... :P (Probably done to give earlier access to thrust vectoring, so early flights are easier to control by newcomers.)

This actually lets you build a comfortable SSTO rocket with 16x FL-T100, a swivel, a decoupler and a pod/parachute (similar to the one your screenshot shows) just from unlocking one single tech node.


Edited by Streetwind
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2 hours ago, Streetwind said:

They switched the tech tree positions, now the less useful engine comes a tier later...

I think Reliant nowadays considered as engine for liquid fueled side boosters.... If you'll think about it in this way - kinda makes sense

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3 hours ago, Loren Pechtel said:

That doesn't fly from unupgraded buildings, though.

Well... the one I posted works from 100% starting facilities. No goo or science Jr, though.
 I don't carry serious science to orbit until I have unlocked the Terrier.


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