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Space station names


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I get that you want suggestions, but the suggestions forum is for suggestions about KSP itself. That's okay though! It will probably get moved to the right area, but keep in mind where you post to next time. :)

Anyway, to answer your question, I recommend choosing a name that you actually know about. I know that a lot of people like to name their stuff after mythology and made up names and whatnot, but I prefer to have an understanding of what name I am choosing. I choose names from games I've played, TV shows or anime I've watched, etc. Whatever interests you, use it! That will make you more eager to visit it every now and then too. :wink:

My best station so far was called "Ranma Station". I'm calling my next one "Ran and Chen's SpacePlace".

Edited by MDZhB
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I have the perfect name that I always use for my own space station

name....:    KISS


I think it is brilliant, what do you guys think ?  ( kiss )    ;-)

Edited by Peder
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I like to name outposts beyond Kerbin orbit after various names for or places within hell, like Gehenna, Niflheim, Sheol, Tartarus. This tendency probably comes from Naev, where there's a station called Cerberus serving as the closest place to the centre of a dangerous nebula, which I often visited.

Also, players calling their their primary station in LKO the KSS, after the ISS, is a common convention.

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