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Spirit of St. Louis Solo Non-stop Transatlantic Flight (Coming soon)

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Spirit of St. Louis


As you can tell from the title, this challenge is about the first non-stop transatlantic flight. Your job is to replicate the Spirit of St. Louis and have it fly across the Kertlantic and land in Keurope (A pic is provided). Rules and submissions are below.

Badges currently in the works


1. No cheating (this means debug menu, HyperEdit) There may be some exceptions

2. No mods (KJR, any other autopilot mod, FireSpitter, KAX, and any other mod with propellers are allowed)

3. You must takeoff from KSC and fly straight east 090 degrees until you land in Keurope.

4. Required pictures: Takeoff, In-flight, and Landing

5. I must be able to recognize the craft, this means make it look as close as you can to the real thing.


How Submissions Will be Judged

Craft that are able to fly and land will be submitted and the craft that is most efficient and uses the least amount of fuel will win a badge. Any other submissions will be rewarded a Participation badge (which is similar to the winners badge - both coming soon)



Image result for spirit of st louis most famous picture








1. Martian Emigrant -  http://imgur.com/a/NVE6J

2. 4d4Garrison

3. The Optimist

4. NightshineRecorralis


Thanks for taking a look!

Edited by Munbro Kerman
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This challenge looks fun but is very hard to make a look alike of a prop driven plane without any mods such as KAX allowed. If this and/or a few other aircraft mods were allowed that would make it much more possible. Also making a way for people to beat others on the leaderboard would be nice, perhaps craft efficiency or weight. If you make some changes I would love to participate in the challenge.

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1 hour ago, Baybrawler said:

This challenge looks fun but is very hard to make a look alike of a prop driven plane without any mods such as KAX allowed. If this and/or a few other aircraft mods were allowed that would make it much more possible. Also making a way for people to beat others on the leaderboard would be nice, perhaps craft efficiency or weight. If you make some changes I would love to participate in the challenge.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing; jets too in my opinion would also make the challenge too easy, as you could just add the best jet engine in the game and fly the distance in 30 mins or less.

EDIT: Ok, so despite all that, I've built and now currently fine tuning my replica SoSL; nicknamed "Spirit of Kerb Louis". I'll post my challenge flight images as soon as construction is complete.

Edited by Talos
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Here is my take on it.



I have a few questions.

- When you say East do you mean East? because the Eastern Continent is closer by about 135°.

I did fly East (090°) and then landed at the Peninsula (Looks like Florida) due to night coming. And I never had actually tried landing before. The take-off was heavy and slow. Wasn't too sure how it would handle. Well it turns out. So I flew from Texas to Florida on my first trial flight.

I have the fuel to make the Continent on the same heading but will have to restart in the middle of the night to make landfall during the day.

- Is the ship good enough? I have a newer version with an enclosed cockpit but don't like it as much.

Edited by Martian Emigrant
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Here's my not valid try:





I used a mod for the prop, because i thought i would be a shame to do it with jets. Not for going on the leaderboard only for trying.

By the way i must also say that there isn't much meaning in having a leaderboard since no one can do it better than others. But nice one anyway.

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11 minutes ago, Flamingo said:

Here's my not valid try:

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I used a mod for the prop, because i thought i would be a shame to do it with jets. Not for going on the leaderboard only for trying.

By the way i must also say that there isn't much meaning in having a leaderboard since no one can do it better than others. But nice one anyway.

It's certainly possible to build a stock functional propeller, whether it provides all the thrust or just spins for looks.

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55 minutes ago, Flamingo said:

Here's my not valid try:

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I used a mod for the prop, because i thought i would be a shame to do it with jets. Not for going on the leaderboard only for trying.

By the way i must also say that there isn't much meaning in having a leaderboard since no one can do it better than others. But nice one anyway.

I like what you did to simulate the gear strut fairing.

I will imitate that in my next attempt.

I was at a total loss about that.



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2 hours ago, Martian Emigrant said:

I like what you did to simulate the gear strut fairing.

I will imitate that in my next attempt.

I was at a total loss about that.



Thank you:cool:

The "wheels" are, as you probably can see, made of radial attachment points, but there i a little landing gear hidden inside so it can take of and land again.

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27 minutes ago, Flamingo said:

Thank you:cool:

The "wheels" are, as you probably can see, made of radial attachment points, but there i a little landing gear hidden inside so it can take of and land again.

I had not seen that. Genius. Pure genius.

I had redone my ship. Now I will have to do it again.

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23 hours ago, Baybrawler said:

This challenge looks fun but is very hard to make a look alike of a prop driven plane without any mods such as KAX allowed. If this and/or a few other aircraft mods were allowed that would make it much more possible. Also making a way for people to beat others on the leaderboard would be nice, perhaps craft efficiency or weight. If you make some changes I would love to participate in the challenge.

Yes I do agree, I will add that as soon as possible. Sorry if this has been an inconvenience. A new way that you can win would be how efficient your craft is and how far/long it can stay in flight.


7 hours ago, Martian Emigrant said:

Here is my take on it.



I have a few questions.

- When you say East do you mean East? because the Eastern Continent is closer by about 135°.

I did fly East (090°) and then landed at the Peninsula (Looks like Florida) due to night coming. And I never had actually tried landing before. The take-off was heavy and slow. Wasn't too sure how it would handle. Well it turns out. So I flew from Texas to Florida on my first trial flight.

I have the fuel to make the Continent on the same heading but will have to restart in the middle of the night to make landfall during the day.

- Is the ship good enough? I have a newer version with an enclosed cockpit but don't like it as much.

 I like your design! When I mean east, I mean fly until you get to the peninsula and you land there, but I will be changing the rules in a bit, since they do not seem to be very clear. Yes, the ship is good enough, you are submitted into the challenge.


6 hours ago, Flamingo said:

Here's my not valid try:

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I used a mod for the prop, because i thought i would be a shame to do it with jets. Not for going on the leaderboard only for trying.

By the way i must also say that there isn't much meaning in having a leaderboard since no one can do it better than others. But nice one anyway.

No problem! It will be a valid try, since it is a bit difficult making a propeller. I will change the rules and add you to the submissions, if you want.

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Here is my entry. I strove for accuracy to the Spirit of St Louis and I think I accomplished it pretty effectively.

I only needed to turn on infinite fuel for about 5-7km of flight in order to make the journey. If I had flown straighter by using an autopilot and added another fuel tank in the tail section the math would have worked out. However as it took 2 hours of manual flying (its a pretty feeble plane so you have to be constantly nursing it into the air) I am not going to try again for a while now.


Spirit of St. Louis replica in KSP flight

Just flying away from the KSC.

Spirit of St. Louis replica in KSP flight


Flying over the Island in the kerbalantic.

Spirit of St. Louis replica in KSP flight

In the middle of the Kerbalantic.

Spirit of St. Louis replica in KSP flight

I landed, with barely any fuel left! I did have to turn on infinite fuel for a second at one bit because my replica was lacking about 5KM of delta V for the mission.

Spirit of St. Louis replica in KSP flight

Showing where I landed.

If I had planned the flight better (it took 2 hours of manual flying in KSP which was tough to say the least) I could've landed on the closer islands which would still represent the scale of Lindburgh's flight accurately.

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3 hours ago, 4d4Garrison said:

Here is my entry. I strove for accuracy to the Spirit of St Louis and I think I accomplished it pretty effectively.

I only needed to turn on infinite fuel for about 5-7km of flight in order to make the journey. If I had flown straighter by using an autopilot and added another fuel tank in the tail section the math would have worked out. However as it took 2 hours of manual flying (its a pretty feeble plane so you have to be constantly nursing it into the air) I am not going to try again for a while now.


Spirit of St. Louis replica in KSP flight

Just flying away from the KSC.

Spirit of St. Louis replica in KSP flight


Flying over the Island in the kerbalantic.

Spirit of St. Louis replica in KSP flight

In the middle of the Kerbalantic.

Spirit of St. Louis replica in KSP flight

I landed, with barely any fuel left! I did have to turn on infinite fuel for a second at one bit because my replica was lacking about 5KM of delta V for the mission.

Spirit of St. Louis replica in KSP flight

Showing where I landed.

If I had planned the flight better (it took 2 hours of manual flying in KSP which was tough to say the least) I could've landed on the closer islands which would still represent the scale of Lindburgh's flight accurately.

Added to submissions. You are an exception since you went on for accuracy, great job!

Edited by Munbro Kerman
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Here's my entry

Mods: FAR, Ven's Stock Revamp(All stock parts), A few visual mods.

On the tarmac


I went for accuracy


Lift off!


Little wobbly, but not enough to abort


Not a great view :P


Proof of the fuel location




Almost midway?


Course correction


Halfway there!


Nice little beauty shot


Wilkin doesn't look too happy


Land ho!






Nailed it!



Edited by NightshineRecorralis
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A gruelling 2 hours later, our brave pilot landed, causing minimal damage to the craft itself and marking a first for electric planes. No mods were used, other than Pilot Assistant, VOID, and EVE, which are not part adding or physics altering at all. The entire flight was powered by a single WR-4A stock reaction wheel motor, giving it unlimited range. About as close to the real thing as you can get to the real plane, which AFAIK does not have any jet engines on it.









The KSC distance indicator is in millions of meters, which in this situation works out to around 340 kilometers of flight.

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1 hour ago, The Optimist said:

A gruelling 2 hours later, our brave pilot landed, causing minimal damage to the craft itself and marking a first for electric planes. No mods were used, other than Pilot Assistant, VOID, and EVE, which are not part adding or physics altering at all. The entire flight was powered by a single WR-4A stock reaction wheel motor, giving it unlimited range. About as close to the real thing as you can get to the real plane, which AFAIK does not have any jet engines on it.









The KSC distance indicator is in millions of meters, which in this situation works out to around 340 kilometers of flight.

Added to submissions, nice work!

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9 hours ago, Munbro Kerman said:

Added to submissions, nice work!

Do I get extra points for using an actual stock propeller instead of jet engines? You can examine the craft file, if you like. Not a single rocket or jet to be found.


Edited by The Optimist
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2 hours ago, The Optimist said:

Do I get extra points for using an actual stock propeller instead of jet engines? You can examine the craft file, if you like. Not a single rocket or jet to be found.


Yes, you will get extra points

18 hours ago, NightshineRecorralis said:

Here's my entry

Mods: FAR, Ven's Stock Revamp(All stock parts), A few visual mods.

On the tarmac


I went for accuracy


Lift off!


Little wobbly, but not enough to abort


Not a great view :P


Proof of the fuel location




Almost midway?


Course correction


Halfway there!


Nice little beauty shot


Wilkin doesn't look too happy


Land ho!






Nailed it!



Awesome Job! Added.

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