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Anyone know any mods that add stockalike centrifuges?


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Does anyone here know any mods that add circular centrifuges that are either 2.5 or 3.75m in size (not including the actual ring part)? I have recently taken to building huge interplanetary crafts, but they never seem complete without a good 'ol hoola hoop spinning around them. I already have darkside technologies, but the centrifuge that mod adds is a bit funky and looks out of place on most of my crafts.


Something like the below would be perfect, but after much looking I couldn't find the mod it was from or anything close in the right size.


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There are few I've used and one I am looking forward to SSTU

The trouble with most of them is that they are too small to be realistically useful to humans. From what I understand, a ring would need to at least around 50m in diameter to provide artificial gravity equivalent to Earth/Kerbin. The only thing I've seen that looks close is from Lack's SXT download



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Thanks to both of you, I'll try them both fairly soon and use whichever one fits better :)

Also, does anyone know if Porkjet has abandoned the mod with the epic looking centrifuge or if he's still working on it? The last I could find on it was four months old.

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Both these contain inflatable centrifugal habitats, each utilising particular methods to create the animation.  Neither has an IVA, but if you are clever you can manipulate the CFG files (and use Porkjet's internal) to place in the right number of kerbals that you want.

Another option is to use Infernal Robotics to do something that you piece together yourself.


EDIT - just tried out the SSTU ones - these will be pretty sweet once they are finished!

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Sadly. all vessels using UKS parts are going to break with the next update so I can't use it and the one Kerbalism adds is also a 2M to 1M adapter which makes it almost impossible to place on my ships without looking ridiculous. Until Porkjet finishes his mod, I'm probably just going to glitch two Dark Side Technologies centrifuges into each-other to make a full circle every time a ship needs a hoola hoop (I've tried it, it's weight inefficient but it works) :)

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