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Angara A5V cancelled, Russian SHLV program restarted


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  Roscosmos has reportedly cancelled development of the Angara A5V crew-rated heavy launcher in favour of a roughly 80-ton to LEO class SHLV. The SHLV would use the first stage from the new medium-lift Fenix rocket as boosters, significantly reducing the cost of development. Fenix in turn is now set to use 4.1m diameter tanks inherited from Proton and RD-171 engines inherited from Zenit, again resulting in relatively low development costs. This means Roscosmos no longer has to build multiple pads to support BEO missions, and no longer has to work with hydrogen propulsion, something Russian engineers have limited experience with. The SHLV will likely bear a strong resemblance to the c. 2012 Sodruzhestvo concept, except with proton core-diameter boosters and general all-Russian construction.

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That seemed to be the case when that article was written, about a year ago, but the project has changed considerably since then. There's a Russian gov presentation on Fenix as it is currently here; given the rule about foreign language material, I've translated the presentation (very roughly) into English;



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@Kryten, based on the terminology used what we're looking at is a simplified version using certain elements of Fenix. Considering the recent announcement of the hybrid Progress-Federatsiya freighter, there may be a new tendency to use fraknensteined systems.

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21 hours ago, DarthVader said:

If I had a dollar for every time roscosmos said energia would be revived I'd be rich.

One wonders if this is perhaps a reflection of Roscosmos' funding scheme.

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