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newbie// guys what function is the Mechjeb

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I have seen this word in a few pictures ie: the guy that's done Apollo landing Quoting he did not use Mechjeb for docking, and seeing how it took me 45 mins just to dock before last nights config of my X45 controller and some pointers from the forum guys (thank you all big time) on how to. ( so much easier with sideways movement .LOL ) I dont want to use cheats.  And on a different note!! is there a mod for clouds some of the pic's i'v seen look so realistic I would like to add that one. Thx in advance.

regards Brian

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8 minutes ago, capt: scarlet said:

I have seen this word in a few pictures ie: the guy that's done Apollo landing Quoting he did not use Mechjeb for docking, and seeing how it took me 45 mins just to dock before last nights config of my X45 controller and some pointers from the forum guys (thank you all big time) on how to. ( so much easier with sideways movement .LOL ) I dont want to use cheats.  And on a different note!! is there a mod for clouds some of the pic's i'v seen look so realistic I would like to add that one. Thx in advance.

regards Brian

Mechjeb is a mod. It provides data readouts (similar ones to another mod called Kerbal Engineer Redux, ones that are really useful just for general flight operations) and includes a number of autopilots, including some that aren't included in the stock game. It's those autopilots that make its use considered "cheatsy" by some; I don't use Mechjeb but I personally don't consider its use a cheat.

If you're looking for a mod to assist you with docking operations, I've got two to suggest - RCS Build Aid and Docking Port Alignment Indicator. The first ensures that your RCS thrusters are balanced (which makes docking easier), and the second helps with the piloting involved in docking.

As for mods that give you clouds, I don't use that any - someone else is going to have to field that question.

Edited by capi3101
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Mechjeb is very famous plugin for Kerbal Space Program. By placing a Mechjeb module on a craft (appears like a small computer-like walkie-talkie doohickey) one implements Mechjeb functionality for that craft. Mechjeb functionality includes a host of user-configurable features and functions, which mostly can be glossed under the concept of "auto-pilot."

Here is the link to the Mechjeb Curse page, and if you scroll down a bit, there are some links on the left including an online manual, and a link to the forum thread.


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41 minutes ago, capt: scarlet said:

... will this give me the realistic docking camera screen/ bottom left under docking?? ...

Probably not. The stock game does not include any form of docking camera whatsoever.
Since a lot does come from mods not everybody will know what you're talking about. If you see a screenshot and have questions about something don't just describe what you're talking about. Instead post a link to the image. A picture is worth a thousand words.

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25 minutes ago, Tex_NL said:

Probably not. The stock game does not include any form of docking camera whatsoever.
Since a lot does come from mods not everybody will know what you're talking about. If you see a screenshot and have questions about something don't just describe what you're talking about. Instead post a link to the image. A picture is worth a thousand words.


 this is what I found, do you guys not use this mod for docking, after 3 goes at the tutorial I feel I could do better now I configured my X45 this would be icing on the kerbal cake. This looks so cool I just gotta have it...lol

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I use NavHud , which has unique indicators for use with docking... Basically the same as DPAI, but more intuitive (for me at least), and overlaid on the whole flight screen, rather than using a GUI window. And if the grid lines put you off, they are completely editable, as to color changes, making more or less of them, or even turning them off completely, so you are only left with the manuever and attitude indicators by themselves.

Edited by Stone Blue
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One little thing that nobody else has mentioned is that the name of the mod "mechjeb" is an abbreviation for "Mechanical Jebediah" and is a play on the fact that the game's original and still most used pilot is Jebediah Kerman.  Anyhow Docking Port Alignment indicator is fantastic but if you're looking for a docking camera there's always this thing

Also, if you would like to know some great non-cheaty mods here are some of my favorites, a couple of which actually make the game harder.

KER - Kerbal Engineer Redux.  It adds the info of mechjeb without the autopilot so some players prefer it.

Better Burn Time- Revamps the burn time indicator for maneuvers and helps with the suicide burn for landings.  Just makes the numbers more accurate, not cheaty

Enhanced navball - adds a couple of indicators to the navball that really ought to be there already anyhow

TAC life support - now your Kerbals can starve to death or suffocate in the harsh void of space!

Dang it! - Makes parts fail at random times.  Most parts are fairly reliable but once in a blue moon something will fail during a mission forcing you to get creative.  This helps recreate that Apollo 13 "Failure is not an option" feeling.

Chatterer - Adds beeps and com chatter.  That's it but once you use it the game will feel incomplete without it.

Final Frontier - Now your Kerbals can earn ribbons commemorating their achievements.  I find this invests me more in my Kerbals lives and careers.

Hot Rockets and Cold Rockets - better visuals on exhaust (hot rockets) and ice falling of the rocket at launch (cold rockets)

Transfer Window Planner - what it says on the tin


I might edit the list later after I get a chance to look at my gamedata folder.

Edited by Chiron0224
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