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3m/s To Spare

Superfluous J

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I don't usually post here so I'm not sure if this is the right place. It qualifies as a (brief) recounting of a recent mission though.

So I'm playing Strategia and my own upcoming contract pack, Parts Unlimited, and I got the strategy to land probes on Mun. Due to my contract pack's weird way of getting parts, I only had a handful of parts unlocked (though I chose each and every one of them, many for this specific mission). Most of my buildings were still the lowest tier including VAB and launchpad, and I was tight on money so I made the barest bones probe I could.

I didn't realize just how tight I'd cut the margins until I noticed coming down that I only had a couple dozen m/s more than my surface velocity left in the tank. I white-knuckled the keyboard and nailed the landing, with 3m/s to spare.



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