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i have just read this on ksp wiki ...


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4 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

Once or twice a year there's a little brouhaha on the forum about how horrible it would be for Squad to put out DLCs. The odd thing is, Squad has NEVER proposed making DLCs, and when asked, have said over and over again that they have no plans to do so. But once or twice a year, the forum membership gets together anyway, to repeat to each other how horrible it would be if they did. 

That is simply not true. They brought it up.


Unlike some other topics, they were smart enough not to mention it again.

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On 9/14/2016 at 0:36 PM, Red Iron Crown said:

A sequel would be fantastic, I would get in line to throw money at one.

A plot... and cut scenes... and timeline.. An adventure game with goals that you reach by doing certain things and making choices. Even Career is sort of an open game.  I volunteer to help write and structure such a project.

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