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Console players : Say something good about console KSP


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Since my last thread was summarily and inexplicably closed, I'll try again.

Please tell me anything or everythings that you like about playing KSP on console.

A few simple rules:

  1. If you never have played KSP on console, please don't post unless you have a legitimate constructive reason for doing so. Discussing the purpose of the thread is not such a reason.
  2. If you do or have played KSP on console, please tell me what you enjoyed about the experience of doing so.
    1. If there is cross-over of good aspects of your experience with prior or concurrent experience with PC KSP, that's totally fine, you can write all about that anyway if you want.
  3. Please don't say bad things about KSP on console. We already know about those.
  4. Please don't get confused and think this is anything other than what it says on the tin.
  5. Please don't derail the thread (again) with off topic posts (for some reason they aren't cleaned, and instead cause closure of the thread).
  6. Please avoid direct comparisons between PC and console - what console does better or worse than PC is really not relevant unless it is capable of being expressed without reference to your experience of both platforms, i.e. say 'console does x really well', NOT 'console does x better/worse than PC'.

A few notes from the OP:

  • This is not an impossible task, it's a really, really, REALLY simple task.
  • If you don't understand it for ANY reason, please feel free to NOT ask for me to elaborate or justify this thread. I've recently learned that my responses apparently only contribute to thread closure and anyway it should be obvious why it's here.
  • I have not reposted this out of petulance, but because I genuinely think there is a useful amount of information to be harvested from the community if certain elements can just manage not to disgrace themselves.


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The previous thread was not closed summarily, but because it had required moderator attention a couple of times and yet was still argumentative and largely off-topic, and rather than being inexplicable, the explanation was in Red Iron Crown's closing message. We close threads to avoid having to hand out warns, and in the hope of stopping arguments before forum friends become forum enemies, which is why the discussion needs to remain closed, and why this thread has been closed as well. 

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