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SSTO Energy Source

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SSTO Energy Source

This is probably the best craft achievements I have and the most sophisticated to operate. SSTO Energy Source has been through quite a few changes and testing. Model A is the first version, I wasn't happy with the triple wings. Model B is the second version which had 12 Vectors and 8 Rapiers, the Vectors were too much weight in the stern of the craft, these were swapped to the 12 Rapiers and 8 Vectors. Regrets are the amount of fuel it is bringing to Orbit I was hoping to get both Jumbo Mobile Tanks Full of fuel to Orbit. With 2 CRG-100, 2 CRG-50 bays and docking ports there are many options for cargo. Please excuse the video and pictures they will vary with the Vector and Rapier Engines.









Photo Albums
Successful Reentry & Landing
Model A
Model B

Craft File
SSTO Energy Source

Parts: 452
Mass: 661.750t
Height: 12.4m
Width: 38.1m
Length: 43.2m

Action Groups:
1-Toggle Vector Engines
2-Toggle Rapier Engines
3-Toggle Rapier Mode
4-Toggle Bay Doors
5-Decouple Port Mobile Fuel Tank
6-Decouple Starboard Mobile Fuel Tank
7-Toggle Mobile Tank Photovoltic Panels
8-Toggle Mobile Tank Clamp-O-Tron Shield
9-Toggle Radiator Panels
10-Toggle Bay Lights

Takeoff Procedures
At takeoff engage RCS & SAS, apply full throttle
Nose up at the end of the runway
Steer to 25 degrees and hold until 315 m/s while lifting landing gear
Note: Keep a smooth and easy liftoff, don't deviate from course until the gravity turn.

Gravity Turn
At 15,000m reduce throttle to half, begin GT near 40,000m killing Vector engines when 91,000m apoapsis is reached. Burn again near T- 1.30 using your throttle and steering as you see needed to complete the Orbit. Killing engines and drifting close to the apoapsis repeatedly may be necessary, I think this is called doing a split burn I am not sure, my rocketry knowledge is not too great I am still a noobie when it comes to rocketry.

Most important first, transfer all remaining fuel to the most forward fuel tank behind the Cockpit and engage Radiator Panels.


Edited by Castille7
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