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Geez (Passing Out From)


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Got the contract to make two tourists pass out from high Geez. Wondering how best to go about it. Had the command pod and a 2 person crew cab with heat shield. Tried having first stage be a thumper with second stage being a hammer....didn't get close to high enough geez to pass out my tourists. Closest I got was when my drogue chutes slowed me down on reentry.

So I was just wondering if anyone else has tried this contract and how they hopefully succeeded in showing those tourists the limits of kerbal endurance.

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I got one of these last night, but the requirement is to make them pass out in orbit (which wasn't that clear from the description) so I also tried the parachute thing last night and it made them lose it, but didn't fulfil the contract because it wasn't in orbit.

I'm going to try after work tonight.  I suspect something with inordinately high TWR on orbit will have to be built.


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15 minutes ago, Speeding Mullet said:

I got one of these last night, but the requirement is to make them pass out in orbit (which wasn't that clear from the description) so I also tried the parachute thing last night and it made them lose it, but didn't fulfil the contract because it wasn't in orbit.

I'm going to try after work tonight.  I suspect something with inordinately high TWR on orbit will have to be built.


What I would do is build a station that is basically a rotating arm with a passenger compartment at the end. You can calculate the length/thrust needed to generate the appropriate g

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44 minutes ago, I_Killed_Jeb said:

What I would do is build a station that is basically a rotating arm with a passenger compartment at the end. You can calculate the length/thrust needed to generate the appropriate g

Ah good call!  I tried just spinning up the capsule last night to ridiculously high speed, but no joy. Didn't think of this.  will also try and report back :)



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2 hours ago, EliasDanger said:

Got the contract to make two tourists pass out from high Geez. Wondering how best to go about it. Had the command pod and a 2 person crew cab with heat shield. Tried having first stage be a thumper with second stage being a hammer....didn't get close to high enough geez to pass out my tourists. Closest I got was when my drogue chutes slowed me down on reentry.

So I was just wondering if anyone else has tried this contract and how they hopefully succeeded in showing those tourists the limits of kerbal endurance.

Depends on where you need to do it. If flying at Kerbin. Build a plane. Sub-orbital or space x as part of contract. Just build a rocket with a lot of SAS and thrusters and have fun spinning with engines on....

And have a probe core as they don't barf..

Edited by Aragosnat
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93E239A959E1B0437E7BCE6B184954DB434EF0FCI used Junos. Got up to 4000 m up or so flipped it upside down then slowly lowered altitude while gaining speedd.. Got to around 400 m/s then I pulled up hard to do a nice flip around so I come back in for aa landing. Also set the tail wings to 150%

Edited by Aragosnat
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If anyone succeeds in completing this either suborbital or orbital can you post a pic of your setup? I havent been able to complete it yet. I tried sticking a bunch of SRBs on a capsule & firing them all at once in space but only generated like 3 Gs. :(

The ones where you have to make them pass out in the atmosphere are easy sauce. Just fire off a few drogue chutes when they are falling back at like 700 m/s.

Edited by RX2000
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This made the sub-orbital one:


I basicly spun the craft with the engine running at full power with probe core in cargo bay. I think I was getting 10-20 revolutions per second (felt like it) with the parts clearly being pulled apart before exploding. But, if that fails you can get it on re-entry (this craft got it in space for the sub-orbital contract one): DD76FF79FF581F14D153F35E21DBB64C008BE41A


For the obital hi-gee passing out. Similar craft if not the same just by spinning with engine running should still work. Ediut: Well tried it again. Got 60 gees on parts that can only take 50 XD. So yes the can get. Just it can be a bit random which part gets stressed out first.




Edit2: Yeah. Not easy to do spinning now. Basicly you need an active thrust for the game to realize that it is under high gees. and still got 22 gees placed on the craft and the Kerbals have not passed out. Came close had high bars that almost made them pass out. Just the engine i used broke off before they could...

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7 hours ago, RX2000 said:

Hmm ok so lots of spinning while engine is running. I'll have to try that.

Just a word of warning. You will likely see the parts start to have gaps where the parts connect and they will likely explode at some point. Also if you can get some good rolls while spinning. That does increase the amount of gee forces. But, the current version it is needlessly difficult to get.

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Finally managed this suborbitally with Fleas. Finally a use for the thing after the very first flight.

It takes 4 fleas (1 core and 3x radial), each with the absolute minimum fuel load, to propel a command module + control paraphernlia to excessive gs. Using a crew cabin instead of the command pod, one of my tourists was a tough guy and didn't quite pass out on the first try.
However, the contract completed as soon as the tourists passed out, so my efforts to bring them home safely were probably unnecessary.

Also I overbuilt the setup (used radial decouplers, nosecones, 100-ablator heatshield, drogue+main chutes, etc. With less mess, 3 fleas might do the trick for a single crew cabin.

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12 hours ago, Aragosnat said:

Just a word of warning. You will likely see the parts start to have gaps where the parts connect and they will likely explode at some point.

While I haven't tried it myself yet, some judicious use of autostruts will probably help here.. assuming the capsule is the root part, autostrut it to the heaviest part, and autostrut the engine to the root part. For maximum overkill, enable Rigid Attachment for the joints as well.. If that lot doesn't hold the ship together, nothing will.

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2 hours ago, Aragosnat said:

Do think one way that might work. Get a near Kerbin Exit, go to Ap  then lower the Pe to 73 km or so then wait till you are at the Pe to slam on the breaks!

That accomplishes nothing.

The acceleration of the craft is the same at Ap or Pe, as its just a function of the craft engine.

Personally, I only accept these high G things inside the atmosphere. Wanting to go to space and then experience high G forces seems counter productive.

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1 hour ago, KerikBalm said:

Personally, I only accept these high G things inside the atmosphere. Wanting to go to space and then experience high G forces seems counter productive.

Thats exactly what I thought when I first got the suborbital contracts. I was like, "Isnt the purpose of a tourist going into space to experience ZERO Gs?" lol

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22 minutes ago, RX2000 said:

Thats exactly what I thought when I first got the suborbital contracts. I was like, "Isnt the purpose of a tourist going into space to experience ZERO Gs?" lol

Yeah. We know from one of previous trailers that KSC indeed does have a centrifuge. Can't they just stick the tourists inside and spin them around until wannabe kerbonauts pass out?

Like this :D


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8 minutes ago, Scotius said:

Yeah. We know from one of previous trailers that KSC indeed does have a centrifuge. Can't they just stick the tourists inside and spin them around until wannabe kerbonauts pass out?

Yea stick 'em in there, or I'm more than happy to pop some drogue when they're going 700 m/s in the atmosphere hahah! Thats easy. I just dont see why'd they'd wanna pull so many Gs in space. :wink:

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7 hours ago, KerikBalm said:

That accomplishes nothing.

The acceleration of the craft is the same at Ap or Pe, as its just a function of the craft engine.

Personally, I only accept these high G things inside the atmosphere. Wanting to go to space and then experience high G forces seems counter productive.

Actually it does... It gives you speed which you need to decrease with thrusters while keeping your orbit. The Kerbals currently can only experiance Gee effects in space with engine thrusts.

6 hours ago, Scotius said:

Yeah. We know from one of previous trailers that KSC indeed does have a centrifuge. Can't they just stick the tourists inside and spin them around until wannabe kerbonauts pass out?

Like this :D


I have tried Sadly like the quote above. The only why Kerbals notice gee affects while in space is with thrusters on. As spinning was my first thoughts on how to do such a contract. But, when I tryied spinning fast enough where I was getting what felt like 5+ Kerbins every second.. The Gee bar never budged up wards. Sadly the parts are aware and explode..

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On 12/10/2016 at 11:06 PM, TheKosanianMethod said:

And add struts so you don't destroy your plane. For some reason, wingless planes don't fly.:rolleyes:

F-104 wants you to know that it vehemently disagrees.

Technically it had wings, but we all know it flew on sheer anger and engine power.

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