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[Minimum KSP version - 1.12] Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) v1.29


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  On 11/10/2016 at 12:07 AM, HoveringKiller said:

Has anyone else had issues with this mod causing parts to clip into the surface of a planet/moon and then freak out from the resulting kraken strike? I'm about to start building another base so I'll know for sure then if it's this mod or not (as this base doesn't have anything from KIS/KAS attached). Just wondering if anyone else has these issues and I'll post my findings later when I get them.


I think that someone mentioned it in old KIS thread, or something similar. IIRC, it is related with ground pillons and their colliders. It is similar as issue #47 if I understand it properly.

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  On 11/10/2016 at 4:06 PM, kcs123 said:

I think that someone mentioned it in old KIS thread, or something similar. IIRC, it is related with ground pillons and their colliders. It is similar as issue #47 if I understand it properly.


But it is with ships that don't have ground pylons on them, it's happening even with ships that I load with the base in physics range. Really weird. I just now have a piece of debris that is nearby that I load into and have that spasm out and then I can switch to the base no problem.

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That seems more like wierd interaction of various mod than KIS itself. There was problems trough 1.2. beta with landing legs/gears coliders that were causing something similar.

Make a backup of your save game first. Then try to make a screenshot of base and behaviour with caused explosion and workaround of it.
After this, exit game and copy/upload your log file somewhere. List mods installed and necessary mod(parts) to create base craft file. Along with log you can also upload your savegame file.

Those are things that can help developer to solve issue. There is also more detailed post how to do all that. Sometimes is possible to have more clue just from screenshot of issue.

Based on your description, it looks more of KSP issue how it handles crafts when they pop up inside of physical range.
Just out of curiosity, have you started new game when KSP 1.2. is released or you have ported older savegame file started with previous KSP release ?

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  On 11/10/2016 at 4:22 PM, kcs123 said:

That seems more like wierd interaction of various mod than KIS itself. There was problems trough 1.2. beta with landing legs/gears coliders that were causing something similar.

Make a backup of your save game first. Then try to make a screenshot of base and behaviour with caused explosion and workaround of it.
After this, exit game and copy/upload your log file somewhere. List mods installed and necessary mod(parts) to create base craft file. Along with log you can also upload your savegame file.

Those are things that can help developer to solve issue. There is also more detailed post how to do all that. Sometimes is possible to have more clue just from screenshot of issue.

Based on your description, it looks more of KSP issue how it handles crafts when they pop up inside of physical range.
Just out of curiosity, have you started new game when KSP 1.2. is released or you have ported older savegame file started with previous KSP release ?


It was an older save file, but all of the crafts in use were created after the 1.2 update was released. And I will do all of that stuff tonight when I get a chance. It could be other mods interacting with each other though, although the only landing gear that is involved is the Planetary Base Systems when I load the base, the large rover wheels when I load the rover, and stock landing gear when I try to load a ship that is landed within physics range. I'll try to get a screenshot also, although usually the game lags until the parts are thrown into the air, I'm assuming to load everything.

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Planetary Base Systems landing gear might be causing this. To be sure and to save some time, you can use built in cheats to place craft in orbits/surfaces. It is available with ALT+F12 key. You can try it on existing game (after you created backup) or with new game.

Create similar craft with stock landing gear/parts, launch it, use cheat to place it in orbit on some distant planet and land it.
Try switching scenes to see if it cause same explosions.

As other workaround from nasty wheel/landing gear bug, you can also try to retract landing gears after your base is landed. Sounds weird, but in that way, there will no be strange landing gear colider issue at all. Of course, you need to re-design your craft for it.

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  On 11/10/2016 at 4:37 PM, kcs123 said:

Planetary Base Systems landing gear might be causing this. To be sure and to save some time, you can use built in cheats to place craft in orbits/surfaces. It is available with ALT+F12 key. You can try it on existing game (after you created backup) or with new game.

Create similar craft with stock landing gear/parts, launch it, use cheat to place it in orbit on some distant planet and land it.
Try switching scenes to see if it cause same explosions.

As other workaround from nasty wheel/landing gear bug, you can also try to retract landing gears after your base is landed. Sounds weird, but in that way, there will no be strange landing gear colider issue at all. Of course, you need to re-design your craft for it.


Yea I would have to re-design as the landing gear are underneath the base, so it would still be sitting on the unretracted legs. Oh well, for now I can get around it by just loading into a debris piece and have that spass out so nothing gets destroyed.

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  On 11/4/2016 at 2:15 AM, sardia said:

I see in the KIS settings.cfg that you can add an item into every pod. Do I need to add this to each pod?

    // Specifies items to add to every pod's seat. To add
            // more items add more lines.
            //addToAllSeats = KIS.evapropellant


You only need it if you want it. This config settings allows adding any EVA item to either first pod seat or all pod seats. Decide for yourself what you'd like to be added by default in every newly created pod in the editor. If answer is "none" then just ignore the setting. Normally, if you're going to do EVA construction you need at least one tool per pod and one EVA canister for every seat.

  On 11/9/2016 at 7:00 AM, SR said:

Is it possible to pick up a placed item and put it back into a container?


Detach a part and drag-drop it into the container.

  On 11/9/2016 at 9:38 AM, BigD said:

I play KSP1.2.1 on a Win10 64bit. The containers don't allow me to put anything in them; the inventory window pops up but nothing can be dropped into the slots.  I've tried clean install of 32 and 64bit KSP version with only KAS and KIS mods , and it still same problem. Anyone has got any idea????


Please, take a look at the manual, and let us know if you do exactly as described there and still cannot drag-drop an item into container

  On 11/10/2016 at 12:07 AM, HoveringKiller said:

Has anyone else had issues with this mod causing parts to clip into the surface of a planet/moon and then freak out from the resulting kraken strike? I'm about to start building another base so I'll know for sure then if it's this mod or not (as this base doesn't have anything from KIS/KAS attached). Just wondering if anyone else has these issues and I'll post my findings later when I get them.


This problem has two independent reasons:

  1. Many stock and third party parts have colliders/attach nodes misconfiguration. Best example is docking ports. When such part is dropped on the surface on a low gravity celestial body it results in explosion. Known issue, there is no fix for now (and no ETA to have one). There is an obvious workaround: don't drop stuff on the ground unless you want it destroyed :)
  2. KSP stock legs and wheels may have issues between major versions. E.g. moving from 1.0.5 to 1.1 made two my bases flying into the space because parts colliders were changed. I'd not be surprised to see it in 1.1=>1.2 transition. Obviously, it's not a KIS issue.
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Has anyone had any issues with equipped tools disappearing? Is in my engineers inventory, equipped, when they go back into a ship but when I take them out again later it's totally gone. Thought i was just being forgetful the first couple of times but it's definitely happening. Will attempt to recreate.

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  On 11/11/2016 at 3:45 PM, Das_Sheep said:

Has anyone had any issues with equipped tools disappearing? Is in my engineers inventory, equipped, when they go back into a ship but when I take them out again later it's totally gone. Thought i was just being forgetful the first couple of times but it's definitely happening. Will attempt to recreate.


What part are you entering?

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Probably the easiest question in the world, but I'm having a hard time figuring it out: what parts do you use and how do you use them to strut two parts of the same spacecraft together (to strengthen it once in orbit)?

In the old KIS/KAS, you'd attach one KAS strut end point, attach another KAS strut end point to another part of the space craft, right click on one to link and carry the link to the other, done. The free and fixed telescopic joints seem to work more or less the same way with the joint socket, but can't be used to strengthen parts of the same spacecraft.

Is this just not implemented yet? Or am I missing something obvious? I've tried the EAS-4 strut and can attach it, but can't figure out how to initiate a link with one.

I'm on KSP 1.21, KAS 1.0/0.71, KIS 1.3.0. Thanks!

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  On 11/11/2016 at 6:56 AM, sardia said:

I would like to add say, the screwdriver to every pod. How does that work? Do I just uncomment that section and replace with the screwdriver item? If so, I may experiment a bit.


Yes, it works this way. You mention item you need either in addToAllSeat or addToTheFirstSeatOnly section, and the item will be automatically added when you create a new pod in the editor. See wiki for details.

  On 11/11/2016 at 3:45 PM, Das_Sheep said:

Has anyone had any issues with equipped tools disappearing? Is in my engineers inventory, equipped, when they go back into a ship but when I take them out again later it's totally gone. Thought i was just being forgetful the first couple of times but it's definitely happening. Will attempt to recreate.


The only known issue with disappearing tools is related to entering a third-party pod with a variable number of seats that doesn't support KIS. All stock pods are supported just fine. Any third-party pod with a fixed number for seats is expected to be handled correctly. Though, if pod has a logic that allows changing number of seats in runtime (e.g. "inflatable" or "deployable" parts) then KIS will not be able to support them, and such mods need to do some coding to correctly interact with KIS.

  On 11/12/2016 at 1:30 AM, Jestertrek said:

Is this just not implemented yet? Or am I missing something obvious? I've tried the EAS-4 strut and can attach it, but can't figure out how to initiate a link with one.

I'm on KSP 1.21, KAS 1.0/0.71, KIS 1.3.0. Thanks!


As of now KAS 1.0 is not a replacement for old KAS. Most of the functionality is missing, and what is implemented can change at any time (that's why it's beta). Of course, in the final version there will be a solution for same vessel struts. As for EAS-4, it's not supported by KIS (and never was). You can attach and detach the part but you cannot establish the link. I have some ideas how to make it working but for now it's not even a prototype. If you need EVA struts consider using old KAS struts or a side mod (e.g. ActiveStruts).

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  On 11/12/2016 at 3:58 AM, IgorZ said:

As of now KAS 1.0 is not a replacement for old KAS. Most of the functionality is missing, and what is implemented can change at any time (that's why it's beta). Of course, in the final version there will be a solution for same vessel struts.


OK, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything. I'll wait patiently. What you have so far is really nifty!

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  On 11/11/2016 at 8:48 PM, HoveringKiller said:

I think my problem was with the Real Plume mod. I uninstalled it and now my ships don't seem to want to be jumping out of the ground haha. Or it could also be that the two ships I had attached to my base had went up to my station in orbit. Will investigate.


Good to know that your issue have nothing with KIS, after all. You should report your findings in Real Plume thread so it can be fixed eventualy.

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  On 11/12/2016 at 9:43 AM, kcs123 said:

Good to know that your issue have nothing with KIS, after all. You should report your findings in Real Plume thread so it can be fixed eventualy.


I will. I still think some more testing is still required, but that might be the engineer in me. Make sure it works till it breaks haha. Then fix it and make sure it works till it breaks again. 'Tis a pretty viscous cycle.

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Hi, have a noob question. Using KIS for the first time in 1.2.

Wanted to put a relay on an existing space station in a save I migrated from V1,1.x. They are less than 1T, but the smallest relay is 302L in volume, and the RA-2 is almost 1000L.  The Kerbal inventory for my engineer can only hold a max of 300L, so I cant hold any relays in inventory. Is there a way to get this done?


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  On 11/12/2016 at 4:37 PM, Gilph said:

Hi, have a noob question. Using KIS for the first time in 1.2.

Wanted to put a relay on an existing space station in a save I migrated from V1,1.x. They are less than 1T, but the smallest relay is 302L in volume, and the RA-2 is almost 1000L.  The Kerbal inventory for my engineer can only hold a max of 300L, so I cant hold any relays in inventory. Is there a way to get this done?



Put it in a one of the KIS storage containers, either the inline  ILC-18k or the radially attached box. Then have the engineer attach it. In essence, the ship serves as the backpack, and you'll have to move the ship closer to the satellite.

Edited by sardia
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  On 11/12/2016 at 3:58 AM, IgorZ said:

Yes, it works this way. You mention item you need either in addToAllSeat or addToTheFirstSeatOnly section, and the item will be automatically added when you create a new pod in the editor. See wiki for details.



I'm having issues adding a screwdriver to every slot in my ship.

            addToAllSeats = KIS.electricScrewdriver


      = KIS.electricScrewdriver

I added this line to the KIS settings file, but it doesn't appear to work. There's no screwdriver in the inventory slots or while hes on eva. Any thoughts?

Nevermind,  I fixed it. Just had to remove the linebreak between the two lines.

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