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To NULLSPACE and beyond: Space elevators.


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So it appears one can create space-elevators now. Space elevators which, depending on the design, will fire you into another dimension: NULLSPACE*. But I get ahead of myself.

So. Launch stability enchancers. As it turns out, launch stability enhancers have no maximum limit. Create a capsule, put on a strut or 24, and then grab the capsule. Aim the camera straight up, and place it directly above you. This results in an unstable situation.

If done in a mediocre fashion, your craft is now a few hundred to about 3 thousand meters above the ground. It then is thrown from the clamps at a moderate speed. Not too exciting, nor useful; after all, the violence of the start destroys any additions to the capsule.

If done in a decent fashion, your craft shoots upward at about 100 km/s... and oddly enough, so do the launch stability enhancers. Your craft is positioned oddly compared to the stability enhancers, in my test they were always 1.4km ahead of my craft, and offset to the side a few meters. Observe:


Activating time-compression stops the struts from moving, though your craft continues to be shot ahead at a high rate of speed. In this manner, I now have a space elevator structure whose length extends past Minmus. Like so:


So; rapid travel, and trying again with the same ship demonstrate repeatability.

Next up, as promised, To NULLSPACE.

As it turns out, if you position it almost exactly on center (and it seems additional modules attached to the capsule may help), something interesting happens. Instead of parts being flung from the craft, as occurs with mediocre positioning, the craft stays together. As soon as the game begins, the craft\'s speed goes to NaN, as does heading; welcome to NULLSPACE.



So spacewalking in NULLSPACE is possible; though of no use, as the image is entirely black, and it doesn\'t seem possible to re-enter the craft after leaving it.

And now... and beyond.

It would seem if you position it correctly and build the right sort of spaceship (testing is extremely varied in the effects observed), the craft goes into NULLSPACE as above, but the altimeter dials appear to spin faster at the start. The dials then slow down, and shortly thereafter the game crashes to desktop.

So there you have it. Space elevators, NULLSPACE, and beyond, all in a nice little nutshell. For the glory of Bay12!

*I found it, I put kerbins in it, therefore I named it. :P

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You know how Roblox has the White Zone? I myself built a rocket to get there. It was fun to ride.

Well, I guess Nullspace is as good a name as any. Nullspace and the White Zone are very similar. Both cause screen black/whiteouts, both cause loss of control over instruments, both seem to be outside the game as we know it.

Good work, intrepid explorer.

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  XenonBlade said:

When did you get into what you call nullspace?

Almost immediately. During the pre-launch initialization of the game, when it shows you the craft and such but button presses don\'t work, the craft typically appear ~5-10 km up. At the same moment the actual game starts (when the physics start happening and buttons start working) is when the effects occur, but it tossing off the tower, launching at high speeds, or throwing into NULLSPACE.

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  alway said:

Almost immediately. During the pre-launch initialization of the game, when it shows you the craft and such but button presses don\'t work, the craft typically appear ~5-10 km up. At the same moment the actual game starts (when the physics start happening and buttons start working) is when the effects occur, but it tossing off the tower, launching at high speeds, or throwing into NULLSPACE.

No, I mean the first time you got there. When was that?

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Was able to launch my Kerbals into nullspace in nearly as interesting a fashion. After chute deployment on my mk3, I started an EVA about 100m above the water. I moved my kerbalnaut down to the bottom of the built in ladder and at about 13 m I 'let go' my kerbal spashed down about a second before the pod, and suddenly the screen went black and the pod was in null space.

Now this is really interesting: I was able to exit back to the space center, go back to the radar dish, reboard my craft and then I saw the attached screenshot.

I went ahead and ended the flight after this. But it was definitely neat. Matlan and Burlan seem completely fine with their location.

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I don\'t seem to be able to reach nullspace with the space elevator method. I can launch them to escape trajectories from the Sun easily enough at ridiculous speeds, but none of the three crafts I\'ve done it with have so far been dumped into nullspace, despite having gone through about a year or two\'s worth of mission time.

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This is awesome, is there any way to make it actually work as a space elevator and successfully launch a ship from it? I\'ve tried but it ends up just freezing in that state when you first appear and physics aren\'t enabled for a few seconds, but it never happens and wont let me launch. I can right click the space elevator things and eject them but my ship stays in place while they fly off at high speed.

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  Extraneous said:

Actually, I think that the altitude cycles constantly.

If you quit the game whilst in NULLSPACE, does the ship remain? Can you switch to it from the tracking centre or see it on the map?

Altitude does indeed cycle constantly.

Tracking station seems to track them sometimes... though neither were available to be controlled, and vanished from the tracking almost immediately after. But again, results have been highly scattered; there may be a possibility of just about anything happening. :P

  vexx32 said:

I don\'t seem to be able to reach nullspace with the space elevator method. I can launch them to escape trajectories from the Sun easily enough at ridiculous speeds, but none of the three crafts I\'ve done it with have so far been dumped into nullspace, despite having gone through about a year or two\'s worth of mission time.

If it doesn\'t happen immediately, it won\'t happen with that craft design (as it is repeatable using the same craft each time). As I said, it occurs just after the game physics initialize themselves. It\'s all about getting that angle as close to vertical as possible; gotta chuck the trig at that asymptote, heh.

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  vexx32 said:

I don\'t seem to be able to reach nullspace with the space elevator method. I can launch them to escape trajectories from the Sun easily enough at ridiculous speeds, but none of the three crafts I\'ve done it with have so far been dumped into nullspace, despite having gone through about a year or two\'s worth of mission time.

I did it once and it dumped me into nullspace the instant physics kicked in. A trick to get your ship as high in the VAB as possible is to look at the texture on the bits of the supports you can see; the more stretched out they are, the longer the struts and the higher your capsule. It should be nearly unidentifiable as a texture to be high enough for nullspace-insertion.

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I\'ve gotten into Nullspace, and my parts stayed, they\'re floating away from Kerbin with NEGATIVE altitudes, I can switch to them and I immediately enter Nullspace.

I want to viably use this though, Is there any way to use this to safely deploy large crafts with full fuel almost instantly into orbit? My ships will either sit still and physics will never activate, or they just explode.

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  spl1nt said:

whats this roblox people speak of .. another sim?? i been looking for other sims and only found orbiter... any others out there?

Roblox is like a multiplayer Lego game sorta.

As for this topic. That is awesome, I\'m not quite sure how you did it (I don\'t understand the explanation) but I will be trying.

I second Talisman, anyone come up with a way to actually launch craft this way (or perhaps get just to the edge of surface and launch from there, I think that could work because the physics would set in without you being 'in space' yet and you might hang onto your speed (of 0 relatively, and however much it\'ll be when you launch))???

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  talktalktalktalk said:

Would it be possible to give a NULLSPACE Launcher.craft? I have no idea how to use the tower things.

Here\'s a pair of craft; Loftr shoots it up really fast, NULLSPACER fires it into NULLSPACE.


Or at least, that\'s what they repeatably do on my machine; dunno whether hardware plays a part in it or not.

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