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Stock Community Base for 0.16


Should we allow multiple launches on the one flight window?  

  1. 1. Should we allow multiple launches on the one flight window?

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You can go one better and grab one of the save files with the base on it, to practice landing at the actual location! Just, y\'know, make sure you grab the latest file before your actual turn. ;-)

Well duh I totally forgot about that. Stupid me.
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Ah. Okay.

Sign me up for a Kerpan Island Holiday Resort, please.

EDIT: Also, on the OP, it should read \'Minmus\', not \'Minimus\'

Thanks for that! Booked!

I can set up a colony of landers with some rovers at the southern pole of minmus.

As their is currently an open spot for a new Minmus base, I shall assign it to your self, please advise ASAP if this is not what you wanted!

For the moment we are sticking to one new ship per turn, but others shall flock to your new base :)

I can\'t wait till Community Space Stations.

Check out this one that the Orbiter forums made.

That is indeed awesome! link for us that are lazy?

I\'m a bit disappointed that I can\'t put up a satellite but anyway I\'ll like to sign up for a flight to Minmus, for now I\'ll go to Kronos base. (

Your mission has been accepted!

I forgot to say - sign me up for another turn, destination DArkB0mb3rz22\'s Mun base.

On the list, ready to rock?

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I\'ll probably be doing this today, because god knows how much time I will have when Minecraft 1.3 comes out tomorrow.

A Question, by the way: How screwed up will this thing become with .17?

Edit: Actually, my computer cannot take the the strain of how many vessels. So I must forfeit. Don\'t bother putting me back on the list. PM being sent.

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I probably won\'t have access to a computer that can run Kerbal today, I am also going to experience some Gs and go to a roller coaster park. 12:27PM here, and I probably will be back around 6 or 8 MST. If I dont post by then, let others go and I should be able to play Wednesday. If I can\'t get access just put me at the bottom of the list.


I just forgot. Does the 48 hour launch window still apply?

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I just forgot. Does the 48 hour launch window still apply?

Sure, why wouldn\'t it?

Edit: Actually, my computer cannot take the the strain of how many vessels. So I must forfeit. Don\'t bother putting me back on the list. PM being sent.

There should only really be a noticeable strain when you come within 200m of another ship as the physics for those ships load; Kerbos base on Minmus is pretty sparse (only two other ships) at the moment, so head there if you like. Also, if you need to land just outside of 200m to avoid lagging out, that\'s fine, too. Someone else can always hop it closer if needed.

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Success! Megapod-3a has landed at Kronos base on Minmus!




Also, I can't attach the save file. Even after zipping the file into a permitted format under the size limit, I'm still 19MB over my attachment limit. Great. Olex, want to PM me your e-mail address? Looks like I'll have to get the file to you that way.

Edited by Salda007
added minwalk shots
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Can I sign up to make a new base at Minmus?

Their isn't a free slot open, sorry. I have singed you up to join it, please advise if you wanted a different flight :)

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The MR-1 Lizard successfully joined the Mote Base!


A nearly perfect flight all-round: good ascent, dumped both booster stages into suborbital trajectories, reached the Mun with fuel to spare on a perfect 0° inclination orbit. Dumped the TMI stage after orbital correction and deorbit burn onto an impact trajectory. Used the braking stage to maneuver close to the base, dumped it after killing most of the lateral movement, touched the rover down gently ~800m from the main base. Drove the rest of the way, sadly the uphill drive consumed a bit more RCS fuel than anticipated, but there's still plenty left.

Important: as mentioned some time earlier, if you want to drive around with the rover(s), please do so after posting your persistence file, so that people after you get the RCS fuel to play with, too.





The Mote base is getting crowded, and a bit laggy. I didn't experience problems, but for those of us with less powerful computers, we might want to open another Mun location.

ChronicSilence, you're up!

Persistence file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2844116/KSP/scb/2012-08-06/persistent.sfs

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The MR-1 Lizard successfully joined the Mote Base!


A nearly perfect flight all-round: good ascent, dumped both booster stages into suborbital trajectories, reached the Mun with fuel to spare on a perfect 0° inclination orbit. Dumped the TMI stage after orbital correction and deorbit burn onto an impact trajectory. Used the braking stage to maneuver close to the base, dumped it after killing most of the lateral movement, touched the rover down gently ~800m from the main base. Drove the rest of the way, sadly the uphill drive consumed a bit more RCS fuel than anticipated, but there's still plenty left.

Important: as mentioned some time earlier, if you want to drive around with the rover(s), please do so after posting your persistence file, so that people after you get the RCS fuel to play with, too.





The Mote base is getting crowded, and a bit laggy. I didn't experience problems, but for those of us with less powerful computers, we might want to open another Mun location.

ChronicSilence, you're up!

Persistence file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2844116/KSP/scb/2012-08-06/persistent.sfs

Why not come over to zokesia mote base? it's 4.5 km away (see your first pic,it is the k2-stk) and with one ship it's a great alternative which is close enough to mote to be useful.....

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I would like to get a flight sometime next week [not now because I am away, I will post when I get back]

Just wanted to ask, will I have to de-mod my game to avoid corrupting the save file or do I just have to not use mod parts?

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AWe now have another K2 down and I want to declare Zokesia Mote its own seperate base!!!


Im going to send another ship here, so sign me up for another launch!!!!!

Id like other people to land here so Im not lonely......

Ragyard Kerman when to the main Mote base.

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I just want to post that I might or might not be able to do my flight when it comes up due to me starting school again. I post here again when my turn comes up telling you if I have time for it.

Edited by GOOMH
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