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[Suggestion] Allow removing maneuver nodes when in partial control

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So far I'm very happy with the commnet mechanic. There is one thing I'd ask of it, tho: the ability to remove completed (or missed, for that matter) maneuver nodes in partial control. That way, I can set multiple nodes in succession, hit the Maneuver Node pilot mode, do the maneuvers at full throttle and hit the green checkmark (or the red x if my maneuver wasn't goot enough - eh, you preprogrammed the probe and it didn't perform 100% as expected, life's harsh), and the ship will point to the next one.

Edited by monstah
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I think this is intentional. Rather than the harsher "no control at all" when out of contact, some modicum of control is allowed, including one maneuver node for doing a capture burn on the far side of a body. Multiple node maneuvers are outside the limit of this limited control.

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On console I can't play 1.2.  I thought without KSC to probe communications we only have rudimentary control of probes.  You are saying the probe can still maneuver per a node and execute a programmed burn?

Or will it be able to maneuver to the maneuver marker and the player have full/no throttle control with comms out?

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10 hours ago, Jonfliesgoats said:

On console I can't play 1.2.  I thought without KSC to probe communications we only have rudimentary control of probes.  You are saying the probe can still maneuver per a node and execute a programmed burn?

Or will it be able to maneuver to the maneuver marker and the player have full/no throttle control with comms out?

There are three settings: one without Commnet at all, as it was before; one where you need a comm link to do anything on a probe, and it bricks without a connection; and a third one, where you have "limited control" of the probe when without communications (the one I use): you can't access right-click menus, but you can use action groups; you can't control throttle, but you can do full-burn and cut throttle; you can't turn or translate the ship manually, but you can use the autopilot buttons (so, you can point at a maneuver node); finally, you can't add or edit maneuver nodes. Basically, you act as if you had pre-programmed the probe (action groups and maneuvers) to act on its own when out of signal.

The problem, for me, is that since you can't even delete a maneuver node, you can only do a single one in this limited control state. I understand it's about giving the player more limits (it's in the name!), but I suppose I could have pre-programmed a couple of maneuvers on a probe to execute autonomously (attempt a landing at the dark side, for example).

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