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Will we ever be seeing new celestial bodies in the future?

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It's possible that the last of the celestial bodies have been implemented, we haven't seen any new ones since 0.18.2

Personally I'd like to see two more planets and moons to go with them, one ringed gas giant and either an ice giant, or a "super earth" with large gravity and a dense atmosphere.

5 hours ago, Veeltch said:

Have you visited all of the current ones?


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41 minutes ago, RatchetinSpace said:

It's possible that the last of the celestial bodies have been implemented, we haven't seen any new ones since 0.18.2

Personally I'd like to see two more planets and moons to go with them, one ringed gas giant and either an ice giant, or a "super earth" with large gravity and a dense atmosphere.


I agree i really want new planets to be implemented

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I'd like to see a few more celestial bodies too.

My 'gut feeling' is that for the basic game the most we are likely to see are a few extra small moons and perhaps a few small planetoids on really eccentric orbits, which would be really cool.  But with the prospect of DLC we may see some official planetary expansion packs and/or alternative solar systems available.

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1 minute ago, pandaman said:

My 'gut feeling' is that for the basic game the most we are likely to see are a few extra small moons and perhaps a few small planetoids on really eccentric orbits, which would be really cool.  But with the prospect of DLC we may see some official planetary expansion packs and/or alternative solar systems available.

No one will buy that DLC. Planet packs exist as free mods. If Squad wants to actually make money from DLC, they will have to introduce concepts that cannot be modded.

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Just now, Space_taco said:

Wow DLC ? I've never knew they're going to introduce that

Apparently it's going to be a thing. But as I said, concepts that can be modded will have to be free updates if Squad wants to add them, because no one will spend money on something that the community is providing with good quality for free.

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3 minutes ago, eloquentJane said:

No one will buy that DLC. Planet packs exist as free mods. If Squad wants to actually make money from DLC, they will have to introduce concepts that cannot be modded.

I'll buy 'em.

All of 'em!

I have had more play time on KSP than any other game ever. Well over 4000 hours. More than had my money's worth.

If the DLC keeps me anywhere near as interested as the core game has.. I be like a pig in waist deep mud.

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That's the key point - 'functionally identical'.

A planet pack DLC will naturally be new, different,  planets to both stock and mods.

As for other things, I'll use Life Support purely as an example, several mods exist that do this and they all do it differently with different levels of complexity.  An official LS DLC pack quite likely won't offer totally 'new things' that the mods don't, but may well offer a different approach to it.  And the fact that it is 'official' could mean that it could be better integrated with the stock code than mods are able.

I would be more likely to consider an official DLC over a mod, but crucially only if I felt it offered value for money.

22 minutes ago, eloquentJane said:

I'll correct my statement: most people won't buy DLC that only adds in content that is functionally identical to free mods.


Edited by pandaman
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New planets would be functionally identical to modded ones though. They wouldn't be the exact same celestial bodies, but there's no actual difference between Squad adding in a new planet between say, Duna and Dres, than there is for a mod doing the same thing. Delta-v required might be slightly different and the planet might look different, but that's really it.

Something that would be worth buying DLC for is a pack that adds new planets and weather/natural events. Solar storms that cut off the communications network for a while, dust storms on Duna, maybe cryovolcanoes on Vall or a moon of a new gas giant - and the need to take all of these things into account when planning missions because they have significant effects on space exploration vehicles. That sort of thing seems complicated enough that it's probably beyond the ability of most modders to add (at least without spending a significant amount more time on it than many people are willing to for a free addon) and it would add enough to the game that it would be worth buying as a separate expansion.

Edited by eloquentJane
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46 minutes ago, eloquentJane said:

I'll correct my statement: most people won't buy DLC that only adds in content that is functionally identical to free mods.

MOST people probably never use mods at all.  The people who use these forums or mods or anything like that are probably a very small minority.  And it's hard to imagine any relevant functionality that isn't already covered by mods, let alone anything that COULDN'T be duplicated by them.  The main reasons to buy paid DLC will probably be either people who don't know about mods or are unwilling to use them, the fact that DLC will be better integrated into the core game, or just simply a desire to support continuing development of the game.

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