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Nav ball not showing maneuver nodes?

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Ever since the last update I can use maneuver nodes on the navball even landing on minmus. But once I take off or do some other mission at minmus it just dissapears. I do have relays in high orbit over kerbin and minmus but navball still doesn't show the nodes. For instance my latest missions one was a satalite which I did then I used it to latch onto a lost kerbin's ship part and as soon as I did that the maneuver node stopped showing up on the navball. Worked fine up to that point. My relays are the top teir ones all my buildings are top tier. This is on survival. Am I missing the point on how relays work or is it something else?

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Forgive me if I'm confused, but I'm not clear what you're trying to do. Are you perhaps using the wrong word? A maneuver node is the thing you create by clicking on an orbit, and then dragging sliders to add dV in order to pre-plan a transfer burn. They are not used for landing or takeoff. They also have nothing to do at all with the commnet functionality.

Are you talking about waypoints, by any chance?

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I guess you're talking about the blue maneuver marker on the navball being absent or disappearing..

If you grab a crewed part with the claw in order to rescue a kerbal the game may change the 'Control from here' point to the newly grabbed pod (which is obviously not going to pointed the same way as the probe's nose).  At that moment the navball display shifts suddenly and it could seem that any markers on the navball disappear.

Also, with the new commnet system there are situations where you can partially control probes but not place maneuver nodes.

Maybe one or more of these things is happening to you.  Without more details or pics it's hard to do much more than guess.

Happy landings!

Edited by Starhawk
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  On 10/18/2016 at 2:31 PM, bewing said:

Alternately, do you mean the burn dV meter and countdown timer are missing? We need some pix. :)


I have had that a few times now. Clean stock, no mods...but after playing single session for 3hours, i start getting subtle bugs ingame. Maneuver node's dv meter missing(but the predicted maneuver lines in map mode still shows), or in the editor the spare parts will no longer be transparent(those parts that you placed right beside your ship before sticking them onto green nodes)

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Missing dV bars was a known symptom of at least two different bugs during beta testing (10268 and 10335). Supposedly, both the known bugs were fixed -- but there may be another that causes the same symptom.

Most likely that means that the causes of this bug is going to be hard to reproduce, but the bug will be easy to fix once it is localized. The two known bugs involved using quicksave and quickload (F5 and F9 -- *not* the AltF5 and AltF9 versions) making a previous maneuver node misbehave -- and creating a Maneuver Node, with CommNet on, for an unkrewed probe, and the dV bar was immediately missing.

So, we need to spot a pattern, or we need a savegame. @subzero22 -- if you can post a savegame to pastebin, hopefully from just before you land on Minmus, that would help a lot.

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  On 10/18/2016 at 2:31 PM, bewing said:

Alternately, do you mean the burn dV meter and countdown timer are missing? We need some pix. :)


I have noticed this too, especially after doing "major" things like rescuing a kerbal.  The node shows up on the map, but no dv meter and no Precise Node control.  If I go to KSC and back to the ship, that node is gone, but I can place nodes normally again.

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