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KSP Caveman Challenge 1.2

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KSP Caveman Challenge 1.2

Facilities upgrades are forbidden

Crappy runway and launchpad

Part count of thirty and vehicle mass limit of 18.0 tonne

No fancy patched conics, no maneuver nodes or no Deep Space Network

Abhorrent fear of technology as primitive as can be

Acquire 1188 Science Points to unlock twenty nodes of the technology tree.




Stock career mode

Include pictures of your Science Archives

No mods that alter game play

No cheat menus or any other shenanigans


Science Points have many sources just detail the method for the majority of Science Points acquired.


The Original KSP Caveman Challenge that GoSlash27 began and the KSP Caveman Challenge 1.1 are excellent resources.


Badge Of Honour


Cave Wall


My attempt on hard settings

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Thanks for starting this thread!  I thought I'd try the Caveman Challenge while waiting on mods to update (Kerbalism, mostly) and I just finished up.  Normal difficulty, 100% stock.

I didn't remember to take many screenshots during the playthrough, hopefully there's enough documentation there.  I started with contracts and crewed flights around Kerbin (and one flyby of Mun), and dinked around a bit to try out planes and the new science canister thing.  But I got most of my science from probes to Minmus and finally a rover to Mun that all transmitted their results home rather than returning.

Imgur album here.

This was fun and a nice change of pace, but it was getting a little tedious by the end and so I'm not tempted to have a go again at a higher difficulty setting.

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"Unga Bunga"




Ahh! that reminds me of something.

The Caveman Translator

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So I was trying to come up with an new badge idea.  I thought maybe to kerbilze our beloved Captain Cavey, but the image was some how not forming too well and what was imagined would certainly of been the seed of nightmares.

The Mission Flag looks great!


@Mattasmack Welcome to the cave. The rover wheels are a new addition to a cavemans toolbox.  I am glad to see that you have made use of them.


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Finally decided it was time to (cave) man up, and attempt the challenge on Hard mode, with the twist of attempting to do it using as few launches as possible. Re-using and improving upon the some of the designs from a previous Moderate difficulty attempt proved helpful, and after much practice, 6 missions were needed in total.

The first 3 missions were fairly standard, however the last 3 missions involved some delicate teamwork between Jeb and Valentina to construct a space train to Minimus. Using probes probably could have saved a mission, but felt much less Kerbal (and frankly I wanted an excuse to make another space train!)

Mission 1: Escape the atmosphere

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Mission 2: Orbit Kerbin

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Mission 3: To the Mun and back

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Missions 4 - 6: Space Train to Minimus

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@ManEatingApe That first launch vehicle made me do a quadruple take.


That was an impressive first launch!

Why though were girders used?


The Mun space science exploration was also neatly done.  Great  job on the return trajectory your video could be a caveman training film on how to get to Mun and back.


Something I am noticing about increasing the difficulty; the missions become unmistakably kerbal. 

My recent travels gathering science using the extreme hard settings.  The challenge often brings new experiences.

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  On 10/30/2016 at 8:11 PM, Atubara said:


If it loads correctly. I made it in MS Paint so I couldn't use the text very well.


That is bedrock fashion at its finest.  My scary idea had a kerbal covered head to toe in hair similar to Cavey. 

Now I am thinking of pairing Cavey with your KSP caveman.  Maybe the two of them standing triumphantly on Mun.


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  On 10/31/2016 at 7:44 PM, MoeslyArmlis said:

Why though were girders used?


Interestingly, the heat flow model now transfers heat to adjacent parts so effectively that without the girder the 5 lowest fleas can soak up all the abuse from the next stage without exploding. The girders are necessary to ensure a clean and rapid separation.

  On 10/31/2016 at 7:44 PM, MoeslyArmlis said:

Progressing the idea of a kerbal EVA to space and after many iterations the introduction of the streamlined, non encumbered, with having state of the art stowage doors and capable of traversing to Mun, completely safe and practical; the Hornswaggle.
Bob is integral to those missions.  His EVA pack is almost used up though and will need to return to a command pod and then return to kerbal.


Nice progress on the toughest of tough settings. Great ship name and I laughed out loud at Bob peering nervously out from his corral.

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  On 10/31/2016 at 11:05 PM, rocketbuilder said:

Challenge accepted and what is plasma blackout?


Plasma blackout models this real world effect https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communications_blackout#Spacecraft_reentry

In a nutshell, you'll lose full probe control during the toasty part of re-entry (whenever heat effects are shown).

You'll regain control once your craft slows down enough or hits the ground, whichever comes first :)

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  On 11/1/2016 at 5:11 PM, rocketbuilder said:

Ok, but don't you get reentry effects during launch also, won't that make unmanned launches impossible?


It only seems to trigger during re-entry. Just to test I stuck a probe core on the craft below and it remained controllable during ascent.

But I would say that if you're getting heat effects during your launch, then you might want to lower your TWR to avoid losing too much fuel to drag.

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  On 11/1/2016 at 7:51 PM, rocketbuilder said:

You get heat effects in your second stage going about 1600 m/s, I doubt my terrier has too much twr.


You should still be safe from control loss. For testing purposes I slapped a probe on top of my Caveman designs.

No matter what I tried I couldn't get the probe to lose control during ascent. Even when the probe exploded from overheating it still retained full control until that point!

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  On 11/2/2016 at 7:27 AM, rocketbuilder said:

Slash, those probes don't look aerodynamically stable lol...



Only the skinny part above the decoupler is returned, and it's *definitely* stable.
The part I'm worried about is the okto probe core overheating. The corners stick out past the ablator and they do catch heat.

I ran the math to see if I can get by with just transmitting the science back, and it comes up about 100 points short. I have no choice but to cross my fingers and do it.


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That there is an excellent guide, I have always had trouble with re-entry of an un -balanced load.  Thanks @GoSlash27!


Another tip I can offer is using the COM tool and then translate a part.  The arrows now grow when zooming out.  Something got foxed because previous this was always a problem to line up the COM with the COT.  The go to space with a Thud challenge is where I can remember having problems.


Use COM and COT tools and Part Translate to align them. 

Zooming out increases the Part Translation arrows to reach the COM ball.

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Another tip I have just stumbled on deals with the contract conundrum.

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Another example of kerbal engineering and "we can build it" thinking at its finest.  Just needs duct tape.

New fuel flow allows the lander to use the FLT-100 as landing legs.  The tanks are already dry and were used during ascent.  The lander has a full FLT-200 with roughly 1200 m/s delta V budget and is cutting it quite close.


Docking ports?  We don't need no stinking docking ports!

Well in fact that is the next node I am trying to unlock. With docking ports the EH career becomes less grinding and more constructing.


Limited technology and no contract to explore Minmus determined this mission profile.  Attempt to land on Mun and return


This was my first shove attempt and was pleased at the results.  The vessels stayed together during the burn with minimal wobble.  Having SAS enabled in the lander and pointed towards prograde helps significantly.   In previous version of KSP the SAS would disengage and this type of maneuver was tough to pull off.

Usually I send off a probe to land and return but with the EH career this has proved difficult.  The relay network limits probe use.

The idea is to shove a lander vessel into a higher orbit.  Then land and return to Mun orbit.  Rendezvous and shove back to kerbin.

The question is would a relay network be cheaper to implement? 

Since the Probodobodyne does not act as a relay, relays will need to be manned command pods. 

The other option is a hybrid where the lander is a probe and the relay network shoves the lander into Mun orbit.


The shove method might be the best option.  It takes three shove ships to get the lander to Mun.  A fourth Shove ship will be used at Mun to assist with the de-orbit maneuver.

With the intention of crashing the lower tanks I attempted to land the lander.  Only two tanks broke.

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