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[Request] Mod that show modified Antenna Range in VAB&SPH


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After stock Antenna ranges seems too easy, i set the Range factor in current game settings to a lower setting (0.20). But now, all the new Ranges are unknown, it's rolling dices to find the right antenna amount and type and i only can "feel", if i have not enough antenna power, when the probe get lost over distance. I dislike to put just 4 x 88-88 on every vessel to max all out. Thats boring. Actually i only can use an user made google sheet to calculate from kerbin to other planets.

Would be nice to have a mod tool, that show me the real range of the vessel depending on Antenna Rating and actual DNS in addition to my game difficulty setting, what i changed. (DSN, range modifier). Best with a window, where i can switch the planet, where the probe would be. Would be nice to see the impact of the relay if it is on eve and try to catch or send signals to destination f.e. moho.


After i never programmed anything in my life, doing myself is no option.

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