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Fake a mun landing.

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The Kerbal Space Program is low on funding, and it has been decided that, due to Jeb destroying >80% of all physical assets pertaining to Mun landings, the Space Program will fake a landing on the Mun, in order to gain more public attention, and funding. There are several prime desert locations on kerbin, and at night it\'s mostly not cloudy (leading meteorologists are still discussing what a \'cloud\' is, since none of them have ever seen one in the wild), so all that\'s needed is the expertise to pull off such a stunt. This is where you come in.

The challenge is, essentially, somehow take a lunar lander and/or rover to a desert or beach somewhere on kerbin, and make a fake lunar landing video using the stuff there. All mods and cfg edits are fine.

The more authentic the better, for example, if you have spotlights set up and everything, that would be damn awesome.

Essentially, the more like the mun the final video looks (you\'re allowed to take the colour out of it with software, obviously, and slow it down, speed it up or whatever) the better it will be. You have, as they say, free rein.

Furthermore, let\'s keep this thread free of arguments about the real moon landings, since if you don\'t believe they happened, what are you doing playing KSP? *

Shouldn\'t you be arguing pointlessly on youtube videos?

I\'ll post the best ones here, if anybody takes up this challenge. Good luck, and happy hoaxing!

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I like the idea of this challenge. No video but I\'ve attached a screenshot of the first EVA on the surface of Kerbin The Mun.

Had another vehicle landed 50 metres away to provide spotlighting. May have a go at a proper video...

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Kerbal Space Program Manager proud to announce the Kerbals\' first Mun landing!

In a surprise announcement, Kerbal Space Program Manager Billy-Bobly Kerman revealed the first succesful landing on Kerbin\'s satellite, the Mun. Despite serious setbacks, resulting budget cuts, and a following total news blackout, the Kerbal Space Center say they managed to get a crew of three, and even a roving vehicle, safely to the surface of the Mun.

'In the name of kerbalkind, we set foot on the good old Mun', was the first transmission received from mission commander Huckleberry F. Kerman. After leaving the landing craft and boarding the rover, the crew of three set out on their surface science mission. 'We\'re having a great time throwing sn..err Mun dust balls at each other... in this... err low... gravity,' was Commander Kerman\'s message to this somewhat puzzled reporter.

The Kerbal Space Program regrets that, due to the long range and electrostatic interference from Kerbol, only pre-recorded still images can be made available.

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Am I allowed to just fake a fake Mun landing by just actually landing on the Mun? It just seems easier.

That\'s the whole point of the challenge... It\'s easier to do it for real than to fake it convincingly.

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