DarkOwl57 Posted November 1, 2016 Author Share Posted November 1, 2016 Alright, so Option 3 wins it. You want it, I got it! I'm writing chapter 14 now, so I decided to do a double chapter post. YAY! Chapter 6 Time: 20:50 Hours Location: Outside of Bahmuto City, National States of Kerbin The engine whined, anxious to get the small plane up into the air. “Ready?” Jeb asked as he almost hopped in his seat. Valentina replied with a “Heck yes,” Before Jeb throttled up. The plane bounced a little bit, before Jeb pulled back and lifted up. “WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!” Jeb shouted out as they lifted off the ground. Valentina joined him, amazed that this beautiful thing was taking her and Jeb up into the air. They flew towards the city, seeing the bright cluster of lights. “What should we name it?” Jeb asked over the radio as they flew over the school. “Well… I don’t know.” Val said as she looked down to see Bill, Bob, and Sam looking up at them and waving. “I think we should name it Valentina the Great.” Jeb said as they banked back towards the landing field. Valentina promptly hit him in the back of the head with a piece of paper that was in the side pocket. “Ow,” Jeb said as he ducked to avoid another blow. “Okay, Okay. ‘Valentina the Great’ is out.” Jeb said a few minutes later, straightening up. “Do you want to fly it?” Jeb said. “Well, I really-“ Val began. “TOO LATE!” Jeb shouted, flipping a switch. Suddenly, the plane began to nose down, and Val screamed “JEBEDIAH KERMAN! YOU START FLYING THIS PLANE!” She yanked back on the stick, and the plane pulled out of it’s dive. “Don’t look now,” Jeb chuckled. “You’re flying!” The plane flew through the air, and Val shouted in glee, at how well she was doing. “THIS IS SO COOL!” Jeb laughed as he took the controls again. “I’m taking us back; How did you like your first flight?” He asked as the plane nudged the ground. “It was awesome,” Valentina said, breathing heavily and shaking a little bit. “Can we go again?” Jeb chuckled and shut the engine off, getting out of the plane. “Maybe later, but now I have to find some fuel for the plane.” Valentina volunteered to help him find some fuel for the plane, and just as they got in Jeb’s truck, Jeb’s alarm clock blared out. Chapter 7 Time: 06:30 Hours Location: Sandwood Airbase, Eastern Empire The alarm woke Jeb up with a loud BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP. “AH!” Jeb shouted as he tumbled out of his bed, and onto the floor. He hit the off button, and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Jeb saw the broken M-13 on the taxiway, and thought that maybe it would work. Jeb walked out to the plane, shivering a little bit in the cold morning air. He opened the door, and got into the cold seat. After flipping the power switches, the battery switches, and even the abort and CPU switches, the plane still failed to fire up. “We’re going to get a boat out here to take it away,” Haydi said from outside. Jeb looked at her, and continued to flip the switches, attempting to get it re-fired. “I flew this plane here, I’m going to fly it back.” Jeb muttered as he got up and checked the rear batteries. He opened the rear flap and looked in. Inside, there was nothing but a charred black thing, melted beyond repair. He pulled out what remained of the battery, and slammed the door. “Is there a workshop here?” Jeb said to Haydi as he turned around. “Again, I’ve called a flatbed boat, it should be here in about 2 days. Now, you could wait here and go back on a boat for a week, or you could come back with me on the jet.” She pointed to a sleek private jet which was on the runway. Jeb sighed. “Alright, but if there’s one scratch on the M-13,” Jeb started off, pointing at Haydi. “There’s to be Jool to pay?” She finished sarcastically, walking towards the jet. “Now, the plane leaves in 2 hours; make sure to eat, and be ready to leave. The pilot’s ready to go, but I’ve convinced him to wait up.” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Time: 08:20 Hours Location: sandwood Airbase, Eastern Empire As Jeb walked up the stairway to get into the jet, he thought about how ironic this was. He, the pilot, was now the passenger. He sat down in the 2-seater passenger compartment, feeling the smooth leather and seeing a small control panel. He pressed a blue button with an arrow pointing to the left, and his seat reclined. A red button with some wavy lines warmed his seat, and so many more buttons controlled his seat. “Ah, so I see you’ve found the seat controls,” Haydi said as she walked in. “Yup. This feels good.” Jeb said from his very reclined seat. “Hey, what’s this button do?” He said as he pushed a green rectangle. A 40 inch flatscreen tv rolled down from a slot in the ceiling. “Woah…” Jeb breathed as the tv finished rolling down. A NSKSA logo popped up, and a message said What channel do you want to watch? “Uh, Haydi? There’s no remote.” Jeb said as he looked around for a remote. “Look for the slot at the top of the console. Press the slot, and the remote should pop out.” Haydi said from the back of the plane, getting drinks. “Smoothie?” Haydi asked as she walked in. “Yeah, sure. Oh, Strawberry banana with whipped cream.” Jeb said as he pressed the small slot. The remote popped out, and Jeb gave off a low whistle. “You surveillance people get all the good stuff, don’t you?” Jeb called back to Haydi, who was making his smoothie. Haydi was silent, and gave Jeb his smoothie, sitting down behind him. The jet taxied to the runway, and took off. The ‘White Wing’ squad and the ‘Lightning squad gave the light plane an escort, creating an incredible V formation on either side. The ‘White Wings’ flew in a ‘Missing Man’ formation though. About 30 minutes into the flight, Jeb broke the silence. “So, what’s going on?” He asked, pausing the race that he was watching. Haydi turned to look at him, and said, “What do you mean?” “This,” Jeb said as he waved his hand around. “The plane, the smoothie, the reclining heated seats, everything. What’s the catch?” Haydi sighed, and got up. She pressed the TV button on Jeb’s console, and it began to whir up. “Hey!” Jeb exclaimed as he began to get up. “Sit down Jeb,” Haydi sighed, typing something into the computer screen at the front of the cabin. “But-“ Jeb started. “Jebediah Kerman, you will sit down.” Haydi icily said as she continued to type. Jeb sat down and tapped her foot as Haydi grabbed a laser pointer from the desk. A large whiteboard came down from the ceiling, and a projector followed it. “Have you seen this place?” Haydi said as a picture of a lake in front or rolling hills popped up on the whiteboard. “Yeah; Val and I went on our honeymoon there,” Jeb said as he sipped his smoothie. “Why?” Haydi didn’t reply, and pressed a button on the pointer, which changed the picture to a gruesome scene. The green hills had turned brown, and the once blue sky was gray in a heavy storm. But off in the distance, there was a large complex of buildings. Jeb saw guard towers, a barbed wire fence, and guards patrolling the perimeter. “What the…..” Jeb breathed as Haydi turned to him. “This is the new Slavisnia POW camp. Here, hundreds of rebels, saboteurs, and even soldiers that have defected, have been sent to this camp to be ‘delt with.’” Haydi finished with a bitter taste in her mouth. “Every day, people are killed in this camp, and the supply of inmates is seemingly never-ending.” “Your job,” Haydi said as the screen went dark, “Is to infiltrate this compound, rescue the prisoners from the area, and take them to the Territorial Arid Protection Entente, where they will be cared for.” Haydi smiled. “And this is what you’ll be using.” The screen changed to a beautiful sleek fighter jet, paired with 1 Whiplash engine, and a wonderful wing design. The underside held a swivel turret, 8 missiles, and a strange shape on the underside that Jeb couldn’t make out. “This is the J-01 ‘Eagle,’ which you will use to get into the enemy airspace, rescue citizens, and get out, hopefully undetected.” Haydi grinned as Jeb gaped at the plane. “The craft, built by the best engineers on the planet, is a demon-fast, sleek VTOL fighter.” Haydi continued, putting the laser pointer away. “Awesome. So, what do I have to do for this?” Jeb said as the screen rolled back up and the lights turned back on. “You don’t have to do anything for this, but you do need to do at least 5 missions before you can stop. We’re going to need to get as many people out of those camps as possible,” Haydi said as she sat down. “And don’t be fooled, this job isn’t a game; You could be hurt and maybe killed.” She warned. “I’m still in,” Jeb smiled as Haydi gave a light laugh, which sounded sweeter than honey. “Let’s get you set up with the crew then,” Haydi said as the pilot stuck his head into the cabin. “KSC, 30 minutes out.” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkOwl57 Posted November 2, 2016 Author Share Posted November 2, 2016 (edited) Fight! Fight! Fight! (Oh, and massive QUAD-UPDATE because I want you guys to see the job i did on chapter 14-15. ) Chapter 8 The Legend of the J-01 Time: 13:30 Hours Location: NSKSA Headquarters, Bahmuto City, National States of Kerbin (Capital) After Jeb had finished shaking hands with pretty much everyone at the National States of Kerbin Surveillance Agency Headquarters, He followed Sammy Kerman to his office. He sat down in a very fancy looking leather seat, and Sammy sat down in the seat across the desk. “So, you want to fly the J-01?” Sammy asked as Jeb smiled. “Heck yeah,” Jeb said. “Well, you’re going to have to do a few tests first,” Sammy said as he pulled some files out of the drawer. “But I feel that you’re going to do good.” Sammy handed Jeb the file, and Jeb opened it. He saw the plane detailed out, showing everything from engine detail to weapons systems. “The plane’s made specifically for you,” Sammy said as Jeb continued to look over the file. Jeb noticed a strange thing at the bottom of the page. “What’s this line right here? Next to the designers names,” Jeb asked as he handed the file back to Sammy. “Oh, a couple of designers were taken off the program in the middle of designing the craft.” Sammy shrugged as he handed the paper back to Jeb. Jeb was curious, but he knew not to ask questions that had already been (somewhat) answered. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Time: 14:00 Hours, 1 Year ago Location: NSKSA Test Facility design building Frank Kerman sat down at the staff room table, and took a sip of his coffee. The door opened, and Klinger Kerman walked in. Frank turned away, and looked out of the window. “Vow are you today?” Klinger said as he sat down at the table. Frank muttered out ‘Fine,’ as he pulled the J-01 prototype files out of his briefcase. He felt a presence over his shoulder, and he turned to see Klinger watching him. “Vhy have you not added ze new tail fin I designed?” Klinger asked. Frank sighed. “Because, Klinger,” Frank spat as he turned. “The tail fin would add weight and increase the size of the radar signature. It’s a 2-1 payoff.” He finished. “Also, the Slavisnians haven't been known for their design ability.” “HOW DARE YOU!” Klinger shouted as he stood up. “I HAV DONE AS MUCH AS YOU OR ANYVONE ELSE ON ZE ENTIRE PROJECT!” Klinger continued as Amanda Kerman and Dan Kerman rushed into the room. “What’s going on here?” Amanda asked as Klinger stormed over to Frank. Klinger grabbed Frank by the collar, and began to shout out nonsense words to him. “HEY!” Dan shouted as he pulled the two loose. Amanda grabbed the back of Frank, and held him back from Klinger, as Dan held Klinger back. “What happened?” A man in a brown military uniform said as he walked in. “Sorry Colonel Adam; Klinger tried to-“ Amanda said before being interrupted by Klinger. “THIS MAN INSULTED MY PEOPLE!” Klinger yelled out. Adam tried to calm Klinger down, but he was just too angry. Klinger stormed out of the room, and was never seen again. Chapter 9 The first test Time: 14:30 Hours Location: NSKSA Test Facility The new high-tech plane whirred to life, as the engines were fired and the systems automatically checked by the computer. A blue message said ‘Checking Systems…’ and Jeb leaned back in his seat. As he checked his systems for the action group settings, the computer gave a beep, and said Systems cleared. Jeb flipped through his computer settings, and radioed in that he was prepared for takeoff. He flipped the starting switches, and the rear engine was shut down, while the bottom RAPIER engine was turned to maximum power. Jeb slowly throttled up, and he felt the craft lurch as the VTOL engine began to lift the plane up. The plane left the ground, and Jeb fired the rear engine. The Whiplash engine worked like a dream, and the plane was flying at mach before he left the borders of the facility. He preformed the standard test moves; Rolls, complicated maneuvers, and using the VTOL engine to work even more moves. He saw a few targets set out on the ground, and he used the swivel turret to dispatch the ‘enemy’ easily. “Good job, Jeb,” Haydi said over the radio back at the HQ. “Go ahead and land back here at the Facility. Remember to use the hover pad, but if you want to do the runway that’s okay.” Jeb didn’t respond, and turned the plane around to head back. After flying for a few minutes, he arrived back at the Facility, and did the best vertical landing he had ever done. He got out of the door, and walked over to the engineers, which were looking over some data. The test appeared to show that, when in the hands of a skilled pilot, the plane flew just like it was designed to; Fast, maneuverable, and a terror to the enemy. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Time: 03:00 Hours, 3 Days Later Location: Jeb’s house, NSK Jeb bolted upright, clutching his chest and panting. He had just had a nightmare about a massive invasion…. And something about a demon cookie. Valentina stirred next to him. “Whas up?” She sleepily muttered to Jeb as she moved her rats nest hair out of her face. “Nothing,” Jeb sighed as he played back down. “Go back to sleep.” Val sat up, and asked, “No, seriously; What’s wrong?” Jeb groaned. “Well, Let’s see,” Jeb said as he too got up. “Well, you and Gene were there. Bill and Bob were on duty somewhere. I was flying in the old M-1; I don’t really remember where. Then, I see that there’s a contact on the radar, so I turn around, and you were flying a cookie.” Val laughed. “A cookie?” She grinned. “Don’t judge;” Jeb said as he continued. “Then, the dream changed. I was working with Wernher-“ He started before being interrupted. “Wernher? Now I know it’s a dream.” Jeb asked in a confused tone, “Why?” She pretended to ponder for a moment, before replying, “Let’s see; There was that time that you dropped acid on his shoe, the time you almost blew up the entire KSC, the time-“ She said before being interrupted by a smiling Jeb. “Okay, okay, I get it. “Anyway, I was working with Wernher before alarms started going off. I ran outside and saw some tanks firing on the KSC. You were in a small bomber; K-12, K-13 probably. And then, a tank fired a missile at you. The missile hit the plane, and that’s when I woke up.” “Well,” Val said as she got up. “Even if I died, my ghost would haunt you for eternity.” She smiled as she grabbed a glass of water. Jeb thought about this. “Even in the bathroom?” He asked, making Valentina giggle profusely. “No, not in the bathroom,” She answered, pulling the sheets back over her. “Now, go back to sleep, and don’t let the cookies shoot you down,” Valentina said as she settled back into her bed. Jeb, still a little bit worried, stared out of the window at the stars before falling to sleep. Chapter 10 The rescue Time: 10:45 Hours Location: Runway of the NSKSA Launch Facility The plane sat on the runway as Jeb, who had taken an Express flight over to the launch facility to make his first rescue mission. He climbed up the ladder on the side, and flipped on the main computer, which did the pre-flight checks. Jeb turned on the radio, and allowed it to filter through the intercom system so that he could hear it while he was checking the passenger cabin for the needed supplies; Medical kit, Food, Water, Emergency radio with a generator, and a spotlight. A call came over the radio, and Jeb ran over to receive it. “Hey, Jeb. This is Haydi. Come in.” Jeb picked up the mic, and said “What’s up?” Haydi replied, “Just so you know, we’re going to be in the ‘Tornado’ on standby in case you need air support. Call in and we’ll be there in about 15 minutes.” Jeb smiled. “I don’t think I need air support, but If I do, I’ll let you know.” The VTOL engine fired up, and the craft smoothly flew up, and Jeb was flying horizontal within a few seconds. As the land below turned to ocean, Jeb checked his weather map and saw a massive cluster of red and yellow blotches. “Uuuhhh…. Guys?” Jeb radioed in as he passed 1 km/s. “What’s up with the weather?” Back at the Facility, Haydi was monitoring the situation from all fronts, surrounded by 3 monitors constantly pumping out information about weather, vehicle status, and all sorts of other data. She quickly pulled up a web link, and reported to Jeb, “That’s tropical storm Danny. He’s weakening- and no wonder after you guys flew in him- and he should be just a few thunderstorms by the time you are taking off.” Jeb smiled, and looked out of the front to see the faint hints of a flash of lightning and some clouds off in the distance. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Time: 11:30 Location: Inside the “S1 Prison camp” in Slavisnia Ricky had been working for hours, creating weapons for those useless Slavisnians. He was just a normal person, but he had been arrested and taken away from his family, his friends, even his dog. He chucked the box of ammo that he was making, and looked out of the window. The rain made everything blurry, and as he picked up the next pile of ammo to place in a box, a loud horn sounded, signaling lunch time. Ricky stepped out into the rain, feeling it wash off all of the dust and grime that was accumulated from working in the factory. As he looked up, he saw the sun peeking out behind the dense clouds. The sun was momentarily blocked out by a fast shape flying across the sky. Ricky tried to follow it with his eyes, but couldn’t find it again. Ricky shrugged and walked into the canteen, where he sat down to eat. A large guard stood up at the doorway, and held a piece of paper, which he read out to the daily announcements. “Someone has been stealing the apples from the dinner line. The person has taken 2 apples instead of the regular one apple. The person caught will be punished severely.” The guard said. “And now, for our persons list: Sasha, Yohan, Smithy, and Sergio.” The four people trembled as they got up. They all knew what getting their name called meant; Death. “NO!” Sergio shouted as he tried to make a run for it. He kicked over a few chairs, ran into some guards, but was wrestled to the ground at the main door. He was pulled out, still squirming, and everyone knew that they would never see him again. “Now, after that excitement has happened,” The guard said in a false cheery tone, “Back to lunch!” He shouted out. Ricky grumbled with the rest of the group as they began to eat their food. His friend, John, slid up next to him and held up a small red object. “Apple?” He asked as he bit into his own. “You know we’re not supposed to have these before dinner,” Ricky cautiously said as he grabbed the apple. “Aw, come on; What’s the worst they can do to me?” John asked as he dug his spork into the spaghetti. “Well, let’s see. Dismemberment, Hanging, Firing squad, anyone of those sound pleasant to you?” Ricky said as he drank some of the water. John shrugged and replied “Well, not really. But these are delicious!” The horn rang out, and they all walked to their rooms. As Ricky was walking, a force grabbed him from behind his neck and threw him to the ground in an area between two buildings. “Hey!” Ricky exclaimed as he turned to see who grabbed him. He saw a man in a guards uniform standing over him. The guard grabbed him and pulled him back behind the building, and got right up next to his ear. “What’s your name son?” The guard whispered. “R-Ricky sir.” The guard continued, “What are you in here for?” Ricky replied, “I helped some friends bomb a factory.” The guard gave a low whistle. “You really screwed up, huh?” He chuckled. “You want to get out of here?” The guard said. “Uh, yeah.” Ricky replied in a ‘Well duh,’ kind of tone. “Follow me.” The guard pulled him to the edge of the fence, where there was a small hole. The two shimmied through the hole, and disappeared into the forest. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Time: 12:30 Hours Location: Outside the “S1 Prison Camp” The two had trekked through the forest, and sat in a small clearing was Jeb’s plane. The plane was still dripping water, but the rain had stopped as they had a clear period. The steps to the plane were open, and the guard went into the plane. When Ricky stepped in, he saw a lot of blue and grey decals, which had an owl on it. He saw that there were other people there too; Sam, Bailey, and his friend. “John!” He exclaimed as he rushed over to him. “Hey, bro.” John said as he stood up. They exchanged handshakes before telling each other how they ended up in the plane. Apparently, John was chilling out on a bench when the same guard pulled him aside. “I thought I was going to get killed man,” John said as he sat back in his seat. “This is your pilot Jebediah Kerman speaking,” Jeb started up through the intercom. Jebediah Kerman?! Ricky thought as he buckled up. He was supposed to be the best pilot in the world. Jeb continued, “This flight is going be going to the National States of Kerbin, with a stop in the Territorial Arid Protection Entente for fuel. Please make sure to keep your seatbelt fastened, your tray tables stowed, and your seats in the upright position when the plane is in flight.” Back in the cockpit, Jeb flipped the starting switches, and throttled up. The plane jolted up off the ground, and it began the journey back home. Edited November 2, 2016 by DarkOwl57 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkOwl57 Posted November 2, 2016 Author Share Posted November 2, 2016 Ooohhh, suspense... Chapter 11 The flight home Time: 13:00 Hours Location: Flying over the Sea of Kerbin The plane was flying along at around 500 m/s, conserving fuel yet still going at a reasonable speed. Jeb was in constant contact with Haydi, who was communicating with the TAPE on where to land for the re-fuel. So far, the plan had changed from a base in the far north to a base near the capital. The plane was supposed to pick up an escort as soon as they crossed into TAPE land, which was coming up in about 5 minutes. Ricky was sat in the back of the plane, talking with Bailey and John, while the plane continued to be buffeted around by the wind. A slight bump made Bailey sit straight up. “We’re over land,” She said as she peeked out of the window. John and Ricky did the same and sure enough, land was visible from down below. “Attention passengers, If you look to either side of us, you should see a few ‘Lightning’ planes escorting us to the ‘Plains Airbase’.” Jeb said as he continued to fly evenly. Bailey gasped as she saw the USK’s elite ‘Lightning’ squad following them. “Built in around last year, and has a top speed capable of over 1500 meters per second, and is used mainly by the USK, though the Agonarch Imperium is vying for a chance to get it.” Daily said as she continued to stare at the beautiful planes. She was basically a living, walking, and talking encyclopedia. Jeb looked out of the front window, and saw the airbase ahead. “Attention passengers,” He said over the intercom as he prepared to contact the airbase, “We are preparing for our descent. Please stay seated as we land, and we should be there in a few minutes.” Jeb called in to the base, and confirmed their landing. The bottom jets fired up, and the airbrakes slowed the plane down. The two lightning planes broke off, and sped forward to land. The plane, which was once a sleek fighter, turned into a massive drag machine, with flaps, brakes, and landing gear deployed. The plane perfected the VTOL, and gently set down on the runway. Tarmac crews got a fuel truck and did a check on the plane, before getting a ladder to escort the passengers out. After the passengers had been put on their own plane, Jeb lifted off, and began his journey home. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Time: 14:30 Hours Location: Flying over the Northern Ocean Jeb was going over the sky at a massive speed, his tach showing around 1.2 km/s. He heard a slight beep, and looked down at the radar. He saw a massive cluster of red dots. He tried his best, but the rear of the plane was hit, causing the plane to spiral down to the ocean. Jeb was going down. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheEpicSquared Posted November 2, 2016 Share Posted November 2, 2016 The suspense... *leans forward in chair in anticipation* Also, how do you write chapters so fast? I only just managed to get a chapter up for my Megastructures story today, and that took long enough. And here you are writing 2 in the same time! Tell me your secrets, DarkOwl! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkOwl57 Posted November 2, 2016 Author Share Posted November 2, 2016 On 11/2/2016 at 8:05 PM, TheEpicSquared said: The suspense... *leans forward in chair in anticipation* Also, how do you write chapters so fast? I only just managed to get a chapter up for my Megastructures story today, and that took long enough. And here you are writing 2 in the same time! Tell me your secrets, DarkOwl! Expand Well, First I had a lot of free-time Second, I was on chapter 14 when I had only uploaded chapter 8, so I had a huge buffer to demolish. Third, I really want to pump these chapters out to you guys. Fourth........ *Turns to intern* What's the fourth one? Ah yes. *Turns back to @TheEpicSquared* I really like this, and it's easy to do something when you like it. (Words of advice right here lol) Oh, and starting from chapter 8, I have added chapter titles! (Presses applause button) Gotta get to the buffer *Sings* ONWARD UPWARD, EVER FORWARD!!! WATCH AS I FAIL (Except they don't because they're the protagonists) Chapter 12 Robinson krusoe Time: 14:35 Hours Location: Over the Northern Ocean Jeb crashed into the water, sending up a loud Splash! and a load of white bubbles. His suit deployed an inflatable raft, and Jeb popped to the surface. He saw the J-01 struggling in the sky, slowly descending as it glided. Jeb kept his eyes on it, and continued to watch as his baby, his pride and joy, crashed into the ocean. Jeb shivered in his inflatable raft, attempting to shake off the water from his suit. He tried the radio again, but the thing didn’t turn on. Great, Jeb thought as he looked at his watch. No food, no water, no way to contact Haydi….. Jeb listed all of his issues in his head as he paced. Then, as he sat back down, his radio crackled to life, and the concerned voice of Haydi filtered through the static. “Jeb? Jeb! Do you hear me?” Haydi asked as Jeb picked up the radio. “Haydi! I’m here.” Haydi gave a sigh. “Where are you? We saw the plane go off the radar, and a bunch of debris filled it’s place.” Jeb looked around and saw nothing but blue. “Uuuhhh…… I don’t quite know.” Jeb said as he continued to survey the water around. Haydi muttered a curse, before gathering her head. “Okay, okay. We can get through this. What’s the most noticeable landmark that’s near you?” Jeb let out a light laugh, and said, “Well, there’s a school of kelp…” “Jeb….” Haydi said in a warning tone. “Haydi, I’m in the middle of the ocean; There are no landmarks.” Jeb replied, starting to get irritated. “Just send out a search plane and look for a yellow dot in the middle of the North Sea.” Haydi thought this over. “Ok,” She said as she contacted the Coast Guard and the Navy. “I’ve alerted the Coast Guard and the Navy; Keep your emergency beacon on, and they should be able to find you.” Jeb suddenly had a very bad feeling. “Haydi? Was the beacon on the plane?” Haydi began to feel sick as well. “Oh no…. You- You didn’t….” She gulped. “Yes, the emergency beacon was on the plane.” Jeb punched the side of the boat, letting out a few of his own curses. “Okay, no need to panic…..” Haydi said before snapping her fingers at an idea. “Jeb! Do you still have your suit light?” Jeb looked in his pocket and found a yellow flashlight. “Yes,” He said. “Good. Press the button 3 times, and leave it on the side of the boat. Don’t cover it up, and make sure the bulb is pointed at the sky.” Jeb followed the instructions, and replied, “Done. What’s that do?” “It’s a bright red light that flashes on and off every 5 seconds. It only turns on at night, so that the plane can see you.” Jeb smiled. “Haydi, You’re a genius!” Back at the Facility, Haydi blushed. “I try.” She replied. Now, all Jeb had to do is survive until the night. How hard can it be? Jeb thought as he lay down. People do it all the time on those TV shows. This’ll be easy. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Time: 21:00 Hours Location: Northern Ocean By the time the sun set, Jeb had been stuck at sea for about 7 hours, which had given him a major sunburn. Once the sun went down, the air turned surprisingly chilly for being in a warm climate. Jeb had to carefully roll around to move anywhere, due to a feeling in his leg that felt broken. A huge fish had jumped out of the ocean, and knocked him on his back. The fish, about 15 pounds, landed with enough force to at least fracture the leg. Even though he was in significant pain, he managed to go to sleep with a sunburn, a broken leg, no water, and near-freezing temperatures. Just as he went to sleep, a Coast Guard vessel rolled up to him, and a couple of crew managed to jump onto the raft. “Jeb?” One of them asked as he patted Jeb’s face. Jeb just groaned. After about 15 minutes, a helicopter airlifted Jeb out of the raft, and he was taken to a hospital, where he stayed for about 2 weeks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkOwl57 Posted November 2, 2016 Author Share Posted November 2, 2016 http://imgur.com/gallery/2uv2E (Map of the war) Chapter 13 ‘Four’ Time: 06:30 Hours, 1 month later Location: Runway of the NSKSA Launch Facility Jeb, now flying his 4th and second to last mission, was lined up on the runway, There were at least 10 other J-01’s, all going out with Jeb on his last massive jailbreak. Haydi, who was flying this mission, was excited for this mission. The plan was to infiltrate the largest complex of them all, rescue at least 45 prisoners from the area, and escape. “This is it guys,” Jeb said as they lifted off in perfect formation. The group knew that this could be a bad mission, as reports suggested a massive surge in defenses. They were flying supersonic in about 30 seconds, and the planes flew towards the enemy prison, bent on saving as many as possible. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Time: 07:30 Hours Location: Near the “Super1 Prison” In Slavisnia The planes all landed about 500 feet outside of the perimeter wall. Because the sun was just coming up, they were perfectly camouflaged. Haydi got out of her plane, and met up with Jeb, who was assigning the groups for rescue. Haydi was paired with Jeb, and the two cut a hole in the fence. After they had rescued 8 people, the two rushed for the exit. But, just as they got out the door, a robotic…. thing stopped the two. “Halt,” The robot said. The thing was shaped strangely, with it basically being a box with 4 wheels and 4 arms. Jeb tried to step around it, but the thing shot out a bolt of electricity, and stunned Jeb back. “Ow,” Jeb said as he rubbed his arm. Haydi then tried to get to it, and managed to knock it down. The light blinked out, and then it made a whirring nice as it re-booted. Inside the bot, a key bit of memory data had been knocked loose, and the whole thing was reset. “Rebooting… Systems warming up… SLAVISNIA GUARD UNIT 0400…” The bot- Unit 0400- said as his system turned on. Haydi leaned over the main light, which was like the eyes of it. The internal recognition system scanned Haydi’s face, and it logged her name. “Haydi…… Kerman,” Unit 0400 said. “What the?” Haydi breathed as Jeb righted the robot. “Who are you?” Haydi asked as Unit 0400 turned around on it’s wheels to look at everything. “I am Unit 0400 of the Slavisnia Guard Factory; Created 3 months ago, Guarding the Super1 Prison.” Unit 0400 replied. “Unit 0400, huh?” Haydi said as she stared at the bot. “Well, I’m going to forget that, so how about we name you ‘Four’?” Haydi asked. Unit 0400 processed this new input, and gave off a small, almost silent beep and said “Input accepted. Name changed to ‘Four.’” “What nation are you allied to?” Jeb asked Four. “I am allied to no nation, though I will go to whichever side my new family is on.” Four replied. Wait…. Family? Jeb thought as he stared Four straight in the….. eye. “Well, me and Haydi come from the National States of Kerbin,” Jeb said. “We’re rescuing prisoners from Slavisnia, which is where we are now.” “Oh, I know that we are in Slavisnia; I have seen it in my GPS. And, because my new family is on the side of the National States of Kerbin, I am on their side.” Four looked at the two star pilots. “Well, let’s get going.” Jeb said as they made for the door. “Wait,” Four said, “I know the fastest escape route. If we go a different way, there is a high chance we will be caught.” Four said as he moved towards the fence. Jeb shrugged at Haydi, and followed Four. Four led the group to a spot in the fence, and Jeb cut it like it was made of butter. The group was able to escape, and when the other 10 pilots came back with their rescuees, they all lifted off. “Hang on Four,” Jeb said as he lifted the plane up off the ground. Jeb had made a very impromptu sling for Four, with him basically tied to the back of the passenger compartment via bungee cord. The flight back home was relatively calm, with a minor scare when the VTOL engines fired for no reason mid-flight. Fortunately, Jeb managed to regain control, and one hour later, the group landed at the NSKSA Facility. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NotAnAimbot Posted November 2, 2016 Share Posted November 2, 2016 (edited) Awesome story! Any chance the planes in the challenge get in it? Edited November 2, 2016 by NotAnAimbot Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkOwl57 Posted November 2, 2016 Author Share Posted November 2, 2016 On 11/2/2016 at 9:43 PM, NotAnAimbot said: Awesome story! Any chance the planes in the challenge get in it? Expand They're going to show up in chapters 20-32 (Which is the last chapter), and they will be made by the Agonarch Imperium, the Territorial Arid Protection Entente, and engineers from Petlof and Penguinia. (See the map to know what I'm talking about) http://imgur.com/avWumJs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kosmonaut Posted November 2, 2016 Share Posted November 2, 2016 On 11/2/2016 at 10:26 PM, DarkOwl57 said: They're going to show up in chapters 20-32 (Which is the last chapter), and they will be made by the Agonarch Imperium, the Territorial Arid Protection Entente, and engineers from Petlof and Penguinia. (See the map to know what I'm talking about) http://imgur.com/avWumJs Expand nononononono... wait a second... you weren't cheering for Beardy and Twitchi? YOU WERE ON THE SIDE OF TAPE AND AGONARCH!?!? WHAT!? WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The solid fuel chemist Posted November 3, 2016 Share Posted November 3, 2016 On 11/2/2016 at 11:56 PM, Kosmonaut said: nononononono... wait a second... you weren't cheering for Beardy and Twitchi? YOU WERE ON THE SIDE OF TAPE AND AGONARCH!?!? WHAT!? WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!? Expand Just when I was beginning to like you... @DarkOwl57 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkOwl57 Posted November 3, 2016 Author Share Posted November 3, 2016 (edited) On 11/2/2016 at 11:56 PM, Kosmonaut said: nononononono... wait a second... you weren't cheering for Beardy and Twitchi? YOU WERE ON THE SIDE OF TAPE AND AGONARCH!?!? WHAT!? WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!? Expand AHAHAHAHA YOU GET THE REFERENCE!!!!! LOL On 11/2/2016 at 11:56 PM, Kosmonaut said: nononononono... wait a second... you weren't cheering for Beardy and Twitchi? YOU WERE ON THE SIDE OF TAPE AND AGONARCH!?!? WHAT!? WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!? Expand Well, Tape is okay, but twitch is my favorite. Sadly, his land is now the NSK, but in this alternate timeline, Twitchi leads Penguinia and Tape leads..... Tape. (Duh) Beardy and Agonarch on the other hand...... Beardy I just don't like. Too cringy. Agonarch is kind of Meh for me. So technically, I am on the side of Twitchi and Tape; Agonarch is sorta of a neutral ground for me- Don't like them, but don't hate them either. GLORIES! Edited November 3, 2016 by DarkOwl57 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkOwl57 Posted November 3, 2016 Author Share Posted November 3, 2016 (Spoiler alert) I am going to Star Wars this thing! THE TRILOGY HAS BEEN CONFIRMED!!! BOOK 3 COMING OUT...... As soon as I finish this book. Stay tuned. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkOwl57 Posted November 3, 2016 Author Share Posted November 3, 2016 Alright, so here's the plane allocations from the Fighter Jet Speed Test. Agonarch: Fasty McGoFast (Mk. 2), and MOAR POWAH!!! Penguinia: SpeedFighter-05, and Phoenix 3 Petlof: SpeedFighter6, and SpeedSingle TAPE: Heat Dart, and Speedy MC Speeds Thanks for participating in the challenge guys! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheEpicSquared Posted November 3, 2016 Share Posted November 3, 2016 Where can I find the first story? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkOwl57 Posted November 3, 2016 Author Share Posted November 3, 2016 On 11/3/2016 at 2:57 PM, TheEpicSquared said: Where can I find the first story? Expand Uuuuhhhhh......... Give me a second. *Cue elevator music* Okay, So I started a post a while ago, but i may or may not have let it die...... Oops. If you guys want it, I could try to re-do it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheEpicSquared Posted November 3, 2016 Share Posted November 3, 2016 On 11/3/2016 at 3:18 PM, DarkOwl57 said: Uuuuhhhhh......... Give me a second. *Cue elevator music* Okay, So I started a post a while ago, but i may or may not have let it die...... Oops. If you guys want it, I could try to re-do it. Expand Nah, you don't have to redo that one. Continue this one instead. It'll be easier to write one story at a time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkOwl57 Posted November 3, 2016 Author Share Posted November 3, 2016 On 11/3/2016 at 3:34 PM, TheEpicSquared said: Nah, you don't have to redo that one. Continue this one instead. It'll be easier to write one story at a time. Expand About that........ I've actually already written it on Pages; I finished that one and started book 2. On 11/3/2016 at 3:34 PM, TheEpicSquared said: Nah, you don't have to redo that one. Continue this one instead. It'll be easier to write one story at a time. Expand I could write a sort of summarized version too if you don't want to see a full book. Breaking News: Writer dies of embarrassment after it is revealed that he forgot to post the first book in a trilogy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkOwl57 Posted November 3, 2016 Author Share Posted November 3, 2016 On 11/3/2016 at 2:57 PM, TheEpicSquared said: Where can I find the first story? Expand I was waiting for someone to ask that question too lolol ;) Link to the original with 5/25 chapters uploaded. (26 with epilogue.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkOwl57 Posted November 4, 2016 Author Share Posted November 4, 2016 Okay, so I'm having trouble on what to name book 3. The options are either 'War of the Worlds,' or 'The Battle of Kerbin'. Leave your suggestions down below Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheEpicSquared Posted November 4, 2016 Share Posted November 4, 2016 Battle of Kerbin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkOwl57 Posted November 4, 2016 Author Share Posted November 4, 2016 On 11/4/2016 at 2:35 PM, TheEpicSquared said: Battle of Kerbin Expand 1-0 Battle of Kerbin with the lead. Oh, I forgot to say what the story is about lolol. So basically, an advanced alien race hailing from Eve is going to try to take over Kerbin and destroy all the Kerbals..... Yeah, original I know, but I thought of the story line at midnight last night after a football game. And, there could be an old friend that returns..... Chapter 14 Four’s Flight Time: 10:45 Hours Location: NSKSA Facility The scientists were starting to get frustrated with Four, as he wouldn’t let them get to the data in him. The scientists, no matter how much they tried, couldn’t get near to Four without him running in the opposite direction. They had called in Haydi, who told the scientists to leave the room. “Hey, Four,” Haydi said as she sat down next to him. “Hello, Haydi.” Four said. If ‘bots have tones of voices, Haydi thought, This one sounds pretty dang happy. “So, what do those scientists want?” Haydi asked, as if she were talking to a good friend. “They want to know what I do and secrets that the Slavisnian military have.” Four said. “And why’s that a bad thing?” Four thought for a moment. “They would need to disassemble me,” Four’s voice sounded really depressed at this point. “Well, you could tell me,” Haydi said. Four thought it over, before telling Haydi all about the Slavisnians bases. He said that his use was as an automated assistant unit, or an AAU. He had been re-programmed when the war began, but the re-programming had been un-programmed. Haydi thanked Four for the information, and walked out to the scientists, who looked dumb-struck at what she had found out. Haydi grinned a little bit, before walking towards the exit. “Oh, and if you need me again,” She called back over her shoulder, “Just call.” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Time: 12:45 Hours, 1 day later Location: Jeb’s house Jeb was playing with Robert when the doorbell rang. Valentina went to answer the door, as Jeb taught Rob how to dogfight. Suddenly, there was a yell, followed by Val running into the room. “Jeb,” She said, struggling to keep herself under control. “Could you come here please?” Oh dear, Jeb thought as he left his chair. Val led him out onto the front porch, and Jeb was shocked by what he saw. There, rolling around on the sidewalk, was Four. “Four?” Jeb said as he trotted towards Four. Four stopped and turned towards him. “Hello Jeb,” Four said. “Um… What are you doing here?” Jeb struggled for words, still confused that Four was here. “I have come to monitor the daily life of your people,” Four said as he went up to Jeb. “Haydi sent me.” Ahah! Jeb thought. “Well, because it’s 12, we normally eat lunch. Jeb walked into the table, and Val looked at him, confused and angry at the same time. “Oh, sorry. Four, this is my wife, Valentina. And Val, this is Four.” Four extended one of his arms, giving Val a handshake. “How do you do?” “Is this one of Bill’s experiments?” Val asked. Jeb shook his head no, and Val just turned to get Rob. “So, uh… What do you eat?” Jeb asked. “I a mainly solar powered, so I will just find a nice patch of sunshine to stay in.” Four said, as he chose a spot near the window. “What’s that?” Robert said as he entered the room. He then proceeded to chase poor innocent Four, causing Four to yell out “HEEELLLLPPPP MEEEEEEE!!!!!” as he was chased. This is going to be a loooonnnngggg day. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Time: 18:00 Hours, 3 days later Location: NSKSA Launch Facility “I hate you,” Was the first thing Jeb said to Haydi when he saw her. She smiled, and replied in a not so innocent voice, “Who, me? All I did was ask Four to go to your home and learn the ways of the kerbal.” Jeb looked sour. “My son chased him around the kitchen for the first 30 minutes he was there, but then after that things calmed down.” Jeb walked into the office building, as both he and Haydi were supposed to meet with Sammy. The group walked in, and Sammy greeted them with coffee and a doughnut box. Haydi and Jeb sat down, and Sammy both acknowledged them. “So, as we all know, This is Jeb’s last required mission.” Jeb nodded. “And, for your final mission, we’re going to have just you and Haydi, plus 2 more J-01’s going on the mission. There have been a lot of defenses popping up, and we don’t want to risk the lives of civilians here. “Haydi, your job is going to be different. You won’t be rescuing anyone this time.” Haydi was confused. “What? Why?” Sammy smiled. He handed her a piece of paper, and she looked breathless. “What in the name of…..” She stopped, marveling at the paper. Jeb tried to sneak a look at it, but just as he shifted to get a view, Haydi handed the paper back. “Your job is going to be air support and CAS, or close air support. Make sure that all the prisoners get into the J-01 okay.” Sammy said as he placed the paper in his cabinet. “So, any questions?” Sammy looked at the two, before dismissing them. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Time: 05:00 Hours, the next day Location: Runway of the NSKSA Launch Facility Jeb was up at the crack of dawn, trying to see what Haydi was doing in the hangar. However, she had locked the door, and covered the windows with papers. Jeb knocked on the door and Haydi popped the door open. “Hi,” She said as her hair whipped around her shoulders. “Can I see what this thing is now?” Jeb asked, a little irritated that Haydi was being so confusing. “Aw, alright.” Haydi opened the door, and Jeb gasped at the plane. The sleek design of the plane was something to behold, and the twin Rapier, single Whiplash design made it look like it was made for inter-planetary travel. The rear design was amazing to see, with fins on the sides and top. But there was something odd about a section behind the cockpit. “Haydi?” Jeb said as he walked up to the side of the plane. “What’s with this little box thing?” Haydi walked up behind him, and said “You know, Sammy didn’t say…” She broke off as she tried to figure out the situation. But the gleam in her eyes came back, and a smile lit her face. “But isn’t this thing awesome?! I mean, the speed of 2 rapiers AND a whiplash,” She sighed. “And the tail fins.” She jogged over to the rear of the plane. “Just so beautiful.” Jeb walked under the ‘box,’ and saw a drone core with an antenna, a solar panel, and a small sticker that said “For robotic transfer ONLY” “Hey Haydi; Check this out.” Haydi walked over to Jeb, ducking as the passed the missiles. Jeb pointed at the underside of the box. “Look at this sticker.” He said as Haydi looked at the box. “The heck?” Haydi said as she stared at it. “‘Robotic Transfer’? What does that mean?” Jeb shrugged as Four rolled in. “Hello,” he said as he rolled up next to the two. “Hey, Four, do you know what this thing does?” Jeb asked as Four used his wheels to back up and get a view of the sticker. “Do you want me to show you?” Four asked as he began to extend his antenna. “Sure.” Haydi replied as the antenna extended all the way. Four froze for a moment, before he turned off completely. “Four!” Haydi exclaimed as she rushed over to the now dead robot body. “In here!” Four’s voice said from the cockpit. Haydi climbed the ladder to the plane, and put on the headset. “Four?” She said as she looked around. “Where are you?” “I’m in the box at the back.” Four said. Jeb looked at the back, and the drone core had lit up, and the antenna was moving up and down. “Haydi, come look at this.” Jeb said as Haydi climbed out, still wearing her headset. “What the…. How?” She said as the drone went dead, and Four’s body began to move around again. “Pretty cool, huh?” Four said as Haydi smiled. “Well, let’s do a test flight.” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Time: 05:45 Hours Location: Runway of the NSKSA Launch Facility Haydi was ready to launch the plane, but she was waiting for Four to finish his checks. “You done yet Four?” She said as Four replied with a yes. Haydi fired up the engines, and the plane rolled forward. When the plane lifted up, Four logged in data, while Haydi pulled the gear up and prepared for the super-sonic speeds. “This is nice,” Four said as the plane began to be knocked around by the mach. As the plane flew through the sky, Four told Haydi to slow down as he extended the antenna. “Haydi?” Sammy’s voice filtered in through the radio as Haydi applied the airbrakes. “Yeah?” She replied. “Go ahead and come back to the base, you’re on track to hit some EE land, and they won’t like you going into their space unannounced.” Haydi turned the plane around, and headed back to the Facility. When they landed, Four transferred into his regular body, and enjoyed his first flight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkOwl57 Posted November 4, 2016 Author Share Posted November 4, 2016 *Sniff* Chapter 15 Haydi Down Time: 08:00 Hours, The next morning Location: Runway of the NSKSA Launch Facility As Jeb launched off the runway with the other 2 pilots, he couldn’t help but feel a tad nervous. Jeb one that there was bound to be some problems- There had to be after 4 missions with no issues- But something didn’t feel right. Jeb checked his systems again. All the systems worked fine, the weather was clear, and there wasn’t a large radar cross-section for the enemy to go off of. Still, Jeb was nervous. As the flight went super-sonic, Jeb radioed in to Sammy that he was going to end radio silence. The team neared Slavisnia, and Jeb went over the plan with the group again. “Remember, in and out in under 15 minutes. Security’s going to be tight, so make sure to do what you can.” Jeb heard the other two pilots agree. Jeb saw the camp on the side of a hill, and The group descended to the ground. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Time: 08:45 Hours Location: Outside the “S5 Prison Camp,” Slavisnia Jeb had already gotten four prisoners, grabbing them as they left their rooms. Jeb saw Scott, one of his other pilots, with 2 people, and so he had only 2 more to go. Jeb ran through the slick forest, slapping away branches and bugs. Back at the rendezvous spot, Jeb saw Rick, the second pilot, sitting at his plane, ushering civilians in. As the two waited for Scotty, they heard alarms going off from the general direction of the prison. “Oh no,” Rick said as he rushed to get in his plane. Jeb, knowing what the alarms meant, got into his plane as well, initiating the emergency takeoff procedure. Scotty came sprinting into the clearing, being followed by 3 civilians. The three were able to launch up, and got into the sky successfully. Almost. Jeb’s radar showed 3 enemy contacts heading towards them. Jeb could easily take a target down in this plane, but 3? Unlikely. The other 2 pilots weren’t much fighters, and so they scurried off. Jeb fired a missile at one jet, blowing it to pieces. As Jeb circled around to get the second one, the third plane got onto his tail. This is it. Jeb thought as he experimentally shot some bullets at the enemy. I am going to die here, along with the other 4 passengers. Just as Jeb locked onto the tail, he heard a massive BOOM! from behind. Jeb fired a missile and exploded the enemy, as he heard a loud “YEE-HAW!” over the radio. “Haydi?!” Jeb said as he turned to catch up with the group of 2 that was going back to the Territorial Arid Protection Entente. “Yeah, Four and I decided to come over and give you a hand.” Haydi replied as she caught up with the triangle. Four caught a problem on the radar though. “PAC-3 inbound, deploying countermeasures.” Haydi whirled around, and Jeb was sure she had avoided it. and sure enough, she did. Haydi shouted out, “YEAH! That was awes-‘ But she was cut off by a massive boom. Jeb looked back to see Haydi’s plane spiraling down to the ground in multiple burning pieces. “Pilot down!” Jeb shouted out to Sammy as he began to turn towards the plane. “Jeb, there’s nothing you can do; turn back on course now.” Sammy paused. “That’s an order.” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The solid fuel chemist Posted November 5, 2016 Share Posted November 5, 2016 DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emperor of the Titan Squid Posted November 6, 2016 Share Posted November 6, 2016 I now know why one of them has that extra seat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkOwl57 Posted November 6, 2016 Author Share Posted November 6, 2016 (edited) On 11/6/2016 at 3:03 PM, Emperor of the Titan Squid said: I now know why one of them has that extra seat. Expand For Four? Because if you mean that, basically I just got a few structural plates and put a drone core in it. (I was rushed for time) Decided to spam chapters 17-19, so I made a SUPER-MEGA UPLOAD!!! Chapter 16 Exile Time: 11:45 Hours Location: NSKSA Launch Facility Jeb landed back at the Facility, feeling the effect of Haydi’s loss. He instinctively looked back at Four’s body back at the runway, and turning away at the fact he would never see of hear Four again. Jeb walked into his small office, and turned on the TV to see some local news. “And in other news,” The newscaster said as he looked at his notes. “Slavisnian News Daily has reported that they have shot down star pilot Haydi Kerman over their forests. They say that crews have searched the ares, and have found the remains of a pilot, wearing a National States of Kerbin suit, and now Haydi Kerman is presumed dead.” The newscaster listened to his earpiece, and grimly looked at the camera. “I have just gotten news from our correspondents. Haydi Kerman has now been pronounced dead. We are going to take a break as we attempt to process this news, stay tuned-“ The announcer said before Jeb shut the TV off. Jeb scribbled a quick note, and got onto his own plane that he had designed; The Aries 3A, and left to go off to the Atoll Islands for a self-induced exile. About an hour later, Sammy, looking for Jeb to get a flight report, saw the note. Dear Sammy, I am going away for a time. I can’t do this any more. This war, the loss of Haydi, it’s all just too much. I want you to know that I thank you for letting me fly the -01. Don’t look for me, as I’ll just go away as soon as I am found. Give my condolences to Haydi’s family. Goodbye, Jeb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Time: 19:00 Hours Location: Atoll Islands, Territorial Arid Protection Entente Jeb landed the plane on a flat plain, on the center island of the Atoll. Jeb decided to stay on the island for at least a few weeks, maybe more. He saw the sunset going down over the ocean, and broke down, punching the sand and tossing it up in the air. He was mourning for so many people; Haydi, Four, and he still mourned for Robert, more than 10 years later. He sat up, still sobbing over all the losses he had felt, and fell to sleep on the sand. Chapter 17 Rebellion Time: 12:45 Hours, 1 week later Location: Bahmuto City, National States of Kerbin (Capital) The citizens of the city were being stirred up by the enemy forces. They had been spreading lies about the nation, making even the most loyal citizens un-easy. Police had been forced to work over-time, attempting to put down the small rebellions that kept on seeming to pop up. After more than a month, the nations leader managed to negotiate an end to the riots. And, fortunately, the enemy was caught. But the nation was still holding his breath. Chapter 18 Jeb’s Return Time: 15:00 Hours, 2 months later Location: KSC Jeb landed on the runway with extreme ease, loving how maneuverable the Aries was. Jeb went into his office, blowing off some dust and re-arranging his books. He saw some notes on his desk; something about a revolution that was put down, and saw a newspaper article. The headline said ‘PILOT MISSING: Anyone with info can call the KSC at 800-076-0990.” Someone had circled the number with a black marker and said “Where are you Jeb?!” Jeb smiled as he put it up on his wall via push pin. Just as he was about to get his computer set up, he heard a knock on his door. He opened up the door, expecting to see Gene. But what he saw made him gasp and jump back. He opened his mouth and breathed out “Four?” Chapter 19 Four? Time: 15:15 Hours Location: Jeb’s office, KSC Jeb let Four in, who rolled to a stop in front of his desk. “Hello, Jeb.” Four said as he turned to see him. “How are you here?” Jeb said as he knelt down in front of him. “I got into a guards computer and managed to transfer myself around to the Facility, where I got into my body and I took a cargo flight here.” Four replied. “So why are you here?” Jeb said as he looked Four over. He still looked okay, but of course this body hadn’t been injured. “I am here with a message from Haydi.” Four said. Jeb felt like he had been punched in the gut. Hearing Haydi’s name again only brought back bad memories of seeing her plane go down, and hearing about her death. Four’s main light turned blue, and a hologram version of Haydi popped up. She was standing up, wearing her standard fighter pilot uniform. She was standing there, talking to Jeb. She was about as tall as she was in life, just see-through and blue. “Hi Jeb,” She said. “Hey.” Jeb said, struggling for words. “I know that you’re sad about my death, but it’s okay; Four was able to keep me in like some sort of memory chip thing.” Haydi sounded pretty happy. “So I can contact you whenever I want?” Jeb asked as he turned to look at Four. “Yes, and keep your eyes on me. It’s the polite thing to do.” Haydi said as Jeb looked at her. “what happened? I mean when you died.” Jeb asked. “Four,” Haydi said as she turned. “Play clip 1.” Four changed the clip, and Haydi disappeared, and Haydi’s clip showed up. Chapter 19.5 Final Moments Time: 08:46 Hours, 2 months ago Location: Over the Forests of Slavisnia The plane was spiraling out of control. Haydi, trying to recover the plane, managed to crash it into some trees. She felt a stinging pain in her stomach, and managed to get out of the ruined plane. She clutched her chest, and saw Four off in the distance. Haydi limped over to where Four’s box lay, tipped over. She looked down at her arm, which was dripping blood. Her stomach had a huge cut in it, and she was losing blood fast. She righted Four, and activated the camera. “Jeb, I don’t have much time. I’m sorry that I’m going to leave you here to fight those Dystrios, but I’m not going to make it. I just want you to know that you have more talent than me or anyone else combined. You can do this.” She looked around, hearing guards running towards her. “I believe in you.” The guards burst into the clearing, and pointed their guns at her. She put her hands up, and collapsed next to the camera. And as Haydi’s chest stopped moving, the camera turned off. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Time: Present Location: Jeb’s office Haydi came back up in the hologram. “So there it is.” Jeb wiped a tear from his eye. “I’m so, so sorry I couldn’t save you,” Jeb said. “Hey, it’s not your fault.” She replied. “I apologize too,” Four said from behind her. Haydi turned and smiled. “I don’t blame you either little guy,” She said as she knelt down to give him what could be a hug if she wasn’t a hologram. “How do I talk to you?” Jeb asked as someone knocked at the door. She smiled. “Just say my name.” And with that, Haydi’s hologram flickered, and turned off. Edited November 6, 2016 by DarkOwl57 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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