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Old Save File Transfer to 1.2 help!

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This is not much of a big deal, I got the transfer files from previous to this new 1.2 comm update. However even though I can still play it. My question is, is there a way I can edit my save file o add these new advance settings that were previously not there, or is it to risky? Can I add the new comm font in the upper left corner of the screen with this savefile? Or do I have to start a new game to use all these new features?




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2 hours ago, ShadowElite said:

My question is, is there a way I can edit my save file o add these new advance settings that were previously not there, or is it to risky?

It's always risky to move saves between major versions of KSP, so keep a copy of them archived just in case.

That said, and although I don't move saves myself between versions (it's easy enough to keep a different version installed to 'finish' those): I have gone into the Difficulty section of the in-game settings plenty of times now to switch most of the settings on and off back and forth in different combinations, and so far I've seen no ill effects. It appears the game copes with it well.

Given that, I would expect that loading an older save and resaving it should make it good to go, and then in-game you can go into the Esc menu, settings, Difficulty, and tweak the new options to your liking, to then continue the save. Just keep in mind that some settings can have very intended adverse effects if you enable them: probes could lose control, or parts in deep sea/Eve's atmosphere may explode from pressure, etc etc. Nothing a reload of the previous save can't resolve though.

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You don't need to hack the save (though you can). Just hit ESC at the Space Center scene, click settings, then "Game Mode: Custom" (or "easy" or "hard" or whatever it says) and turn on or off whatever you want.

EDIT: Ninja'd by a more thorough answer. I should spend less time arguing on the KSP Weekly thread :D

Edited by 5thHorseman
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