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Game wont recognise Joystick is connected

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Was finding it frustrating to use the keyboard to do fine manoeuvers so invested in a joystick. All drivers are up to date and calibration on Windows 10 is fine in conrtol panel. However, when i then start Kerbal it does not recognise it in game or if i go into Settings and open the controller settings. It doesn't even recognise a joystick is present. All there is is the mouse, Track IR and 6D thing. I have also tried with a Xbox One game pad and i get the same result, the PC recognises it in control panel but nothing at all in Kerbal.

Am i missing something? does it need a mod downloaded for joystick/pad to work?



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HI @windystig, there's a few things to know with joysticks.

The stick must be plugged in before starting KSP, and the axis bindings (up/down etc) will only work on the pitch, roll, yaw and throttle side of the settings screen, not on the button side (so pushing the stick forwards won't register when trying to bind to Pitch Down), and there's a limit of 20 fire buttons.

Other than that the stick should work, if you still have trouble see this thread.

And let us know what stick you're using.

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