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The Kerbal Franchise - Other "Kerbal ____" Games

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  On 11/1/2016 at 11:32 AM, Curveball Anders said:

There are already many good realistic flight sims (X-Plane and FSX comes to mind) and we don't need more games with weapons.



Actually, there aren't many realistic combat sims. As for flight sims, a Kerbal Aero game would include building your own designs instead of picking premade planes

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I'd like to see something fun done with the Kerbals themselves. Right now they are really just cute looking cargo, with no personality other than what we imagine for them.

I realize not everyone is a fan, but something like a Telltale-like game would be interesting. I see an unfolding Apollo 13/the Martian type story, with scenes in the spaceship, Jeb, Bill and Bob trying to survive in a stricken craft, landing, getting stranded, trying to get back home, while back at the KSC Val helps Gene Kerman, and that Steely eyed missile Kerbal Rich Kurnell trying to get them home.

The episodic/season structure would be a great way of exploring different events in Kerbal space exploration history. Essentially I picture an interactive version of From the Earth to the Moon... (or should I say From Kerbin to the Mun.)

Also an old style point and click game could be good too. 

Failing that, an off-world colonization game could be fun too with the Kerbals as the proverbial ants in the ant farm. 



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I'd like to see something (not sure what to call it, maybe Kerbal JPL) where you have a similar concept of having various parts which you assemble how you like, but in this one you're just building engines. Actually getting into the design and inner workings of rocket and jet engines. You have various engine component parts and you put them together to design your own rocket/jet engine and then test them for efficiency, thrust etc.  Then when you're ready you "produce" the engine which generates an outer wire-frame, textures and performance characteristics for your custom engine and exports it into KSP as a part.

Edited by katateochi
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  On 11/2/2016 at 1:35 PM, katateochi said:

I'd like to see something (not sure what to call it, maybe Kerbal JPL) where you have a similar concept of having various parts which you assemble how you like, but in this one you're just building engines. Actually getting into the design and inner workings of rocket and jet engines. You have various engine component parts and you put them together to design your own rocket/jet engine and then test them for efficiency, thrust etc.  Then when you're ready you "produce" the engine which generates an outer wire-frame, textures and performance characteristics for your custom engine and exports it into KSP as a part.


That could have been actually pretty fun. You would build stuff and stress it, watch it explode and all that with physics and if the engine was working well you would be able to sell it to companies to make profit, or something like that. Basically that Game Developer Simulator-alike (I think that's what it's called?) except with engines and physics.

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  On 11/1/2016 at 4:14 PM, notsodeadjeb said:

Kerbal submarine Simulator. With better water, weather, and underwater easter eggs. This could probably just be an add on. :D  Oh.. and animals.  I need Kows and Kats, As pets for the Kerbals. 


Liked and agreed (cept the add on part). They've gone up.  Now it's time to go down below.  Start with surface research,  into SCUBA,  then shallower subs, all the way to like the Kerbianas Trench. Include underwater base building, underwater mining, etc. 

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I think that Kerbal Kolonization is an awesome idea. Also the Telltale game idea. I would put in my vote for kerbals with weapons, like chirld of a dead earth. Kerbal Space Program however will and should live in annals of gaming history as a game where the quirks in physics are used to advantage and if so flexible with mods. A space program that can turn into a colonization program or a plane program, or even a kerbal war. Kerbal Space Program could be a flexible game with the stock skeleton and you could customize it with mod packs provided by modders and a few by Squad. It could be a game that could be transformed into what ever game you want with Kerbals included!   

Edited by Alpha 360
"Kouston, we have several problems, but that doesn't matter so we want to continue on with the mission."
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  On 11/2/2016 at 1:35 PM, katateochi said:

I'd like to see something (not sure what to call it, maybe Kerbal JPL) where you have a similar concept of having various parts which you assemble how you like, but in this one you're just building engines. Actually getting into the design and inner workings of rocket and jet engines. You have various engine component parts and you put them together to design your own rocket/jet engine and then test them for efficiency, thrust etc.  Then when you're ready you "produce" the engine which generates an outer wire-frame, textures and performance characteristics for your custom engine and exports it into KSP as a part.


Watching a couple of Manleys videos of Children of a Death Earth shows that you can do this sort of thing. You should check it out, or at least the vids. 

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Well, I could see something like Telltale's Minecraft: Story Mode happening. The plot-hook that immediate springs to mind for is either a prequel to the founding of the space program or (just as likely) re-establishing the space program after it was cancelled. There's plenty of world-building to work with already. We already have the characters of Jebediah, Bill, Bob, Valentina, Gene, Wernher Von, not to mention secondary characters of Mortimer, Linus, Walt, Gus, Dinkelstein, Dawton, Eumon, Bobak, and possibly Kirrim. That's not to mention the businesses and organizations that are mentioned as well. There should be plenty of stuff to work with and flesh out into bigger world.

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(another vote for) KSP 2.0

KSP 1.x is great, don't get me wrong. It, and its pre 1.x releases have consumed more of my gaming time than any other game in history. But its long development cycle and ever shifting design priorities are beginning to be limitations rather than advantages.

Every other devnote/squadcast regales with tales of fighting through "ancient" code, or starting new re-writes which will "lay the foundations" for future work but which never quite emerge. All this is natural in a game which has become far bigger than anyone could ever conceive at its inception. It has resulted in a great game with varied but unfocused direction; the various short term foci ultimately fulfilled (admirably) by mods - and the early decision to be mod friendly must be one of the great decisions in this process.

It's beginning to look and feel a little old & unwieldy and I kinda think beginning again with a solid design vision, on up to date technology with artistic & technical resources from the outset would do wonders. Those artistic & technical resources weren't available at the outset of original KSP for entirely understandable commercial reasons, and the design direction was unfocused because, well, it was a "back of cigarette packet" design - albeit an awesome, well driven "back of cigarette packet" design.

I see it in a similar place to Project Zomboid - although it has come out far better realised, and likely far more successful, than Zomboid. Years ago, the idea of a survival craft-em-up zombie game sounded awesome, Zomboid was the instigator and the big hope - nobody else was doing it, the public were enthusiastic. Now, every other game is a survival craft-em-up, and many of them are better focused & far more commercially succesful than that first Zomboid iteration - sure Zomboid remains a fantastic game, but it lacks something for being the first. Sometimes the subsequent iterations are "better" (at least commercially) than the first.

KSP is arguably the first (successful) iteration in the "nominally realistic orbital construction-em-up" category, and Squad are lucky that few others are looking at their territory to make "better" subsequent iterations - they're ideally placed to make KSP 2.0 and they should do it before other houses do it for them.

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Kerbal: Total War

Call of Duty: Kerbal Warfare


Seriously, tho: flight sim would be great. Some sort of prequel to KSP, where developing flight is the main theme. Similar to ksp, but geared towards planes, and a lot more detailed.

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I could DEFINATELY see "Kerbal Sea Program"...going back to basics with just Kerbin and the Mun (as a decoration)...except every inch of Kerbin's oceans and lakes can be explored, and you can stumble apon shipwrecks, ancient ruins...all sorts of stuff, and there would be thousands of things to discover.  Instead of rockets and planes, you build undersea vehicles.

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Also Kerbal Aviation pioneers, where we start out with hang gliders of wood and canvas, and learn how to make flying machines, starting with unsophisticated things like this:


And ending with the crazy mishmash of ideas that sprouted in the postwar years, like turboprop fighters, pogo planes, supersonic travel (once you've figured out how, with those feeble engines), etc.

Ryan Fireball


Me-262 HG3


Convair XFY-1 Pogo

The Barnes Wallis 'Swallow'

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  On 11/5/2016 at 8:46 PM, SSgt Baloo said:

Also Kerbal Aviation pioneers, where we start out with hang gliders of wood and canvas, and learn how to make flying machines, starting with unsophisticated things like this:


And ending with the crazy mishmash of ideas that sprouted in the postwar years, like turboprop fighters, pogo planes, supersonic travel (once you've figured out how, with those feeble engines), etc.

Ryan Fireball


Me-262 HG3


Convair XFY-1 Pogo

The Barnes Wallis 'Swallow'


Yep. I agree. It would be great to have a really lenghty career/story mode based around aircraft only. Going through "the pioneers" then the world war-ish times (except maybe more peaceful), jet and supersonic flight and maybe even near future SSTOs where you go LKO (around an Earth-sized Kerbin), drop the satellites and go back to base for refuelling. All that with one Kerbal pilot (let's assume they live to be around 200 years, or sth).

I would buy such a game as soon as it would hit the green light on Steam.

The only thing like this I can think of is IL-2: 1946. It had a really good story telling aspect. Imagine that with a "pushing the boundries" kind of theme instead of the war times thing + the SPH editor. An instant hit for me.

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I'd like to see a multiplayer where the point is a space race. One person could be the KSSR (Kerbin Soviet Socialist Republic), the other could be the USK (United States of Kerbin). The point would be to acquire the most colonies and land by planting flags and starting new colonies, as well as collecting resources to make money. Each side would also have different yet equal abilities/traits. It would kinda be like a multiplayer story mode.

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I would love to see a 2D version for mobile devices. The limitations are that you'd do everything on the equator in the same plane, and that you could only use 2fold symmetry, and spaceplanes wouldn't work. But I can live with that if it means I could have acces to ksp anywhere. 

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  On 11/8/2016 at 6:07 PM, Jefzor said:

I would love to see a 2D version for mobile devices. The limitations are that you'd do everything on the equator in the same plane, and that you could only use 2fold symmetry, and spaceplanes wouldn't work. But I can live with that if it means I could have acces to ksp anywhere. 


Simple Rockets is what you're looking for. Granted, it's not KSP, but it plays just like what you want. 

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