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Is it possible for the game to corrupt when it crashes

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2 hours ago, pincushionman said:

I'm sure it can, but it depends on what it's doing when it crashes. If it's trying to write to the savefile, it'll almost certainly be corrupt. And autosave can hapen at some inopportune times.

yeah my game crashed during flight so when i relaunched ksp the flight was going I was so scared good thing it reverted to launch 0_0

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3 hours ago, pincushionman said:

I'm sure it can, but it depends on what it's doing when it crashes. If it's trying to write to the savefile, it'll almost certainly be corrupt. And autosave can hapen at some inopportune times.

Crash if writing an save will corrupt your game, however current KSP like lots of games writes to an temp file who is then replaced with your older save. 
Even more advanced is it to also rename your old save as an backup file, I see KSP does it for persistent.sfs 

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On a older computer with a older version of the game it would occasionally crash, and on a couple of them it corrupted the game save file and it would not reopen, had to start over. So from then on every time I get to a major achievement point I save a backup copied of the game file.
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Your question has been answered so I'll digress.  I believe the possibility of corruption is part of the Kerbal experience along with seat-of-the-pants flying etc. :wink:.  The best way to get your post moved is to use the report button...it isn't just for reporting bad people, you can "report" yourself too!

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