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A program that displays science left to do


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I would like to write a program that reads persistent.sfs to determine what science has been done and check that against a complete list of the science experiments that can be done.  It would then display a filterable list of the science experiments left to do to the user to help them plan future missions.  Has someone already written a program like this?  If not, would anybody happen to know where I could find a list of all of the experiments that can be done?  This list would need to contain the id (ex. "temperatureScan@KerbinSrfSplashedWater") or the name (ex. "Temperature Scan from Kerbin's Water") for the program to be able to make matches.  Otherwise, the program won't know what to look for in persistent.sfs.

Edited by sskacy
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It's cool and all, but it's tiny on my 4k screen.  Plus, while the filter is cool and works really well, it isn't exactly what I want.  The filter on mine works like it does in the science archives.  Also, writing it myself will allow me to make it do whatever I want, which I won't fully realize until I've used it for a while.

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The source code is at:


It was written in C#.  If you just want to run the executable, it's at bin\Debug\ScienceLeftToDo.exe

There may or may not be bugs left in the program itself.  I haven't fully-tested it yet.  I suspect there may be bugs in AllScience.csv, which is where I'm getting the full list of science experiments from.  I got it from somewhere and modified it.  If I had a copy of persistent.sfs that contained every experiment, I could finish debugging AllScience.csv.  Until then, I'll probably keep getting bugs as I perform more experiments and will have to fix them as I find them.

If you get an error message, it's probably because you have an experiment in persistent.sfs that doesn't work with AllScience.csv, send me your persistent.sfs (PM me) and I'll use it to correct AllScience.csv.  If enough people do that, that should get it debugged pretty well.

Edited by sskacy
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apparently you didn't read the post (entirely) I linked a few post above. When posting a mod for ksp on the forums, you need to include a license. and indeed, I can't download you mod either


1. Licenses

All add-ons that are posted on the services maintained by Squad that serve the KSP Community (such as this forum and Curse) must be accompanied by a license that regulates what other users can do with the copyrighted material. This license must be made available in both the download file and in the location the user downloads from (such as a forum post or a Curse listing).


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The forum applied a hyperlink to the first half of the URL, it won't let me remove it?  I just made the whole thing a hyperlink.  It should work now

I figured that link you gave me didn't apply since this isn't an add-on.  I've made another copy of the license here:


Also, if it works with a fresh save but not with a save that contains a bunch of completed experiments, that should prove that the error was caused by your persistent.sfs.  Send it to me if that happens and I'll apply the necessary fixes to AllScience.csv to get it working.

Edited by sskacy
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