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Build or launch a rig to/on minimus


Build or land a mining rig on Minimus To build ships?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Just a reminder, I am using OKS/MKS, USI life support and EL

    • land individual landers to build a rig
    • land a rig in 2-4 launches

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I'm having a problem. I want to build a rig on minimus to build rockets and other base parts, but I could only get so much materialkits and specilaized parts to minimus at a time. So should I constantly land MaterialKIts and Secialized Parts to minimus, or should I land a rig, piece by piece (along with the life support) I'm using USI life support to go with MKS/OKS. Please vote and leave your replies below. Thank you!!

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My preferred method is to determine the bare minimum required lift for a base to build itself. Minimum life support, possibly even mostly-unmanned. Just the components required to go from drilling to manufacturing. 

I've actually gone with just landing manufacturing, and then bulk-lifting construction materials to build with, and building out my drilling infrastructure from that. Depends on what your fleet looks like and how easy it is to lift supplies to Minmus vs. pre-constructed base parts. I went with the latter since it was easy to get heavy 2.5m part containers to orbit via cargo SSTO.

Edited by Jarin
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  On 11/8/2016 at 10:07 PM, Jarin said:

My preferred method is to determine the bare minimum required lift for a base to build itself. Minimum life support, possibly even mostly-unmanned. Just the components required to go from drilling to manufacturing. 

I've actually gone with just landing manufacturing, and then bulk-lifting construction materials to build with, and building out my drilling infrastructure from that. Depends on what your fleet looks like and how easy it is to lift supplies to Minmus vs. pre-constructed base parts. I went with the latter since it was easy to get heavy 2.5m part containers to orbit via cargo SSTO.


Yes, all I want is the ring to build things. I don't see life support as a problem, because USI is easy enough for my kerbals to live for years!

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I've done this too and from my experience I can say that at first it seems like it would be easier to just have one giant ground station that mines, refines and builds, all in one. But that is so many parts that it starts to not only lag but attract the Kraken.

Instead I'd advice you to have 1 orbital station, the orbital station consists of as few parts as possible, the biggest fuel and metal containers you can get, the food and production parts. Solar panels and docking ports.

Have two other vessels, one that mines and refines fuel another that mines and refines metal ore. Make sure to always send the metal miner off with full fuel, the fuel miner only needs enough to land.

The reason you want the biggest containers is to have as few as possible, this will be a laggy project no matter what but if you use parts sparingly and make sure to never have both miners docked with the orbital builder station at least you can keep the Kraken away.

Avoid the temptation to build a single rig, it will attract the Kraken! Multiple launches with multiple vessels is the trick.

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  On 11/9/2016 at 11:55 AM, Mastikator said:

I've done this too and from my experience I can say that at first it seems like it would be easier to just have one giant ground station that mines, refines and builds, all in one. But that is so many parts that it starts to not only lag but attract the Kraken.

Instead I'd advice you to have 1 orbital station, the orbital station consists of as few parts as possible, the biggest fuel and metal containers you can get, the food and production parts. Solar panels and docking ports.

Have two other vessels, one that mines and refines fuel another that mines and refines metal ore. Make sure to always send the metal miner off with full fuel, the fuel miner only needs enough to land.

The reason you want the biggest containers is to have as few as possible, this will be a laggy project no matter what but if you use parts sparingly and make sure to never have both miners docked with the orbital builder station at least you can keep the Kraken away.

Avoid the temptation to build a single rig, it will attract the Kraken! Multiple launches with multiple vessels is the trick.


my computer is pretty good enough, and I have airpark so the base dosn't turn into the kraken.

Edit: Also, I'm using MKS/OKS so it changes the crafting recipie to materialkits (LOTTSSS) and a little specilaized parts

Edited by Vinhero100
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I would say, install ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads and KAS and KIS,and PlanetaryBaseSystems. Without these mods it's a painstaking job to launch all the parts and drop them at the location you chose. If you played KSP as much as I do than the easiest way is the best. Build a simple and light rig to build a bigger one on Minimus, as you like.This way you can easily build a base on site and have the mining and parts building attached to it or next to it I did this to make an awesome base on VALL, that lagged the game a little bit. But after detaching a lot of unnecessary parts it was awesome and good to play. Someday I will build more of these bases in the Joolian system. RE6l4xi.png

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  On 11/10/2016 at 11:00 PM, Aluminator said:

I would say, install ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads and KAS and KIS,and PlanetaryBaseSystems. Without these mods it's a painstaking job to launch all the parts and drop them at the location you chose. If you played KSP as much as I do than the easiest way is the best. Build a simple and light rig to build a bigger one on Minimus, as you like.This way you can easily build a base on site and have the mining and parts building attached to it or next to it I did this to make an awesome base on VALL, that lagged the game a little bit. But after detaching a lot of unnecessary parts it was awesome and good to play. Someday I will build more of these bases in the Joolian system. RE6l4xi.png


I have KAS, KIS and EL. I don't use Planetary base systems because I have MKS/OKs to work as the bases. I honestly think MKS/OKS is better fro the bases I want because it includes the manufacturing pieces I need to build rockets.

Edit: MKS/OKS comes with Planetary Logistics, so I don't need to attach everything to create less lag/explosions. What you said about building a smaller rig to make a bigger one is exactly what I was planning to do!

Edited by Vinhero100
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Ok.  just realized that most of you guys said to land the rig at the site, but it is harder because my rocket skills are about as good as a goldfishes brain. I also found out that the rig will take not as much/long as I thought. Should I still land the rig? :confused:

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  On 11/11/2016 at 12:48 PM, Vinhero100 said:

Ok.  just realized that most of you guys said to land the rig at the site, but it is harder because my rocket skills are about as good as a goldfishes brain. I also found out that the rig will take not as much/long as I thought. Should I still land the rig? :confused:


Launch your rig in parts and connect them together just to start with and keep it small. If you are bad at landing stuff install Mechjeb. I use it all the time because I became to lazy to land stuff myself all the time.

Edited by Aluminator
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acctually I have KER, (kerbal engineer reedux) That tells me the real altitude of the terrian below me, just in case i land in the dark, and I have awesome landing aim skills!

  On 11/11/2016 at 6:32 PM, Jarin said:

You're aiming for the Flats, right? Landing on Minmus is one of the easiest maneuvers in the game.


The area i'm aiming for is not in the flats, but it has most of the resouces around or in the landing area

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Well, with KER, you can give yourself all the tools you need for a smooth landing. Follow your retrograde marker on approach, and then just adjust your throttle with an eye on your vertical velocity. Also useful is KER's TWR readout, so you can just keep bumping it above and below TWR 1 as needed to adjust final decent.

Alternately, you're already using mods, what do you think of using landing assist like Throttle Controlled Avionics? There might be a simpler mod out there too, since TCA is a pretty beefy control package.

What parts of landing specifically do you have trouble with? (also quicksave is your friend)

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  On 11/12/2016 at 7:24 AM, Jarin said:

Well, with KER, you can give yourself all the tools you need for a smooth landing. Follow your retrograde marker on approach, and then just adjust your throttle with an eye on your vertical velocity. Also useful is KER's TWR readout, so you can just keep bumping it above and below TWR 1 as needed to adjust final decent.

Alternately, you're already using mods, what do you think of using landing assist like Throttle Controlled Avionics? There might be a simpler mod out there too, since TCA is a pretty beefy control package.

What parts of landing specifically do you have trouble with? (also quicksave is your friend)


Acctually I just installed TCA to balance out the engines on my interplanetary Mothership since the COM is a little off center

Edit: Which I accidentally deleted...

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I got rid if life support becuase it was so hard! Just want to see if this changes the vote. I will not be installing any other life support mods.

Edit: Which also means that I have to start from scratch. Luckily it shouldnt take too long.

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