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[1.6] Contract Pack: Kerbin Air Force [KAF]


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  On 11/15/2016 at 7:49 PM, Dark_Derp said:

installed latest update, enemy planes are still not visible on the map. probably not spawning at all. contracts have returned, though.


I think I might know why this is happening, did you disable or complete the contracts where the craft were originally not spawning? To do this use the alt+f12 menu, go to contracts and click the active tab, from here press complete on all of the missions where the craft aren't spawning. The reason this needs to be done is because contract configurator will not spawn the new craft until you accept the mission again, as it has already spawned the old craft, or in your case no craft.

If this still doesn't work check out the alt+f10 menu to see if any failures are occurring, a quick reference can be found here: https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/wiki/How-To#testing-a-contract

Additionally you can make sure your contract directory is correct, for instance the first mission will try to spawn a craft from this directory:

craftURL = ContractPacks/KAF/ships/MIG 15G.craft

Where ContractPacks is inside the GameData folder

The primary cause of craft not spawning is an incorrectly named craft file or a craft file placed in an incorrect location.

Hopefully this helps!

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  On 11/15/2016 at 10:45 PM, NAD5 said:

I think I might know why this is happening, did you disable or complete the contracts where the craft were originally not spawning? To do this use the alt+f12 menu, go to contracts and click the active tab, from here press complete on all of the missions where the craft aren't spawning. The reason this needs to be done is because contract configurator will not spawn the new craft until you accept the mission again, as it has already spawned the old craft, or in your case no craft.

If this still doesn't work check out the alt+f10 menu to see if any failures are occurring, a quick reference can be found here: https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/wiki/How-To#testing-a-contract

Additionally you can make sure your contract directory is correct, for instance the first mission will try to spawn a craft from this directory:

craftURL = ContractPacks/KAF/ships/MIG 15G.craft

Where ContractPacks is inside the GameData folder

The primary cause of craft not spawning is an incorrectly named craft file or a craft file placed in an incorrect location.

Hopefully this helps!


instead of placing the contractpacks map in the gamedata folder i placed KAF in the gamedata folder. I did this because i had several problems with other mods where i did install it like you said it, (example: KSP_WIN->Gamedata->KAF instead of KSP_WIN->Gamedata->ContractPacks->KAF) another reason why i did this: i had a contract mod installed that was called: make giving aircraft a purpose, and it also had a folder called contractpacks but that was like your KAF folder(the one with everything in it), i removed it just to be sure but during the first install it didnt give any extra problems. I had to accept every contract again after the problems of contracts not showing up. Everything i did was in the same Save. Again, im not at home so I cant directly test your solution and other than not placing the contractpacks folder in gamedata i did not temper with any of the file locations. (experienced with mods since ksp 0.25)

Edited by Dark_Derp
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  On 11/16/2016 at 8:23 AM, Dark_Derp said:

instead of placing the contractpacks map in the gamedata folder i placed KAF in the gamedata folder. I did this because i had several problems with other mods where i did install it like you said it, (example: KSP_WIN->Gamedata->KAF instead of KSP_WIN->Gamedata->ContractPacks->KAF) another reason why i did this: i had a contract mod installed that was called: make giving aircraft a purpose, and it also had a folder called contractpacks but that was like your KAF folder(the one with everything in it), i removed it just to be sure but during the first install it didnt give any extra problems. I had to accept every contract again after the problems of contracts not showing up. Everything i did was in the same Save. Again, im not at home so I cant directly test your solution and other than not placing the contractpacks folder in gamedata i did not temper with any of the file locations. (experienced with mods since ksp 0.25)


Ahhk, I think I understand why its not working now, it should be the craft URL part, as the contracts will still work as they have no direct file pathing. To get around this issue you could place just the ships in that directory. Otherwise I've quickly whipped up a version where the craft URL uses the same folder as you: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3JRuAEPr-uqN2R0YWFHdGRXMDg

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  On 11/17/2016 at 2:40 AM, andreasblom said:

what do I do if the enemy planes spawn as debris (no purple text so not a plane just grey text) and fall straight to the ground?


Hmm that seems to be similar to the problem Eskandare was having, unfortunately I have no solution for this, I would have to put it down to some kind of mod conflict as the craft work fine in a stock save. I did have problems with KJR which made the planes explode and turn into debris due to the spawning method, however I assume that is not what you are experiencing. What mods are you running and do any of them effect the way probes work?

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  On 11/17/2016 at 2:45 AM, NAD5 said:

Hmm that seems to be similar to the problem Eskandare was having, unfortunately I have no solution for this, I would have to put it down to some kind of mod conflict as the craft work fine in a stock save. I did have problems with KJR which made the planes explode and turn into debris due to the spawning method, however I assume that is not what you are experiencing. What mods are you running and do any of them effect the way probes work?


just bda contract configurator and this

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  On 11/17/2016 at 2:54 AM, andreasblom said:

it's green :/


Damn, that is really weird, try editing the craft in the SPH, or even just spawning one of them to see what happens. My guess is something has happened to the probe core. I also should add that the craft do appear grey as they are not owned by the player to avoid any problems that comes with that, but they should be flying.

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  On 11/17/2016 at 3:53 AM, UAL002 said:

antennas seem to be breaking and the aircraft dive as a result.


Thanks for the info, that sounds like it would be the problem! Weird that they work on my end though. I'll put the antennas in a place where they will be less prone to break, currently they are mounted on the nose.

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  On 11/17/2016 at 4:05 AM, UAL002 said:

just refitted the fleet.  Testing now.


Test did not work.  It appears to be a thrust issue.  Aircraft have control but no power.


Thanks for that test, they should have the engines activated by default but with thrust set at 0, from there BD pilot AI takes over and flies the plane. I'll take a look at the craft files and see if I missed anything in the most recent release. Just for extra precaution I'll make a version where they spawn at 100% thrust.

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  On 11/17/2016 at 4:21 AM, UAL002 said:

In the large groups of aircraft 1 in 5 MIGHT engage throttle and fly but dont fight much and never retract gear.


That is super weird, I would understand if all of them didn't work but one in five makes no sense. They should all engage, the craft with only guns will have a hard time engaging I find, I am considering adding a few heat-seakers to their armament to make it a little harder, the only aircraft that shouldn't engage is the MIG 25BM as it is strictly a SEAD aircraft with the primary purpose of taking out ground radar. I checked the craft files and they have thrust set to 100%, which I can't recall actually doing, there could be a chance that they are actually deprived of intake air, but they all have suitable intakes.

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  On 11/17/2016 at 4:31 AM, UAL002 said:

The 25BM is the only one that goes full AB.  just constant it seems.


Yeah I think I set their cruise speed to be slightly faster than the others seeing as the MIG 25 was one of the fastest interceptors, but it is very odd that the only one that can't engage in air combat is the only one working. I'll reinstall my stock KSP tonight to see if that somehow makes these weird issues appear for me as well, hopefully I'll be able to get to the root of why the craft won't fly for some people.

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If I spawn the aircraft via copy past into the stock sandbox and fly from the runway as a pilot they spawn in the air with autopilot on and good.  Its taking the mission and flying out to meet them thats the issue.

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  On 11/17/2016 at 4:38 AM, UAL002 said:

If I spawn the aircraft via copy past into the stock sandbox and fly from the runway as a pilot they spawn in the air with autopilot on and good.  Its taking the mission and flying out to meet them thats the issue.


Ahh, that might make it easier to fix, what is your BD phys distance set to? If you open up the BDarmory module and click on the gear it should show you. Try setting it to something higher, or if it is above 20000km try something lower. The reason being when a craft goes out of physics range it will just plummet to the ground most of the time, I generally run it a 20000km so I can get a decent air battle going. Also can you try selecting one of the enemy craft from the KSC main screen, you can't select them in the tracking station, but in the main screen you should be able to click on them and fly. Do they fly when you do that?

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  On 11/17/2016 at 7:47 AM, Dark_Derp said:


I mean what code did you write the mod with.


No code is used for Contract Configurator as far as I know, it is just general defining parameter sort of stuff, an example of part of the first mission is below:

name = KAF1   
group = KAF

title = Intercept MIG 15s  
description =  Two MIG 15s have been spotted to the east of KSC, intercpet and destroy    
synopsis = Intercept and destroy enemy MIG 15s   
completedMessage = Targets Destroyed
targetBody = HomeWorld()
agent = KAF    
cancellable = true    
declinable = true
maxCompletions = 0
maxSimultaneous = 1
// Contract rewards
rewardScience = 10.0
rewardReputation = 1.0
rewardFunds = 25000.0
failureReputation = 0.0
failureFunds = 0.0
advanceFunds = 0.0


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I have been able to fix the craft not attacking, it turns out if it spawns above water it will not engage any targets.
I have also added 2 new missions, one that involves taking out an enemy base and one where you intercept 2 MIG 21s.

Please let me know if you come across any problems with the new update!

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