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Dogfighter Ultimate Free For All

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This is a BDA tournament with a bit different tournament setup. You must beat literally everyone in a row in order to be declared the King Of The Hill. If someone dies, everyone they killed respawns!


  • I will randomly pick two living planes from the submissions to do a battle.
  • The loser of a battle is dead.
  • Anyone's entry killed by the loser in a previous battle respawns to fight another day.
  • Battles will always occur if there are 2 or more entries currently alive.
  • The tournament begins IMMEDIATELY as of this post.



  • Keep your planes at 60 parts or fewer.
  • No missiles. This is a gunfight. If you want rocket pods or bombs on a dogfighter for some reason, that's fine.
  • Turrets, if present, must be locked to fixed 0-0-0 position.
  • No drones. These are to be piloted planes. You are however allowed to have secondary pilots or passenger space.
  • No tweakscaling the cockpit.
  • Planes must have radar installed.
  • ANY AI settings are allowed. If you manage to go outside slider limits somehow, that's fine too.
  • Please do not use any of the engines from Quiztech, including the jet RCS thruster, as they are not balanced with the stock meta. SXT engines, both jets and props, are okay.
  • Please do not excessively clip parts. A wing going through a fuel tank is okay. Ten wings and 4 engines clipped most of the way inside a fuel tank is not.
  • You MUST have 15 minutes of fuel at nominal full afterburner. That's 57.4 units of fuel per Juno, 210 per Wheesley, 525 per Goliath, 597 per Panther or Whiplash, and 603 per RAPIER.
  • I'll allow you to round it down by up to 0.5 units of LF. No more. I am completely willing to make you fix a plane because it has 14 minutes and 58 seconds of fuel.
  • If you tweakscale engines, make sure to give them the right amount of fuel. Tweakscale's exponent for engine thrust and fuel consumption is 2.5, so the math is:

    Fuel needed (tonnes) = ( NewSize / OriginalSize ) ^ 2.5 * Original Thrust (kN) * 900 / ISP / 9.8
    So for example, a 2.0-meter-sized Panther needs: (2.0/1.25)^2.5*130*900/3200/9.8 = 9.665 tonnes of fuel. Multiply by 200 to get 1933 units of fuel. This is to power 15 minutes of 421-kiloNewton thrust.
    Or a 1.0-meter sized Goliath would demand (1.0/2.5)^2.5*360*900/12600/9.8*200 = 53.10 units of LF.
    Note that changing your engine size has no effect on the TWR of your engine, as the mass scales with the 2.5 power as well.



  • The default competition distance of 8000 meters will be used.
  • Rounds will be 3v3.
  • One battle per round. Best out of one.
  • Any plane which cannot fly or glide is considered dead. The winner should still be able to fly or glide after winning.
  • All deaths count as deaths.
  • The despawn distance will be set to 100 kilometers. If your plane despawns, it is counted as dead.



  • There will be a limit of one entry at a time per person.
  • You may modify or replace your entry at any time. Post here to replace your entry with a link to the new one. I will check this thread every time I'm about to run a new fight.
  • Modifying a dead entry replaces it and the new entry remains dead.
  • Modifying a living entry effectively kills and removes your previous one and spawns in your new one. If your old version has killed any planes, they are re-spawned as well.
  • You must build your own vehicles for your entries. No modifying someone else's.
  • If your entry has been dead for 72 hours, I'll allow you to withdraw your entry and submit a new one which starts alive, with the stipulation that it must be a new aircraft that has never competed in this challenge and not a modified version of your previous entry.
  • Submit your entries here.





  • I'll be posting all Kings Of The Hill in order here, as well as how many planes they killed to get to the top and how many challengers they've beaten, as well as which new plane eventually killed them.
  • I'll have a second leaderboard showing number of battle wins and losses of each contestant.
  • I'll also post the status of the competition as a whole, which planes are alive, which planes are dead and by who, and which entries have been dead for 72 hours.
  • There will also be uploads to YouTube of each battle, although I may decide to trim them or speed up the boring parts if, say, both planes run out of ammo and orbit in the sky for hours.
  • Current entries:
  • K/D leaderboard:
    • Triop's Big Momma IV: 1 win, 0 losses. Killed leader!
    • drtricky's Dorito: 3 wins, 1 loss. Once a King!
    • DoctorDavinci's O' Revoire: 1 win, 2 losses. 1 perfect game.
    • Eidahlil's Lepidoptera Cherensis: 1 wins, 1 loss. (1, 0 in current model)
    • Pds314's xFA Iridium: 0 wins, 2 losses.
  • Kings of the hill:
    • GMT: 10:40, 12/4/2016 to 6:30 12/6/2016: drtricky's Dorito - killed 3. - Killed By Triop's Big Momma.




My entry: https://kerbalx.com/pds314/xFA-Iridium


Battles so far!:


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  On 12/4/2016 at 4:05 AM, DoctorDavinci said:

I now present for your approval the CANUKWorks O' Revoire ..... https://kerbalx.com/DoctorDavinci/O-Revoire

....... I'll just leave this here ......



Downloading and running the battle. Wow. If that thing works as well as it looks, I'm doomed.

I do love your very unconventional-looking craft, even if I don't understand the design principles behind them.

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  On 12/4/2016 at 4:47 AM, Pds314 said:

I do love your very unconventional-looking craft, even if I don't understand the design principles behind them.


Thank you ... form follows function

A wise man once said: 'you must be able to balance on the head of a pin to avoid getting poked while patching holes in your garments' ... fuel balance, thrust relation vs CoM vs point of mechanical pivot and major lifting surface location in relation to CoM all play a part in my designs 

Depends on the purpose of the craft I suppose :wink:

EDIT: think of where lift is being provided by your wings and control surfaces ... changing the relationship between CoM, major and minor lifting surfaces and control surfaces can totally change the performance of a craft while in flight ( not to mention tuning the craft and AI to work with each other)

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Alright. First battle is up!

O' Revoire vs. xFA Iridium


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I will update the OP and post another battle when I'm at my PC again. Quick question for DoctorDavinci and drtricky: I was having a lot of trouble getting your planes to go into position, is it okay if I disabled competition after they were 8 kilometers apart and manually set them in gaurd mode?

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The third match! drtricky's Dorito vs. my Iridium.



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  On 12/2/2016 at 3:59 AM, ruinzv2 said:

When are you planning on starting? I'll probably submit something this weekend. 


If you submit a vehicle, it shall go against The Dorito to dethrone it.

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I may replace or tweak my entry. 2x Vulcan seems too weak and in both test runs and matches it suffers heavy casualties on the initial merge without inflicting them, partially due to its large size and single-part wings. If a fighter team comes out of the initial merge with 2 dead or disabled without inflicting high damage, it's stuck dogfighting 3 opponents at once, which, if they can turn, is essentially a death sentence. Basically, I think I need to up the armament to 2x GAU-8 and possibly make it a smaller, tougher target.


Wierdly enough, if an 8x Browning prop fighter survives the initial merge, it seems to stay permanently behind its opponent and swiftly kill everything in its path that doesn't decide to extend. Of course, surviving the initial merge under AI control is unlikely because of slow encounter speeds.

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  On 12/4/2016 at 11:11 PM, drtricky said:

Wow...one of the O' Revoires was blown to pieces by a single 30mm round that penetrated straight through it without exploding. What are the chances of such a lucky strike?


Yeah. My experience also is that O' Revoire is normally able to take a decent number of hits before crunching. Maybe it hit a critical part square on?

Then again, 30mm is a pretty lethal round, especially at high speeds. It's quite possible for one hit to slag a craft. I know that a couple solid hits can take a wing off of my Iridium. Given that the wings are 300% size canards, that's pretty devastating. Also, the O' Revoire is deceptively small. 9.3 meters wide and 12.7 meters long. It's not particularly lightweight, but I suspect that some major structural parts like the fuel tank ahead of the cockpit are quite fragile if hit. The O' Revoire can survive a lot of punishment in head-on attacks or in mid-air collisions though. I think DoctorDavinci has really optimized it to win head-on engagements and then have the extra planes on his side sweep around and mop up any dogfights that happen among remaining fighters.

Even given this. I too was quite surprised to see so few shots doing so much damage to them.

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I'll give it a try too: http://kerbalx.com/juzeris/Lepidoptera-Malvae

I still haven't figured out the dogfighting thing, so it's just a flying brick with lots of gun. :) Those initial merges are usually decisive though, so maybe the 'more dakka' approach will work. Maybe not, we'll see. :)

During the sixth or so design iteration I gave up on me and the AI finding common ground and threw out all the control surfaces, so now it flies on thrust vectoring and gyroscopes. It also has five engines and six GAU cannons. The weapon manager and AI are in the open service bay (the one further away from the cockpit), in case anybody goes looking. :)


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  On 12/5/2016 at 6:28 AM, Eidahlil said:

I'll give it a try too: http://kerbalx.com/juzeris/Lepidoptera-Malvae

I still haven't figured out the dogfighting thing, so it's just a flying brick with lots of gun. :) Those initial merges are usually decisive though, so maybe the 'more dakka' approach will work. Maybe not, we'll see. :)

During the sixth or so design iteration I gave up on me and the AI finding common ground and threw out all the control surfaces, so now it flies on thrust vectoring and gyroscopes. It also has five engines and six GAU cannons. The weapon manager and AI are in the open service bay (the one further away from the cockpit), in case anybody goes looking. :)



It's kinda funny how important the "moar dakka!" thing is with AI fighters. I can actually manually win a fight with an O' Revoire using guard mode and 2x Browning in a prop set to 50% power because, unlike the AI, I jink as I'm going into the initial merge. Same thing applies if both planes start within 2500 meters of each other. Prop just sticks behind the O' Revoire and pumps in bullets for about 2 seconds at ~300 meters where I've set the guns to converge.

But AI-vs-AI with 8 kilometers distance? Prop plane can be literally covered in Brownings and it won't survive. Moar bigger dakka is just better until it becomes prohibitively heavy/draggy.

Running the battle.

Edit: not enough storage space to download your plane. I'm gonna move my videos to my other drive. Hang on.

Also, after this battle is run, I'm uploading a 2x GAU-8 version of my Iridium so that it can hopefully compete in the initial merge.

EDIT: gAHH! World corruption due to full hard drive. I need to set the quicksave as the persistent.

EDIT: visual mods broken. Fixing. (Letting your SSD with KSP on it fill up is not a good idea)

EDIT: Planes all ready to fight, then suddenly, BDA has no option to start dogfight or adjust physics load. I need to adjust reinstall BDA.

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Uploaded battle 4 - I'd have to say this is by far the closest fight I've seen.


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