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Batman v. Superman


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1 hour ago, Gianni1122 said:

Superman should not have had a problem beating Batman.

If he beats Batman and demotivates him, then Gotham loses his only defender, and hordes of Evil overfill it.
That would mean Superman is on evil side. But he can't, he's a 200% vanilla good hero.
(Otherwise he would wear nose-glasses rather than thick spectacles. Unless he's a mad professor, but he definitely isn't.)
So, a negative logical loopback decreases his readiness to make war down to Batman's level.

Edited by kerbiloid
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10 hours ago, ZooNamedGames said:

Honestly if you can't tell the fact that Marvel/DC have been churning out the same material with a slight twist. Then I feel sorry for you.

Almost everything with a trademark does this... Call of Duty, all comic book movies ever (besides Deadpool), ALL phone manufacturers, xbox and ps are starting to do it, every car company ever, most bands etc.... If you can't realize this is a recurrent business model perpetuated within modern economics feeding off of the very nature of our consumerism, then I fell sorry for everyone. 

That said, I'm still looking forward to the not so new *Insert product name* I hear its going to be revolutionary again.

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1 minute ago, Gianni1122 said:

Almost everything with a trademark does this... Call of Duty, all comic book movies ever (besides Deadpool), ALL phone manufacturers, xbox and ps are starting to do it, every car company ever, most bands etc.... If you can't realize this is a recurrent business model perpetuated within modern economics feeding off of the very nature of our consumerism, then I fell sorry for everyone. 

That said, I'm still looking forward to the not so new *Insert product name* I hear its going to be revolutionary again.

Congrats. You managed to take my generalization and over generalize it to the point where it's too broad to relate to the current topic. 

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