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Needs fuel. The decoupler won\'t relay fuel, so put a tank between the decoupler and the engine. :D And I just tried it to double-check, and I\'m pretty sure there\'s no way to make a fuel conduit stick to a bare engine.

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Greetings i want to know how the pineapple i use a jet engine, i press space and chage the throttle but nothing happens

The setup is fine. Fuel lines will pass fuel through a decoupler, and it has a fuel tank. You can in some cases also directly attach a fuel line to an engine, so that\'s not it either. It\'s your staging that is the problem. The turbojet engine takes about 5 seconds to generate thrust, and I am willing to bet your clamps release the rocket as soon as that engine engages, and it plummets to the pad. So put the engine in your last stage, and the clamps above that. Hit space, wait 5 seconds until you hear that engine whine and throttle up, then hit space again to release the clamps and off you go.


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