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The Kerbal Mindset (provide quotes)


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  • 6 months later...

Any Landing you can Walk away from is an awesome landing. If your plane isn't destroyed due to engine explosions, it's a record breaking landing. Seriously, can someone land a plane properly?

"When life gives you lemons, build a rocket, put those lemons in it, and fly the rocket into life's Tesla Roadster and tell it you'd rather have Minus Ice Cream (not Bluebell)"

-Jebediah Kerman, on Adversity.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Wenn Sie eine Mission mit mehr als genug Treibstoff abschließen, ist das eine untergeordnete Aufgabe. Wenn du eine Mission mit gerade genug Treibstoff beendest, ist das eine durchschnittliche Mission. Wenn du die Mission mit weniger als genug Treibstoff beendest, stimmt etwas nicht.

-Yortier Kerman, Kemany space agency

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  • 2 weeks later...


bool isJebStrandedOnMun true

float agencyMoney = 100.0



Status: Catastrophic Failure!

(0:00) Liftoff!

(0:01) roundFuelTank collided with liquidEngine1                                     (something went wrong)

(0:01) largeFuelTank collided with liquidEngine1

(0:02) Separation of Stage 8 confirmed                                                       (mash spacebar)

(0:02) Separation of Stage 7 confirmed

(0:02) Separation of Stage 6 confirmed

(0:03) largePanel collided with probeCore2

(0:03) Separation of Stage 5 confirmed

(0:03) Separation of Stage 4 confirmed

(0:03) Separation of Stage 3 confirmed

(0:04) Separation of Stage 2 confirmed

(0:04) Separation of Stage 1 confirmed

(0:05) largeFuelTank collided with largeFuelTank                                     (lots of explosions)

(0:05) liquidEngine3 collided with largeFuelTank

(0:05) solidBooster2 collided with largeFuelTank

(0:05) solidBooster2 collided with largeFuelTank

(0:05) solidBooster2 collided with solidBooster2

(0:05) solidBooster2 collided with noseCone1

(0:05) solidBooster2 collided with radialDecoupler1

(0:06) largeFuelTank exploded due to overheating: 1323/1200 K

(0:06) liquidEngine1 exploded due to overheating: 1105/1000K

(0:07) liquidEngine2 collided with launchpad                                              (falls onto launchpad)

(0:07) fuelTankSmall collided with launchpad

(0:07) crewCapsule1-3 collided with launchpad                                         (crew killed)

(0:07) Jebediah Kerman was killed

(0:07) Bill Kerman was killed

(0:07) Valentina Kerman was killed

(0:07) fuelTankLarge collided into launchpad                                            (more explosions) 

(0:08) fuelTankLarge collided into aeroWing2

(0:08) fuelTankLarge collided into noseCone

(0:08) fuelTankLarge collided into launchpad

(0:08) tempSensor collided with Sphere(clone)                                        (whack-a-kerbal destroys evidence)

(0:08) probeCoreLarge collided with Sphere(clone)

(0:08) fuelTankSmall collided with Sphere(clone)


Edited by Ho Lam Kerman
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