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[Answered] Not generating Output Log

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I am not finding the output_log.txt file in the KSP_win64\KSP_x64_Data folder.

I searched the whole KSP directory for files with today's date and there was no output log. I even searched the parent directory for output logs and the last one I had was from the last version of KSP that I had been playing (1.1.3). My assumption has been that the log is generated automatically and there isn't any option that I check to have it generate or not generate. Please advise.

I had been playing completely vanilla before doing a bunch of mods this week so I was expecting to have a log file from that session but there is none to be found.

Edited by Racescort666
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1 hour ago, blowfish said:

Are you running KSP out of C:\Program Files or Program Files (x86) ?  Windows sometimes restricts writing to those locations in a way that prevents KSP from writing the log.

No, I'm running it out of the "My Documents" folder. It seems weird to me that Windows would have a problem with writing the log files now when I haven't had any problems in the past.

ETA: I found this problem when I was submitting a log for Research Bodies which generates its own log without issue. Also, the KSP.log generates fine every time.

ETA2: I tried dropping an old copy of the output_lot in the folder to see if it would overwrite it. It did not.

Edited by Racescort666
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There is a setting called 'Verbose logging' that can be enabled or disabled, under the 'General' tab of the main settings screen, under System on the right part of the screen. This is what toggles the output.log to be generated.

Also, if you added anything in the launch properties of Steam or in the link you use for starting the game, the parameter '-nolog' can inhibit the log from being generated.

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15 minutes ago, swjr-swis said:

There is a setting called 'Verbose logging' that can be enabled or disabled, under the 'General' tab of the main settings screen, under System on the right part of the screen. This is what toggles the output.log to be generated.

Also, if you added anything in the launch properties of Steam or in the link you use for starting the game, the parameter '-nolog' can inhibit the log from being generated.

Verbose logging is enabled and still no output_log. Previously it had been disabled but before the OP I enabled it to see if it would change anything.

I don't run KSP through Steam and I launch it either straight from the KSP folder or from CKAN so I don't think I did anything with the parameters. 

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2 hours ago, sebi.zzr said:

 @Numberyellow, @Racescort666 Try to look in: C:\Users\"name"\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program

This is where mine was at. Thanks. 

If anyone comes across this thread, I want to note that my AppData folder wasn't visible but it showed up when I searched for the output_log.

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4 minutes ago, Racescort666 said:

This is where mine was at. Thanks. 

If anyone comes across this thread, I want to note that my AppData folder wasn't visible but it showed up when I searched for the output_log.

That's because, by default, the AppData folder is hidden. If you feel the need, you can unhide hidden folders by clicking: "organize", then: "Folder and Search Options", then: View (tab), Then select: "Show hidden files, folders, and drives".

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26 minutes ago, sebi.zzr said:

I never thought of that,because i always enable "hidden folders" and "file extensions" as soon i install my OS.:blush:

So do i...most "power users", enthusiasts, and professionals do..

Not everyone is on our level...lots of people just use computers, and don't give a tinker's damn about how they work, or how to work on them.

No need to be embarrassed.

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