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Evacuate Earth


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Here is a 2-Hour documentary followed by a TV Series. It is really interesting and deals with thought experiments on how the human race would survive a global catastrophe but not like global warming or WWIII but things like Dark Matter Moving our planet out of orbit into interstellar space or a Primordial Black hole hitting the earth or in the case of the 2-Hour Documentary, What would humanity do if in 75 years, a neutron star will collide with earth. The 2-Hour plus TV series are about 4-5 years old but are still very, very accurate in the science. Go and watch it for all those who like the sciences and human destruction--- i mean survival.
Now the two hour special is on Youtube but the TV Series episodes i found are on Dailymotion and i know some of you think that dailymotion is bad but for the purposes of the TV series, Its where i could find the best quality on it.

2-Hour Special (Neutron Star): https://youtu.be/a4aqMqIJ9n4

TV Series:
1) Frozen Earth: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1itjuc_national-geographic-evacuate-earth-series-1-7of7-frozen-earth-pdtv-x264-aac-mvgroup-org_shortfilms

2) Hell on Earth: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1itjsm_national-geographic-evacuate-earth-series-1-6of7-hell-on-earth-pdtv-x264-aac-mvgroup-org_shortfilms

3) Monster Storm: N/A

4) Flooded Earth: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1eqwne_evacuate-earth-flooded-earth_shortfilms

5) Micro Monsters: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1itjmy_national-geographic-evacuate-earth-series-1-2of7-micro-monsters-pdtv-x264-aac-mvgroup-org_shortfilms

6) Zombie Earth: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1itjtm_national-geographic-evacuate-earth-series-1-5of7-zombie-earth-pdtv-x264-aac-mvgroup-org_shortfilms


I did have descriptions for each episode but I clicked Something, it got rid of everything and when i tried to CTRL + Y it. It didn't Do anything.

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