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[1.12.x] - Modular Kolonization System (MKS)


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More questions on catchup mechanics.

Would anyone be able to give me a quick run down on catchup as related to heat removal?

I've got a small mining outpost who total cooling required adds up to a little over 300kW with an MKS geothermal pack and a pair of radiators from Heat Control (reactor cooling during travel). When I switch back to the vessel after some time even the geothermal pack is moving up into the low 70% range.

So long story short, how do I plan heat removal?

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2 hours ago, Das_Sheep said:

More questions on catchup mechanics.

Would anyone be able to give me a quick run down on catchup as related to heat removal?

I've got a small mining outpost who total cooling required adds up to a little over 300kW with an MKS geothermal pack and a pair of radiators from Heat Control (reactor cooling during travel). When I switch back to the vessel after some time even the geothermal pack is moving up into the low 70% range.

So long story short, how do I plan heat removal?

Did you time warp? i've noticed my radiators go up massively during timewarp but cool down when not time warping

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9 minutes ago, BRAAAP_STUTUTU said:

Did you time warp? i've noticed my radiators go up massively during timewarp but cool down when not time warping

Sort of, is about as good as I can answer that - I did time warp but what happens to me is:

During tImewarp - radiator temperature drifts slowly down

Immediately after timewarp: radiator temperature rockets up and then slows to a plateau

I haven't had this behaviour blow anything up yet (except for one case where I had a hilariously under-rated radiator for purpose) but if I'm honest I just get sort of nervous when all the radiators are glowing from normal operations.

Edited by Das_Sheep
missed word critacal for clarity
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8 minutes ago, Das_Sheep said:

Sort of, is about as good as I can answer that - I did time warp but what happens to me is:

During tImewarp - radiator temperature drifts slowly down

Immediately after timewarp: radiator temperature rockets up and then slows to a plateau

I haven't had this behaviour blow anything up yet (except for one case where I had a hilariously under-rated radiator for purpose) but if I'm honest I just get sort of nervous when all the radiators are glowing from normal operations.

I don't think you need to worry about anything then.

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14 minutes ago, Danilo Coelho said:

Is there any way to set up an alarm to inform when some resource is running out, like fertilizer or supplies? 

I don't know any direct way, however with KAC and KSP Alternate Resource Panel it's fairly simple: The resource panel has a 'time' mode, which will tell you how long until every resource will run out/fill (whichever way it's going) and you can set an alarm attached to the ship for that time.

It's not perfect - and doesn't account for things like varying usage - but it'll do most of the time.

Note of course that a strict Supplies can also be looked up in the USI-LS window in the Tracking station.  (Though that won't include list things like greenhouses, I believe.)

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1 minute ago, DStaal said:

I don't know any direct way, however with KAC and KSP Alternate Resource Panel it's fairly simple: The resource panel has a 'time' mode, which will tell you how long until every resource will run out/fill (whichever way it's going) and you can set an alarm attached to the ship for that time.

It's not perfect - and doesn't account for things like varying usage - but it'll do most of the time.

Note of course that a strict Supplies can also be looked up in the USI-LS window in the Tracking station.  (Though that won't include list things like greenhouses, I believe.)

Thank you sir!

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For those not following Twitch... here's our new surface harvester :)  These are pretty massive parts that go with the 10m and 20m 'Atlas' series domes.  The largest surface harvester is just over 10m square (6m square for the smaller one shown below).



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8 hours ago, BRAAAP_STUTUTU said:

Could i also attach a water tank with a klaw? (advanced grabbing unit)

I don't see why not. Water is fine, but this might not work for all resources since the klaw has no crossfeed.

3 hours ago, Danilo Coelho said:

Is there any way to set up an alarm to inform when some resource is running out, like fertilizer or supplies? 

Danger Alerts has an option to set an alarm for when a resource drops below a threshold. Not sure if it works on unfocused vessels (I don't think so).

1 hour ago, RoverDude said:

For those not following Twitch... here's our new surface harvester :)  These are pretty massive parts that go with the 10m and 20m 'Atlas' series domes.  The largest surface harvester is just over 10m square (6m square for the smaller one shown below).


Looks good, and I assume it's animated? I'm still gonna try backporting these, because it looks too cool not to try.

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1 minute ago, BRAAAP_STUTUTU said:

it has no crossfeed but would still let water flow through it?

Yes, since different resources have different flow modes. Those with ALL_VESSEL are like monoprop and EC in that they can be transferred and used anywhere on the vessel. Those with STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW are like LF and OX in that they can only flow between connected containers and through parts that permit it (which the klaw does not - parts that do not permit this flow will say "no fuel crossfeed" in the VAB). Those with NO_FLOW are like Ablator and SolidFuel in that they cannot be transferred at all. Water is classed as ALL_VESSEL, meaning it goes where it wants, but some other resources can belong to the other two categories - check CommunityResourcePack\CommonResources.cfg for the others.

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Is there a limit in how much power the power couplers can transmit? I built a mining rig/refinery and I had a separate vessel with a Tundra Power Distributor Unit, both vessels with power couplers. If I joined them with KAS pipes, the joined vessel didn't loose electric charge. But if I disconnected the pipes, the refinery kept loosing electric charge, even though both vessels had engineers on board and were located at less than 500 meters

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Would need more specifics, but couplers work on a percentage basis, and only every several seconds (this prevents resource thrashing) whereas a KAS pipe makes it a single vessel, so apples and oranges.  Odds are you need to adjust your battery storage to account for the slack.

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19 hours ago, RoverDude said:

For those not following Twitch... here's our new surface harvester :)  These are pretty massive parts that go with the 10m and 20m 'Atlas' series domes.  The largest surface harvester is just over 10m square (6m square for the smaller one shown below).



Neat, now i won't need to use 4 industrial strip miner drills!



This might sound absurd, but is there a possibillity that you'd be willing to make an even bigger one?

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5 hours ago, BRAAAP_STUTUTU said:

How do i get my kolonilization stat up to 500% ? (so kerbals don't get homesick anymore), my permanent kolony main base has 35 ish kerbals in it and all the modules, i've also got a mining base on the poles for supplying the resources my main base can't mine.

Just have kerbals on the surface in a base, and they will accumulate over time. Different specialisations will accumulate different types of points, see here for who does what (FundsBoost means they accumulate Geology rating, RepBoost means they accumulate Kolonisation rating and ScienceBoost means they accumulate Botany rating) - they will also accumulate rewards of their namesake types for collection from Pioneer modules.

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