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[1.12.3] OMICRON - Flying Space Car - Release


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Walkable and usable interiors, hatch doors, docking ports, seats, all for your Kerbals Delight!
Join the next era in space flying car playmobil like!
Vtol Controls Configuration (On KSP)
Please follow this post link to implement Vtol adjustable angle control with the latest version it's updated to analog controls that are not automatic set in KSP.
Update to KSP 1.12.3
Hello, Everyone. 

So, this is my idea, from child, I dream to fly one of these. A flying car.

The name is OMICRON!  

Is a flying space car with a foot on reality and other in near future.

The engine is in the same principle of a Saber engine, but Vtol too, and will accept stock rocket engines in the back. all parts are modular and you can build on your own. But i put some example crafts with the download.

My attempt is to have the EVA and the IVA all together, i mean, the Kerbals will be visible inside the craft, and all windows/doors will be openable, more likely the stock seat, but inside the craft. 

The configurations you'll be able to do it, reach VTOLSSTO. I'm not creating new engines to put on back, only the Vtol SSTO ones that show in the pics, on the side of the craft.

I hope all can joy this creation and use it in your voyages.

Cheers commanders.


List of things i still need to do (for full release):

  • Finalize cockpit panel extra functions;
  • Plate with 6 rockets and included legs;
  • Ejection system for seats and windows;
  • Parachutes;
  • Wings;
  • Rocket command pod with big windows;


Download links (0.6.6):

https://spacedock.info/mod/2413/Omicron Flying Space Car (primary)

https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/omicron-space-flying-car  (secondary)


Installation Notes:


Omicron Pre Release  0.6.6 - (KSP 1.12.3 - backwards compatible. Work on 1.7.3 too)


Extract this to KSP/GameData/Omicron.


-     Module Mirror plugin (included) from KerbalFoundries, but the forum post is from Lo-Fi, so Thank you Lo-Fi;

-     Module Omicron (included). First code for Omicron, in use on functional Cockpit Panel. (i'm on it, coding and texturing), and some vtol and cockpit panel animations;

-     KSPWheel plugin, thanks to Shadowmage! Used in the landing gears! (no more included, download from KSPWheel;

-     Firespiter Plugin for Vtol to work (please download latest update from Github, https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/releases, only the dll is necessary, Big thank you Snjo;

-     Module Manager, thank you Sarbian for this one;
    (to automatically addon implementations, like config for Remote Tech antenna, TAC life Support, Filter Extensions, etc)

-     Smokescreen for the particle effects of vtol engine. Many thanks for Nazari for the particles and Sarbian for the plugin;

-     B9PartSwitch to have option to switch from fuel types in parts that have fuel option (download from original forum thread), big thank you to Blowfish;

-     A temporary mod that will bring a middle cockpit camera is HullCameraVDS. Just install it to have a middle camera pressing "]" or "[" (this is what I choose on the plugin, you can put your own keys) to cycle between game and cockpit Camera. Big thank you for Linuxgurugamer that are supporting this mod, and the creator of it, Albert VDS;

-    TAC Life Support. Besides it it's not a hard dependency, i large recomment it, so some parts have volume just to accomodate Life Support Resources;

-    KAS and KIS. This one too, is not a hard dependency, but will evolve the use of parts, for example, Omicron have Fuel hatches just to use with KAS connectors.

-    Universal Storage 2. This is not a hard dependency too, but like KAS and KIS, have parts that can be better used, like connector just for US2 Life Support containers (US2 for TAC Life Support).

-    Remote Tech. Will work with remote tech too.

*Some of the example craft files need Universal Storage (US) to open;

*Some particles for the vtol engine are from HotRockets, Nazari1382, So many thanks from that

Any question, please use Omicron Development Forum Thread:

Have Fun.




Change Logs:


Omicron Partial Pre Release - Change Log

0.6.6 - Minor Fixes, updated to 1.12.3, Holes on Wheels when opened, using the included plugin Depthmask.dll

0.6.5 - Particaly functional new part Cockpit Panel. Minor tweeks and fixes in cfg parts, like in Tac Life Support, fix on add on resources now are optional, no more Module Manager error messages if you won't have TacLF, ModuleMirror now are part of ModuleOmicron dll. Display for Altitude and Speed in LCD display now works. Wheels now got motors, taxing motors, not speedy like a car, but will move you around. Pe, Ap, Vert and Horiz Speeds. Some more functions, like Gears, Lights and Brakes. Doing fuel, battery, etc for next update, like extra display functions too (blue display will have extra info like dV, TWR, etc.)

0.6.1 - New part, Back_docking, and more switchable parts, like Back_closed, Back_oepn, Hall_closed, Hall_hatch. They all have options (some need TAC Life Support). Some more tweeks on Vtol and RCS particles. (updated to latest Smokescreen). 

0.6.0 - New part, Griffin to use with Omicron rocket parts. Adjusted some configs, update to 1.9.1 compatibility. New shaders that use stock shaders with some reflexes. Using B9 part switch to switch between Cockpit and Crew variants, Open and Closed (TAC resources)

0.5.2 - Adjusted vertex normal of landing gear as updated inner textures, adjusted vertex normals for vtol engine, adjusted ladder, so kerbals now walk without glitches, custom RCS particles, adjusted normal vertex for intake C, updated Mr. Fusion config, so it works with oxidizer when no TAC LS installed, RGA/Normal map update on tires, fuel tank size2 short and medium as new parts, with decouplers, back ramp part so now you can ramp up small vehicles, other minor tweaks. 06/fev

0.5.1 - Adjusted to NEEDS instead of FOR on ADDONS CFG’s, Docking port crew stand alone, some minor thermal adjusts on refrigerator parts, intake and seat refrigeration, new part egg to size2 adapter/decoupler, now you can connect to the docking nodes on VAB/SPH (only the size1 ones), fixed status for crew when used/not used seats (thanks to Linuxguruguy from Takecommand plugin for this one, cheers commander), removed the remote core code from cockpit, so now you will not be able to control the ship without crew, fished opening animation for crew windows, so it will not invade if there are any vtol engine on side, setting thermal behavior for RCS thrusters, ladder, docking ports, lights, and rcs tank, reaction wheels, Adjusted UVW for right window of crew one and two, adjusted vertex normals for windshields; (19/Jan)

0.4.0 - Micro docking node, to exchange resources between ships, implementing refrigeration on seat parts and intake air cooling, and doing a new part to refrigerate as user wish, cleaned example craft files, for use only stock and preferably Omicron parts, Adjusted module cargo bay for better shield for what’s inside when closed, Sound FX for the movable parts, Tech tree implemented accordingly, add FSinfopopup to cockpit part, so you can see the hotkey configs, minor tweaks; (14/jan)

0.3.2 - Upgrade in dual nose intake (C), Omicron ladder, some fine tuning, extra example crafts and update the ones already exist. (8/jan) 

0.3.0 - Landing Gears! Many thanks to the plugin from Shadowmage, KSPWheel, that make it possible. (included)

0.2.1 - Fine-tuning curves for vtol engine (velcurve, atmcurve) as well as nerf for it’s power. Add a part for energy generation. Minor adjusting in COM for example crafts and parts. Other tweaks. (30/dec); - *Micro update, rebalanced example crafts. Fixed vtol engine emissives. Some of them need KAS/KIS and US parts. Recommend to install this mods.

0.2.0 - *Airbrake black version, Vtol Engines (Firespiter plugin dependent), Updated the example craft files with the new vtol engine and added one, Fuel tanks fix in amount of fuel for H types, added support for switch fuel with B9partswitch (you need to have it installed);

0.1.8 - *Gained direct support for Omicron on last release of Take Command. Moved light parts to electric subgroup. Added new craft example on VAB. (26/dec)

0.1.7 - *Implementation of Filter Extension custom menu for Omicron. You need to have Filter extension installed to this to work. (26/dec)

0.1.6 - *Now was a fix on docking ports orientation. As some pics shown, it’s working correctly now, Seats can now be surface attached too. (25/dec)

0.1.5 - *Fifth update, adjust the example crafts for the new orientation/config of airbrakes, implemented AVC version checker (not include the plugin), implemented config for TAC life support with +- 7 days of resources for cockpit and crew modules, Remote Tech (need Module Manager). Now the folder was changed from ClimberFX to Omicron to suit the contents.

0.1.4 - *Fourth update minor tweaks in configs and a bug fix on airbrake, that was behaving opposite when on/off. Plus one more craft, this time in VAB and with boosters. (24dec)

0.1.3 - *Third update implemented more two types of cockpit windows. (24dec)

0.1.2 - *In this second update made some minor fixes and put 4 example craft files. (23dec)



Source Code:



Dev Thread:

Dev Thread (Portuguese):




Omicron by Climberfx is licensed under a Attribution 4.0 International

If you like this mod, consider doing a donation (just click the PayPal icon below.

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Next update:

- Micro dock node, for exchange of resources between ships;

- Implementing refrigeration on the seats parts, and doing a new part, the refrigeration module (for heat exchange purposes);

- Intakes now have it's own air cooling/compress system, for engine use and reentering heat compensation;

- Cleaning example crafts from other mods other then the needed ones for Omicron, so anyone will be able to open then;

- Adjusting ModuleCargoBay for correct shield for what is inside it, when closed;

- Some minor tweaks/updates;

- Sound FX for movable parts and start using FSanimateGeneric to control animations, fixing the problem on parts with multiple animations and enabling revert animation on the fly;

- Tech Tree implemented;

- Add FSinfoPopup to cockpit;



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  On 1/12/2017 at 4:39 PM, Kerbinidiel said:

the mod is really awesome... but there are some bugs

when i set the action groups with the toggle windows or hatchs some animation not works... or stop animating


That is a limitation of the module animation, from KSP. Happens when we have more then one animation on same part, like crew modules. I will update the mod with an 3rd part mod that solve that, and able for sound fx too, i will probably use Firespiter modules, because i already have used it for engine, and have it already dependent. That module support for multilayer animation and sound effects.


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  On 1/13/2017 at 2:48 AM, Kerbinidiel said:

another thing:

the docking port crew module have an issue with the green ball attachment point... i mean in the vab i connect the docking port crew module to another part... and than i cant connect any other part to it


For now, you will not be able to connect anything to the docking port of crew_two part, only on top and bottom parts, beside the surface attachments. This is because the docking port should be in extended mode to use it. I can change this in the future, but i don't see much purpose. 

Next update will follow with sound fx on some parts and the animation solved for crew parts;


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  On 1/12/2017 at 3:23 AM, Climberfx said:

Next update:

- Micro dock node, for exchange of resources between ships;

- Implementing refrigeration on the seats parts, and doing a new part, the refrigeration module (for heat exchange purposes);

- Intakes now have it's own air cooling/compress system, for engine use and reentering heat compensation;

- Cleaning example crafts from other mods other then the needed ones for Omicron, so anyone will be able to open then;

- Adjusting ModuleCargoBay for correct shield for what is inside it, when closed;

- Some minor tweaks/updates;

- Sound FX for movable parts and start using FSanimateGeneric to control animations, fixing the problem on parts with multiple animations and enabling revert animation on the fly;

- Tech Tree implemented;

- Add FSinfoPopup to cockpit;




Very beautiful! :) 

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  On 1/13/2017 at 2:54 AM, Climberfx said:

For now, you will not be able to connect anything to the docking port of crew_two part, only on top and bottom parts, beside the surface attachments. This is because the docking port should be in extended mode to use it. I can change this in the future, but i don't see much purpose. 

Next update will follow with sound fx on some parts and the animation solved for crew parts;



ii was mean when i connect the crew docking port part to another part... i am not able to connect anything to the bottom of the crew docking port part...

i cant connect one part to the green ball

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You making me confusing. One thing is the crew part, another is the docking port. They are in the same part, the crew two, but are not the same thing.

You can't connect directly in the docking "node", besides when you are on flight. (no in VAB, SPH). But you can connect another part to all crew parts, as i show here.

Green YES, Red NO. And all parts are suppose to connect only one part to each one green ball. 

Screen Shot 2017-01-13 at 4.16.33 PMScreen Shot 2017-01-13 at 4.16.14 PMScreen Shot 2017-01-13 at 4.15.37 PM



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"crew docking part" i mean the module with dhe docking port...

  On 1/13/2017 at 6:23 PM, Climberfx said:


Screen Shot 2017-01-13 at 4.15.37 PM




i not try to connect anything to the docking port... i try to connect a module to a green ball... 

but.. when this module is connected to another module... i cant connect anything to his green ball

i have this problem only with the module with the docking port... the others works fine

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  On 1/13/2017 at 6:40 PM, Kerbinidiel said:

"crew docking part" i mean the module with dhe docking port...

i not try to connect anything to the docking port... i try to connect a module to a green ball... 

but.. when this module is connected to another module... i cant connect anything to his green ball

i have this problem only with the module with the docking port... the others works fine



You see in the vídeo it works normally here...

You try to attach while holding ALT too (force stack only)?

I will release an update late today, so, gone look into that, but can't find at could be.

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i've created a mod wich is compatible and include a patch for your external seat,

please let me know if you agree with it (i will remove your patch if not), if you want to include the patch in your mod instead of mine, also can you notify me if something is changing in the concerned parts?

Thank you.

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  On 1/14/2017 at 2:55 PM, eddiew said:

Lovely looking mod, will follow with interest :) 


Great. Great green emotions i can guarantee.

  On 1/14/2017 at 5:57 PM, Skalou said:


i've created a mod wich is compatible and include a patch for your external seat,

please let me know if you agree with it (i will remove your patch if not), if you want to include the patch in your mod instead of mine, also can you notify me if something is changing in the concerned parts?

Thank you.


Cool commander. You can share for sure.


Released 0.4.0, follow first post download link.

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Setting up a new Omicron (Omicron.Dv) for space use and to be lifted with a rocket booster and have 3000dv to use in space maneuvers and come back.

A passenger recover ship or travel. (6 crew members)


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