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Mun landing

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So, hi! I got a contract about going to the mun. Seemed pretty easy, from what  I did in tutorial, I tried pretty hard, until thought about finishing the tutorial! But every time I can't complete it, because of this phrase: "I suggest you start ASAP!" I don't understand what he means by that, but what do i do, when he says that? Do I wait for the manuever or do something else?

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There are quite a few tutorials, and you're going to have to specify which one, and exactly which step you get to before Gene starts telling you unhelpful things. Then maybe we can explain what he means with his kibitzing.

But if the tutorial seemed easy, then you may just want to skip it and try the real contract. If you have trouble at some point with the real flight, you can always come back and restart the tutorial to try to see what it says to do next. Make sure to make a quicksave when your ship is on the launchpad! If you end up on the Mun without enough fuel to get back, you may just want to undo everything back to the quicksave. Landing on the Mun takes quite a bit of fuel, and running out is very common for people new to the game.

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