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Shrouds going walkabout

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This is a rather vague issue. I've noticed lately that sometimes some of my shrouds become displaced. It appears to happen when I jump back to a ship already in flight. Sometimes it's the flat top-of-the-tank shrouds that are now floating beside their parent tank (displaced laterally to the outside of the tank) and sometimes it's engine shrouds no longer coaxial to the engine (as below.) It doesn't actually seem to affect anything, it just looks weird. I do suspect that Modular Fuel Tanks might be involved but that's more of a hunch than anything else.  Any ideas? Anyone else seeing this happen?



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I'm not sure about what I'll write, but:

A long time ago in Kerbal, you couldn't use a coupler with stack decouplers underneath as only one of decoupler would actually work, the others would only be cosmetic. Now I have no idea if this is still the case today in KSP, but from the look of your picture, it seems only one engine shroud is properly attached. The 2 others, seems off, hence my comment.

An quick but ugly solution: remove the shroud in the VAB.

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@Nathair: I found the same issue with my heavily modded KSP 1.2.2. Had no time to try and isolate what mod could be doing so, also because just exiting flight and going back to the same vessel that showed the detached shroud, showed the shroud back in place (I can't verify without consistent behaviour, can only proceed by trial and error). Never saw the issue with a unmodded KSP install.

Sure enough however, I don't have MFT with that modded install above, so can't think it to be tied to this.

Below a list of what mods I have, if any were as well with your install, would be the first I'd check: AmpYear, E.V.E., Asteroid Day, Aviation Lights, BetterBurnTime, Chatterer, ConnectedLivingSpace, CorrectCoL, DPAI, EngineIgnitor, FASALaunchClamps, Final Frontier, G-Effects, Gravity Turn, IR, KAC, KAS, KIS, KER, Kerbalism, Kerbulator, Kostruction, SDHI, KSPARP, MandatoryRCS, MJ, MKS, NDAI, NavUtilities, PartOverhauls, PilotAssistant, PreciseNode, RPM, RCSBuildAid, RealChute, RemoteTech, SCANSat, Ship Manifest, Sounding Rockets, TAC FB, TokamakRefurbishedParts, Trajectories, TransferWindowPlanner, KSPTOTConnect.

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  On 1/22/2017 at 3:15 PM, diomedea said:

Below a list of what mods I have, if any were as well with your install, would be the first I'd check: AmpYear, E.V.E., Asteroid Day, Aviation Lights, BetterBurnTime, Chatterer, ConnectedLivingSpace, CorrectCoL, DPAI, EngineIgnitor, FASALaunchClamps, Final Frontier, G-Effects, Gravity Turn, IR, KAC, KAS, KIS, KER, Kerbalism, Kerbulator, Kostruction, SDHI, KSPARP, MandatoryRCS, MJ, MKS, NDAI, NavUtilities, PartOverhauls, PilotAssistant, PreciseNode, RPM, RCSBuildAid, RealChute, RemoteTech, SCANSat, Ship Manifest, Sounding Rockets, TAC FB, TokamakRefurbishedParts, Trajectories, TransferWindowPlanner, KSPTOTConnect.


My mod matches to your setup are: AmpYear, Asteroid Day, Chatterer, Final Frontier, KAS, KIS, KER, PreciseNode, RCSBuildAid, RealChute, RemoteTech, SCANSat and TransferWindowPlanner.

If nothing else, that should help the process of elimination should I come up with some way to get it to predictably happen. Thanks.

  On 1/22/2017 at 1:07 PM, Benoit Hage said:

A long time ago in Kerbal, you couldn't use a coupler with stack decouplers underneath as only one of decoupler would actually work, the others would only be cosmetic. Now I have no idea if this is still the case today in KSP, but from the look of your picture, it seems only one engine shroud is properly attached. The 2 others, seems off, hence my comment.


Hmm, then perhaps the engine shroud issue and the tank shroud issue are two separate issue...

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The shroud displacement happens without mods as well. Not quite sure what causes this. It often happens after timewarping, and its pretty new, never seen it before 1.2... 

I´ve never had any problems with this, but just in case, quicksave and quickload should fix the displacement

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