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The New Kraken REALLY hates trains...

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Ok, so I make trains in KSP. Don't ask.

Ok, quick train vocabulary lesson so you understand: A locomotive is what pulls a train, a train car is what carries the loads and is what is pulled by locomotives.

The thing is the Kraken loves to mess with them. One of my trains are constantly vibrating, even though it has never before (in this update!)...

(pic of train)


The situation is even worse for this train, which wiggles very violently until the third car disintegrates, which limits this SUPPOSED to be high power train to only two cars!


(Also it leaves the second car in that position...)

I've done testing with far more cars than these numbers before but now they refuse to work! I based all the rest of the train cars on the ones shown here, and they've given me LESS problems! Though I may have to check them to see if they have this problem now...

Theres also a problem thats been here before this one, which is when I leave a train car alone (though sometimes it carries from one to many), it constantly wiggles left and right, until I bring in a locomotive to tame it...

Then theres the fact that these issues are so ANNOYINGLY INCONSISTENT! Just now I was testing the same train (from the top) with one more car. I then un-couple the last car which is only a SLIGHT variation on the rest, and back come the problems! 


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how are the passenger cars connected mate? do they have separate cockpits or SAS moduals by any chance? ive had trains vibrate like that and rip themselves apart from confused SAS, I turn it all off including torque now..

for my trains, there all based off the Infernal Robotics docking washer so they have a steering front wheelset on each wagon like a land train or multi wagon truck..


the traditional sliding style coupled via tank ends using force to steer from the locomotive doesn't work as much now as wheels bounce and skid, very unstable. but having a steering drawbar has enabled things like the jet trains to hit high speeds.. think of HO gauge model train couplers being attached to the bogeys. same thing :)

Downside to this is for stability ive gone with permanently coupled trains now mate.. no shunting these days but.. modern train operations don't shunt anyway and neither did land trains of the cold war.. so its realistic enough. I guess we could use KAS/KIS to unweld something and use the fuel pipe but that resets the root part and with it the IVA kraken comes about

wheels are a bit picky too.. I'm still avoiding the rugged wheels and use a modified painted version of the M1s aliasing the model.. I could send them over if you like? these are a tad thirsty though ment for diesels or RTG generation rigs

any chance of a video? Id love more detail about what the trains doing wrong


btw rover wheelsound makes everything better if you haven't got it back already :) just tone down the skid sounds a bit


Not sure you seen this but heres 705 taking on a mountain. nothing special here except all documented above.. train ties itself in knots when I lose traction but fast forward to a few other advanced bits. the trains generally stable with drawbar steering.. downside is they are more flexable than what we are previously used too (good and bad thing)

All and every wheel is powered though.. like a land train was when they were a real thing.. I gave up on the locomotive only drive a while ago :)


Or at speed :) this one uses aero though to keep the back wagon down.. I don't think the more traditional trains you build would benefit from it.. I do miss my slower more traditional trains though.. the kraken forced me to change :(


Edited by Overland
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5 hours ago, Overland said:

how are the passenger cars connected mate? do they have separate cockpits or SAS moduals by any chance? ive had trains vibrate like that and rip themselves apart from confused SAS, I turn it all off including torque now..


Each car has a little Probodyne Octo2, for basic control i case couplers don't line up, I'll try disabling the SAS on them. No SAS modules on each car besides the one in the probe core. Oh and they're coupled with the smallest docking ports in-game.


5 hours ago, Overland said:

the traditional sliding style coupled via tank ends using force to steer from the locomotive doesn't work as much now as wheels bounce and skid, very unstable. but having a steering drawbar has enabled things like the jet trains to hit high speeds.. think of HO gauge model train couplers being attached to the bogeys. same thing :)


Well technically they are on the "bogey". Just bogies that don't spin, more like a chassis...

As with the permanently connected cars... I don't think I can do that as they're too hard to launch on rockets. :P

I'll get video up later. Just imagine a train wagging its tail until it comes off. :P 

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KSP physics and collosion boxes are odd on one craft that's interconnected, in that you can actually get a 4 car train to fold. into itself to be the size of 1 car :)

or a long train tie loops in itself.. that said though it'd be a bit hard to do in the field yeah possibly

Ive been thinking though, do you want to send me the craft file? ive been wondering about it all day. or put it on dropbox somewhere, send me a Instant Message via the forum. I promise I wont upload your train anywhere, we build vastly different machines my friend so I'm just interested to see your train be de-krakened :)


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