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black magic conundrum


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hello all!

so i have had a perculiar situation at a school party not too long ago.

it was rather creepy honestly, it was at our second building because long story short we had more students then tables. so i only knew about half who where there.

first there were 2 dopplegangers of that incredibly anoying person that every school has. so 3 in total.

second jason from that horrormovie was the dj.

and third... well i only ever saw half of guests until that point.

but the fourth thing that scared me also confuses me

so here is what happened: i entered the building with a total of 4 euro's worth in coins.

i paid 2 euro entry fee. so i had 2 euro's left

i got 2 plastic cards for 1 drink each

later that night i went to exhange one of my plastic cards for a drink.

howerver, the cards were gone, the coins were gone

all i found, was a 5 euro bill. (money made of paper)

note that this all happened in one pocket with a zipper.

how did this happen?

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23 hours ago, ZentroCatson said:

A thief.

As he got 5 euro instead of 4, this was not just a thief. That was a local Robin Hood.

On 28.01.2017 at 7:36 PM, jevry said:

there were 2 dopplegangers of that incredibly anoying person that every school has

Were they drunken equally? That's the way to distinguish a doppleganger from the original: they can't match their temp exactly.

On 28.01.2017 at 7:36 PM, jevry said:

that this all happened in one pocket with a zipper.

this all happened in one pocket with a zipper opened pocket

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well a pick pocketer is unlikely as it is a school party, ages range from 14 to 16. with a few teachers wich i don't expect are thiefs. the zipper was indeed closed. and ages vary from 14 to 16. no alcohol was even served. lol no but the dopplegangers were the same in how they lloked, the original is obsessed with dinosaurs and star wars, and constantly appeatrs out of nowhere with some opened dino book and says to you: look a certain type of dinosaur. the second appearently thought he was a dinosaur i heard, and the third switches the dinosaurs and star wars out for robocraft and **** jokes.

i solved the mystery though.

let's just say it turned out i had more pockets then i thought...

well at least i found 5 euro's

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