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Civil War (A KSP War novel) The End


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WELCOME!!! So this is the.... uh..... I think... 4t- no 5th story that I've written for the forum so far. In this story, the Peoples Republic of the National States (PRNS) have declared their independence from the National States of Kerbin. Now, Gene has been enlisted to the Air Force, and has to fight for his country, and attempt to end this rebellion. This is...



Written by: DarkOwl57



Intro: Gene's Story

Part 1

Chapter 1: The End of the World

Chapter 2: A Legends Beginning

Chapter 3: First Flight

Chapter 4: First Fight

Chapter 5: Breakthrough

Chapter 6: The Battle

Chapter 7: Promotion

Chapter 8: Wernher's (2nd) Invention

Chapter 9 (Finale of Part 1): The Unknown

Part 2

Intermission and Chapter 10: Cheating Death

Chapter 11: Stop that Thief!

Chapter 12: The 100th Eclipse

Chapter 13: To the Sea (Some issues with the forums means the font's messed up; Hopefully this'll get fixed soon)

Chapter 14: Battle of the East Isles (This is getting really annoying :/)

Chapter 15: The Split (Ah fughetaboutit; I've just learned to accept it at this point)

Chapter 16: On the Defense

Chapter 17: The Mission

Chapter 18 (Part 2 Finale): Shot Down

Part 3

Chapter 19: The Remains of Blackheart

Chapter 20: The Mistake

Chapter 21 and 22 (I messed up): The Rocket/Heating Up

Chapter 23, Epilogue, and Epilogue II: The End


More to come!


For everyone who reads, likes, and encourages me in my typing,

Thank you.

-Your author

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So... The first chapter... I'm sorry I don't have any pictures; There's a lot of reasons. 1) This isn't really a Chapter that *needs* pictures; It's more of a backstory/introduction thing. 2) If it was a picture-needy chapter, I wouldn't really have the ability to do it; For some reason, KerbinSide doesn't work with 1.2, and because Airplane Plus doesn't work with 1.1.3, I'm in a bind. 3) I'm super busy right now; I write 90% of this stuff as I'm in school, so I can't just play it as I'm writing it. All problems aside, enjoy this first Chapter... OH! And Intro; duh!


Civil War

A KSP Novel

By DarkOwl57











































Genes Story


    After Valentina finished reading the letter, the entire room sat in silence. Gene walked in, and said “That was amazing. Now, not to seem rude, but I need to talk to you all about something very important.” The entire room turned to him, and Gene cleared his throat. “As you know, I was able to negotiate a deal with HQ that kept you guys with a job. Now, with that term nearing its end, I have to inform you that you might want to start searching for another career. The KSC will offer to give you training options, but-“ Gene explained before Bill interrupted.

    “Wow. I can’t believe that I’m going to have to quit. Seems like there’s nothing for me to do! Ever since I joined, all I ever thought about was being an engineer…”

    “Same,” Bill nodded. “Science was just my thing as a kid. Gonna feel really weird when I go back to the outside world.” Val smiled and joined in the conversation. “Say, Gene. What really got you interested back when you joined?” Bill and Bob smiled and turned towards him.

    “Yes Gene, what’s your history?” They said, grinning from ear to ear. “Oh well it’s a long story,” Gene waved them off, before the two started chanting “Sto-ry! Sto-ry! Sto-ry!”

    “Oh lay off him, guys,” Val said sternly at the two. “If he doesn’t want to tell us, he doesn’t have to.” Gene looked at her. “Thank you!”

    “Probably a boring story anyways,” She took a sip out of her cup and sat back to watch the fireworks. “Oh, boring, is it? Well, I’ll tell you right now, it’s not. In fact, I’m going to tell it to you all right now, and you all are going to listen!”

    Bill and Bob put their chins in their hands, mockingly looking like little kids about to hear a bedtime story. Gene sat down at the table, and began to tell his story. “Let’s see… It was about 50 or so years ago, now…” And the story began from there…

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10 hours ago, The solid fuel chemist said:

Darkowls's back... back again...:sticktongue:

Your building quite the library of stories there. 

Why thank you :) I've got at the very least, 2 stories that have to get done by the end of the school year (or May 15th)* and so I'm gonna need to throw everything I've got at this.

Speaking of plans, I've got some BIG news. Due to a problem with some mods I'm using, I have decided that I'm scrapping the WW2 idea. This war is going to be in the Real life Korea/Vietnam time-frame instead of WW2. Hope this doesn't cause TOO many problems.



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CHAPTER 1!!!!!!! Woho- Wait a second...... Aww dangit I said that Last chapter was #1..... Well dern... Oh well; Enjoy!


P.S. Let me know how you enjoy the new fonts; I decided, since it's basically a new era, might as well go a little old-school and use some old looking fonts.


Chapter 1

The End of the World


Time: 5:00 PM, 50 Years ago

Location: South Bahmuto City, National States of Kerbin


    Gene walked into his house, and set down his school books on the table, before sitting down. It had just been a long day, and he was ready to just sit down and rest. “Mom! I’m home!” He called out before grabbing some papers from his bag.

    “How was school?” She asked from the kitchen, as she was making dinner. “Oh, same old, same old.” Gene waved as he began working. “Oh, somebody came to see you today. Said he came from the ‘National Air force Training’ something or another.” Gene bolted up. “What did he say?”

    “Oh, just ‘Is Gene home? I want to talk to him about his future as a pilot,’ and I just told him ‘There’s no pilot in this house,’ and told him off.” Gene groaned, “Moooooommmmm! You know I want to become a pilot!”

    Ever since he had been to an airshow just before the War broke out, Gene was fixated on one goal, and one goal only; Become a pilot for the National States. The joy of being up in the sky, twisting and twirling with the drone of the propellers filling his ears.

    “As I’ve told you a hundred times,” Mom started, before Gene finished. “‘It’s too dangerous,’ I know! But I get to do crazy things never even thought of before! This is just my way of fighting in the war!”

    “Well, I personally think it’s too worrying. All that flying, exploding,” She started, before a loud siren rang out. “Air raid!” Gene shouted, scrambling up. “Let me get my things!” Mom yelped as she rushed up the steps to her bedroom. “HURRY!” Gene rushed down to the basement and waited for Mom to get down.

    Just as Gene was about to go up, he heard a far off explosion. The bombs had begun to fall. “MOM!” Gene hurried down to the bottom of the basement in an attempt to shelter himself. The bombs were falling faster. And the bombs were getting closer…

    “I’m com-“ Mom began, before a bomb ripped through the house, and Gene was thrown against the wall, getting knocked out in the process…



    Gene awoke some time later, with his ears still ringing. He heard people calling out, saying “Over here!” or “We got some more!” and there was always the occasional “Help me move this, will you?”

    Gene mustered up all the strength he had left, and horsely called for help. The entire basement was dark, but after some scraping, there was a shaft of light. “Hey there, son. Stay right there,” One official said as he edged down the mangled steps.

    He looked like he had just come out of school, and wore a light brown uniform with the National States flag on it. There was a small red cross on his breast pocket, and a large one on his back.

    “What happened?” Gene whispered as the official reached him. “Surprise raid. It’s a miracle you even survived; Your house’s pretty much gone.”

    “Where’s my mom?” Gene asked as they came up out of the basement. The once beautiful street had been turned into a picture straight out of a horror story.

    The smooth brick road had been demolished, with holes larger than vehicles running through them. Emergency officials rushed around, trying to find survivors, while others walked around, stunned about what had happened.

    “She- She’s gone.” The official that held Gene said. Gene couldn’t hear anything after that. Everything turned fuzzy, and time seemed to stop. But as Gene finally succumbed to sleep, he made a vow.

    A vow of revenge…

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Here's the second chapter. Writing's a little bit bad; I'm EXHAUSTED and I just can't quite get the words onto the paper screen as well as I would like... Plus, I've got a TON of plans for future chapters, and they're sorta clogging my mind; once I clear them via writing, I should be able to get better quality. But anyways, enough with my rant; Enjoy Chapter 2!


Chapter 2

A Legends Beginning


Time: 12:00 pm, 10 Years later

Location: Bahmuto City High, NSK


    As the bell rang for lunch, Gene hurried out of the classroom. The regular stampede to get to lunch was not something most people enjoy getting involved in.

    Just as he was about to get into the lunch room, one of the sokker players stopped him. “Hey, Gene, you might want to avoid the lunchroom for a little while.” Scott, one of the best players on the schools team, as well as Gene’s best friend, said as the rest of the class streamed in.

    “Oh, what now?” Gene sighed. “Listen, for the hundredth time, I’m not going to give in to-“ Scott cut him off. Gene was really surprised. Even though he was 18 (and older than most people in his grade), he was easily a big target for the local bullies. “Nothing like that. There’s a… Surprise waiting for you in there.”

    “Oohh really?” Gene tried to look in the window, but Scott turned his head away before he could look in the window. “Ah ah ah! No peeking.” Scott smiled. He was almost like a little brother to Gene, having cared for him since the bombing over 10 years ago.

    One of the other players came out of the Cafeteria, and whispered in Scotts ear. Scott smiled, and said “This way, Gene.”

    As Gene opened the door, there was a roar of clapping and cheering, and even the school band started playing the Fight Song. The teachers were all lined up and smiling, even the teachers he didn’t know were joining the celebration. But Genes attention was immediately turned to the massive poster that hung over the entire length of the cafeteria that read



    Gene stopped and looked around, seeing everyone cheering for him, grinning as a person in a military uniform came up.

    Finally, he thought as he shook the soldiers hand. He had been trying to enlist into the air force for almost a whole year now, and apparently now was the time.

    The solder stepped up to a makeshift podium and the entire room went silent. After a brief speech, the band played some songs, Gene talked with some friends, and then he was put in the back of one of those military Jeep things.

    Just before he was taken away, though, Scott managed to talk to him. “Hey, listen. Make sure you let me know what goes on. War can get pretty dangerous sometimes.” Gene laughed. “Will do, man. Tell you what, I’ll write to you and tell you where I’ll be in every battle so you guys can watch; deal?” Scott returned a big smile, shook Genes extended hand, and replied “Deal. Now go get some rebels for me.”




Time: 5:00 am, 3 Months later

Location: Black Krags Military Base, NSK


    “GAH!” Gene exclaimed as the wake-up call sounded. He flopped out of bed with a thud, and groaned as he got up. Today was supposed to be the last day of training. The recruits would get their assignments as to what form of flying they would do, and of course, where they would be stationed.

    “Rise and shine recruits!” Their drill sergeant called out. The entire group groaned and walked out the door to breakfast. Gene walked out in front of everyone, and led them to the Canteen.

    “You gonna miss this place?” A voice asked from behind Gene. “Nah, not really. I like this place and all, but gosh, it’s boring.” Gene smiled as he remembered these last few months. He had already proven himself the best; beating the most promising recruits in both the written tests, as well as the flight tests.

    As they sat down to eat, Col. Alfred von Kerman, their commanding officer, stood up. “Good morning. It is my great pleasure to announce your assignments to you all today. As you know, we have watched you all over the past 3 months, and we hope that these assignments reflect your performance.”

    The colonel pulled out a piece of paper, and began reading. The majority of people were assigned to the Standard Fighters, some to Bombers, a fair few went to Attackers, and the other majority went to Aircraft Carriers. When the time came for Gene to be called, he closed his eyes and whispered “Not bombers, not bombers.” The colonel’s eyes shot out as he looked at the paper, and he even asked another recruit to read the paper for him for a confirmation. This is not good….. Gene thought as the nerves almost mad him sick.

    “Gene Kerman. Your assignment is… Elite Fighter Squadron 1 and you’ll be stationed at the new KAFB!!!” The colonel shouted, making the entire room reel back in shock. The EFS1 was filled with the greatest pilots ever to fly a military plane. And the KAFB was the newest air force base that was under construction. It was filled with top-of-the-line facilities, and there was talk of it being able to launch rockets into space.

    The colonel continued reading off from the list, and said “Well, I hope you all are happy with your selection- I know at least one person is. Make sure to enjoy your meal, and as soon as you’re done, there are transport planes ready to take you out to your assigned destination.” As the colonel sat down, there was an explosion of noise as people began to talk about Gene’s assignment.

    “Did you hear that?!”

    “Gene?! How did he get into the EFS?”
    “The KAFB… I’d love to go there…”

    “I can’t believe that it happened to him. Why not me?!”

    Gene smiled as he heard the questions. As people began to move to his table to ask questions, his bunk-mates shielded them away. “Sorry, no interviews here today,” They laughed as people tried to get to Gene. Today was going to be fun.




Time: 6:10 am

Location: Black Krags Military Base, NSK


    As the sun began to rise over the hills, the recruits began to get aboard their transport planes and into the great unknown. There were heartfelt goodbyes, deals made, and the ceremonious trading of money on long-unpaid bets. Gene sat in a nice small chair on the edge of the runway and waved at the planes as they zoomed past. He occasionally got a wave returned by a passenger before they were whisked out of sight.

    “Gene!” A lieutenant hurried up with a piece of paper. “Telegram for you sir!” Gene jumped up, and took the envelope. Just as Gene managed to get the cover open, the colonel came up to him. “Time to go, son.” He said. Gene folded up the paper, and followed the colonel to a small jet. “So this is it then?” Gene asked. “Yup. Built mainly for the high-ranking generals who want a cozy flight to and from, but we managed to get one just for you.”

    “Hey, Gene!” One of the recruits ran up to him, and shook Genes hand. “Oh hey Jonfred,” Gene smiled as Jonfred saluted. Just as Gene was about to ask what was going on, a whole group of recruits came up and did the same.

    “Make sure to get some rebs for me, okay?” Another recruit asked from the group. All of a sudden, the air was filled with requests like “Send me a postcard! Make sure to shoot down some bad guys! Good luck!” and so on.

    Gene laughed as he stepped onto the small plane. “Goodbye all!” He waved before the door closed. And as he sat down, the plane began to move into the great unknown.

On 2/4/2017 at 5:04 PM, Orion Kerman said:

I feel sorry for you gene.

Yeah; I decided that since some IRL people don't have the best story, I decided for Gene to have some reason for fighting.


On 2/4/2017 at 5:04 PM, Orion Kerman said:

 Like the idea can't wait for more!


On 2/4/2017 at 5:04 PM, Orion Kerman said:

By the way I'm not sure about the font, I prefer a relaxed smooth font. like comic sans on word. But you cant get that.

Well I do have comic sans... Actually... let me check. Okay, so I do have comic sans; it's just on the forums and not on Apple Pages. I may use the CS for a written letter or something later in the story though!

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Oh, also... I'm sorry to say this, but I'm going to have to put the screenshots on hold. I'm just SUPER busy at the moment, and I can't really do much at home. HOWEVER, I may do a supplement thing. See, I'm planning for different parts (Part 1, part 2, etc.). MAYBE I could upload a massive imgur album that has ALL the pictures that I make, and then I could upload them at the end of the parts. There won't be any images in the chapters, but for now this is all I can think of. I don't want to make the story come to a grinding halt just because of some pictures, so I HOPE that this is a good alternative.


Please don't kill me...

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I can understand how busy you are and tired. Also I'm similar with stories, I can imagine what happens so well but I just can't write it on the computer/paper as good as I like.

I might make a kerbal story, but what should it be..

Maybe an old old old Kerbal space program, Kerbal politics!!! Or maybe secret Kerbal agency or maybe and old style war like the 1066 battles. Or ww1 or a mix of all. What do you think???

I really like genes back story!

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Just now, Orion Kerman said:


I can understand how busy you are and tired. Also I'm similar with stories, I can imagine what happens so well but I just can't write it on the computer/paper as good as I like.

I might make a kerbal story, but what should it be..

Maybe an old old old Kerbal space program, Kerbal politics!!! Or maybe secret Kerbal agency or maybe and old style war like the 1066 battles. Or ww1 or a mix of all. What do you think???

I really like genes back story!

Thanks :) I'm planning a little interlude where we go back to present time after chapter 9/10 (The end of Part 1), so we can get a nice status report on the present day kerbals. Oh, and also, be prepared for a little twist along the way :wink: not going to say much more than that because I'll spoil it

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Can't wait!!!! Sound great!!  made a mini poem! A rap poem really.

I can't wait... For this great


Because of this

Don't dis       (What some people use as slang for dislike)

This book

Take a look

Have a read.

Do a deed

It's a book

Take a look

Its fab

Do a dab.    (Search online)

Have a laugh.



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1 minute ago, Orion Kerman said:

Can't wait!!!! Sound great!!  made a mini poem! A rap poem really.

I can't wait... For this great


Because of this

Don't dis       (What some people use as slang for dislike)

This book

Take a look

Have a read.

Do a deed

It's a book

Take a look

Its fab

Do a dab.    (Search online)

Have a laugh.



That's amazing! Out of curiosity, what's the background music? 

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Errr I don't know I will have to think. I was just rapping in my head.

The rythym was a second in between each line until after "because of this"

We're I said it as one sentence but with a second beat like click click click click. But keeping in beat of the clicks. I don't know at all. I think you should choose


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Just now, Orion Kerman said:

Errr I don't know I will have to think. I was just rapping in my head.

The rythym was a second in between each line until after "because of this"

We're I said it as one sentence but with a second beat like click click click click. But keeping in beat of the clicks. I don't know at all. I think you should choose


hahaha well I don't rap.... At all...... hmmmmmmm..... Eh, oh well.

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Well I don't really either, I play the tenor recorder and I like flow tunes that are calm or rock. Depends on my mood.



For the stories you can make news with http://breakyourownnews.com so get a picture of a Kerbal put a headline on and a scroll text and put it on forums and you've got a Kerbal news. There is the problem of the website in the top right corner which copyright and politics and stuff. 


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I have an idea. Since you are looking for designs for planes I have a recommendation,

For ground attack

firstly change the structural panels heat strength x10 or x100 and instead of using too effective bombs use hydra turnable turrets and add yaw and pitch range. I use it if I want to be more realistic. 

Btw the structural panel change is to add on the tanks or bunker as armour. I actually turned it up by 1000 or 10000 for the bigger panel.

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16 hours ago, Emperor of the Titan Squid said:

What about Gene's father? How are the ESF pilots going to treat a rookie pilot?

Gene's father went serving into the NS army and never came back. Didn't put that in the story but I just sorta thought that part up in my head.

As for the ESF, they're a bunch of really loose-knit, cool guys. Basically like the 4077th from MASH. Funny and informal, but serious when it counts.

17 hours ago, Orion Kerman said:

For the stories you can make news with http://breakyourownnews.com so get a picture of a Kerbal put a headline on and a scroll text and put it on forums and you've got a Kerbal news. There is the problem of the website in the top right corner which copyright and politics and stuff. 


hahahahaha that's awesome!

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